Oh golden discs

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Tomorrow turns into three days. Miss Muffles knows she should go back to her owner. She knows Jeon Sora doesn't care if she's there or not, but granny must be concerned with her absence. She's stayed in her cat form all this time as well, which must be suspicious to the other hybrids who freely transform whenever they seem fit. They don't ask "Chan" about transforming, but they nagged at her when she refused her hot drink for the third time, not being able to pick up the mug in her current state.
Other than that they don't seem to mind her being a cat all the time.
She learns the names of the hybrids and their owner. They're all a bunch of wack, but funny people. Apparently the not so scary dog hybrid called Changbin, works at a gym a few times a week. He leaves at different times, but seems to get home before dinner everyday. That's why he's so buff. He enjoys working out and is fortunate enough to have a job as a hybrid. He seems to wear his collar with pride when he leaves the home. Something Miss Muffles envies him for.
The slender boy with slim eyes -the reptile hybrid- also has some kind of job. He left the house the second day together with Changbin. He was stuffing a lot of books about reptiles and amphibians in his bag and his owner asked him to say hi to some Doctor Zeeps?
The other hybrids stay at home. Only the Jackdaw is allowed to go outside without a collar. Maybe because he doesn't look like a domestic hybrid? The boy likes to fly around outside, but seems to be clumsy with finding his way back. More like, he knows which balcony to land on, but he doesn't seem to be able to know when the glass sliding door is open or not. He's clumsy in general. She believes his name is Jeongin, although they call him I.N. from time to time. It doesn't matter how careful he is, with every meal he manages to drop something. The budgerigar and cat hybrids have the roles of caretakers and cleaners whenever the young Jackdaw fucks up, handing him napkins as soon as they see something go wrong.
'Stay out of the kitchen,' Seungmin warns him. The budgerigar points a long spoon at him and Jeongin folds his arms under his head whilst leaning on the kitchen table. The owner, Felix, and Seungmin are planning on making pancakes. Something Miss Muffles is looking forward to. One last meal, she promised herself.
She wants to taste the pancakes. She had those once, three years ago. Her previous owner, Jolanda, made them for herself and Jeon Sora. She made a big stack of golden disks which she topped with whipping cream and fresh fruits. Jeon decided that after one bite he had enough and left the house to get some "decent food". Jolanda locked herself in their bedroom and cried herself to sleep. Miss Muffles had the courage to transform into her human form that night, curious what would be so gross about the golden disks. She sneaked a few bites before the nerves of getting discovered got too much. Those few bites were a godsend. Fluffy, sweet and unbelievably delicious.
Seeing how these people are planning on making the gods treat makes her greedy. Just a last meal. She wants to experience the taste again.
Curious to what the owner and Seungmin are doing, she walks towards the kitchen to sit by the sliding doors. Her tail wags from left to right as she observes them pouring flour and milk in a big bowl. Not aware of the hamster sneaking up on her. With a loud mewl she shoots forward when she feels someone biting her tail. The hamster boy, in his fluffy form, grabs for dear life on the hairs of her tail and giggles when his plan succeeds in scaring his friend. Miss Muffles runs in between the legs of Felix and Seungmin who try to step away from them, resulting in Felix falling and taking the bowl with mixture with him. A loud bang, a cloud of flour and coughing sounds fill up the kitchen and Seungmin hurries to open the balcony door to waft the cloud out.
'Are you alright?!' Seungmin coughs at Felix who looks around him all disoriented.
'Why am I even surprised,' he mumbles, seeing the mess Miss Muffles and Han have created.
Miss Muffles hears the other cat - his name is Minho - walk in and laugh out loud. Jeongin follows and gasps as he sees the disaster. 'The pancakes!' he whines.
'That's the least of our concerns,' Felix winces when he pulls himself up. 'You stupid rodent. Why did you think it was a good idea to scare Chan? Look at him!'
Miss Muffin is shaking behind his legs, covered in flour and milk, almost unrecognizable. Han gets picked up by his neck by Seungmin who squints his eyes at the innocent looking hamster and threatens him with; 'I'd feed you to Hyunjin if he was home.'
The hamster dangles between his fingers and folds his little paws cutely in front of him. 'Insufferable rat,' Seungmin teases him as he places him on the counter.
'Chan, go to the bathroom. You need to wash off,' Minho says to Miss Muffles who's still in panic mode. Her eyes prick from the flour and everything is sticky. Still, she doesn't comprehend Minho's words.
'Let me handle him,' Felix says while he picks her up. He's careful and soft with her and walks towards the end of the hallway.
Wait. Wait! A bath?! Miss Muffles panics for a second time when she sees the bathroom door getting closer. A bath is a punishment! She remembers all the times Jeon nearly drowned her in the sink. A bath is what she gets when she misbehaves or when he needs to relieve stress. Is that what Felix means with a bath? She squirms in his arms, but Felix holds her close.
'Calm down, Chan.'
He opens the bathroom door and places her in a big, white tub. She retreats herself in the corner as far as it can be called that and stares with fear filled eyes up to the owner who lifts one eyebrow at her. 'Your not gonna change?' he asks.
She sits there and awaits her punishment. Felix sighs and locks the door behind him. 'Alright, You can stay like this, but I'll help you. So don't try to claw my eyes out like last time.'
He pulls up his sleeves and takes the showerhead in his hand. Miss Muffles tries to retract herself even further away to no avail. She closes her eyes and holds her breath and waits for the cold waterjet to hit her. Instead she's met with warm water and a soft hand brushing off the dirt of her pelt.
'Good kitten,' Felix coos. 'Keep your eyes closed, will yah? I need to clean your face.'
He softly pours warm water over her face and with his thumb he wipes the prickly dust from around her eyes. She feels how her pelt gets heavy from the water and reaches her skin. This is nothing like her previous bathing experiences. This- This is quite nice.
'Oh djeez. Chan, when was the last time you showered! Look at the dirt!' Felix reprimands the hybrid when the water turns brown under the cat's feet.
She looks down and blinks. Was she this filthy? She searches in her memory for the last time she got to wash herself properly as a human. Too long ago. She tries to keep up in her cat form with grooming, but having access to decent soap is not something she's able to do.
'Should we use Minho's peach wash? Or my shampoo?' Felix asks her.
He picks up a blue bottle and squeezes a good amount out of it. He lathers her up and repeats the process twice, until the water runs clean. After that he picks her up in a towel and helps her dry off. He even uses a loud, noisy device she's seen at Jolanda's house in the past. It blows air and makes her pelt dry and shiny. This is a whole new experience for her and although her anxiety got the best of her for most of it, she enjoys it.
'I won't do this every time for you,' the owner nags at her, but his lips are pulled up in a smile and she knows he secretly likes to dotes on his animals.
He unlocks the bathroom and holds the door open for her. 'My king,' he chuckles while she walks past him with her clean, florally scenting fur. She looks up to him and gives the smallest mewl to thank him. Felix coos at her. 'Let's see how far Han has gotten with cleaning up the mess. I want to continue cooking.'
Pancakes, here they come!

After the best meal of her life, she decides it's time to go back home for real. She waits until everyone is asleep and tiptoes to the hallway. The door handle is too high for her to reach, so she has to take the risk to transform. She swiftly stretches herself out and immediately looks over her shoulder in the hope she didn't wake anyone up. She opens the door and transforms back to run out of the house into the lobby. Now there's the next problem. Her apartment door is closed. She could risk to transform again and try to see if the front door is locked, but there is a chance someone will see her and to be honest, she knows people don't appreciate seeing naked hybrids trying to break in. There's only one hope now. Jeon Sora. If the fool has been out like usual, he should come home in a few hours. Probably intoxicated or too tired to notice her sneaking in with him. She could use the spare key under the flower pot beside the door, but the rattling of the key would wake up granny for sure. She has to wait and hope her owner will return early tonight.
That's when the door handle of her apartment door moves. Hasn't Jeon gone out yet? She hides in the shadows of the lobby and watches how an unknown head peaks around the corner. He scans the lobby and tiptoes out of her apartment. He's practically naked, apart from a pair of bloomers she strangely recognizes as those of granny . Miss Muffles stares in shock at how the man hurries over to the neighbors apartment and frowns when he sees the open door. He shakes his head and without looking back he slips in and closes the door. Ah, so that was "chan", she thinks. Wait. What did he do in her house?

Hybrid Discovery [SKZ fanfiction]| Lee Felix and Bang ChanWhere stories live. Discover now