When the doors open

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'We're off shopping!' Felix yells at the others.
Him, Han, Minho and Seungmin leave the house to go out into the city to get dinner and buy the groceries for the week. Han has been tucked into Minho's front pocket when the hamster hybrid threw a tantrum to let them take him with them. Changbin is working till six and told them he wanted to have Chinese food for dinner. Felix gave in after the others begged him for take-out and now they have to take the bus to go to the other part of the city to get the requested dinner.
Mimu is chilling with the hybrids left at home and waves them goodbye. She knows her owner won't be back until late as he left in the afternoon mumbling something about meeting up with someone for dinner. He left her with dry food which she dumped out after he left.
She had been rushing over to her neighbors home as soon as her owner left the house these past few days.
'I win!' Hyunjin triumphs when he places the last card on the deck.
Jeongin sighs and shows him his cards. 'There wasn't even a chance,' he whines. 'Chan, you gave me faulty cards!'
The black cat hybrid lifts his head and scoffs at the younger.
Mimu flicks his cat's head. 'Play...Nice,' she reprimands him.
Chan was grumpy all day. He slept badly and the others were too loud for his liking. There were still days his anxiety spiked up and today was a day like that. Mimu had picked him up when she came over and placed him on her lap to pat him. Although he wanted nothing more than locking himself up in Felix's room, he accepted her caresses. She brought down his nerves and got him to comply with the others around him. Now he even enjoys her long nails scratching exactly the right spot behind his ears. She tried explaining to him he did the same for her and that it probably was something because they are both cat hybrids. He simply purred at her and tucked his paws under himself in comfort.
'Noona, your hair tingles my neck,' Jeongin giggles when Mimu leans over to point at one of his cards. She tries to tug her hair behind her ear, but the length doesn't help.
'Didn't you buy new hairbands?' Hyunjin asks her. 'Want me to braid your hair?'
She happily nods and picks up Chan to place him on her spot on the couch.
'Will get...them. H-home,' she says.
Chan follows her with his eyes while she hops to the hallway to walk over to her own place. He closes his eyes when she leaves and softly purrs feeling the warmth of her spot. Hyunjin and Jeongin start a new game and he listens to how they shuffle the cards and bicker when Jeongin apparently doesn't shake them correctly.
He whips his head towards the hallway when he hears commotion outside. Before he can react, three masked men storm inside. Hyunjin gasps and starts screaming and Jeongin jumps up when the men look around and land their eyes on the hybrids. One of them points at Chan and yells something about a target. Chan gets on all fours and hisses loudly at the unwanted company. Fuck! Who are these people? Mimu! Chan panics knowing the feline is outside and probably was the first to clash with these men, hence the commotion.
He claws to one of the men who tries to grab him, but with a swift swoop he gets grabbed by the pelt in his neck. Chan claws around him and feels a small prick in his neck. A few seconds later his body becomes paralyzed. The last thing he sees is how they attack his friends before he loses consciousness.

Hyunjin tries to fight off one of the men to reach for Chan. He transforms into his Slow Worm form to escape from the grip of the man and bites him in his leg. The man yells and Hyunjin hopes for once he will be mistaken for a venomous snake. The man yanks him loose and flings him through the room. Hyunjin hits his head against the fridge and blacks out.
Jeongin yells at him as he tries to fight off his opponent.
'Put it in the fridge!' One of the men yells. 'Won't wake him up for the next couple of hours.'
Jeongin hits the man before him on his cheek and tries to run over to the man who throws Hyunjin's body in the fridge like it's a vegetable. The one holding up Chan's limb body punches Jeongin in his stomach which makes him double over and gasp for air. They're having the upperhand. There's no way Jeongin can win against them.
'What about this one?' one of them yells.
'Not our business. We got what we came for,' the one holding Chan replies.
They shove Jeongin out of the way and the last one kneels down to him and smiles devilishly at him.
'Nothing personal,' he says before grabbing him by the hairs on the back of his head and slamming his head into the floor. Making Jeongin see stars and whine for mercy. He gets kicked in the back before they leave the premises.

Mimu hums softly when she opens her front door with the key she dug up out of the plant pot beside the door. It's a melody from a song Felix showed her yesterday. Minho said humming would help her voice strengthen and she likes the feeling of vibrations down her throat. It lets her believe she will be able to talk without any constrictions within a moment. There's so much she wants to talk about with them. So many questions to ask.
She reaches under the cabinet with porcelain plates and grabs the canvas bag with her stuff. There. The hairbands she picked out when they took her out shopping. Chan chose them for her. A pair with purple bows tied to them. She plucks them off the piece of cardboard and places them around her wrist.
She freezes when she reaches out for her comb. There's noise at the front door. Did Jeon Sora come home early? She doesn't spare time and shifts to her cat form. Dammit, why did she wear Chan's big hoodie again? She tries to escape from the fabric when a pair of hands scoop her up. An unfamiliar face looks at her and with a loud mewl she tries to escape. The man stumbles to keep himself up and lands with his back against the cabinet. With loud noises a few of the porcelain plates fall down and shatter to pieces. Unfortunately for her his grip is strong and he manages to hold her down with ease. He grabs something out of his back pocket and not long after everything goes black.

Everything is fuzzy. Her head hurts and her arms feel like jello. There's someone shining a light into her eyes, but she can't avert her gaze.
'- wake after a few minutes.' She can hear people talk, but can't grasp what they're talking about.
'Get doctor Kwang.'
Now that name is familiar to her and makes her neck hairs rise directly. She tries her best to wake up. People come and go and she can feel something pricking in her arm. Her head rolls to the side and she can see a figure storming in. She tries to blink the fogginess away.
'That's her!' the figure gasps.
Her? They know her? Where is she? Her eyelids are heavy.

The second time she wakes up her head is a lot clearer, but her mind is in full panic mode. She's back. She's back! Back at this damned place. The one and only place she thought she left for good. White walls, the blue linoleum floor and the distinct smell of medical alcohol. Home. Or whatever you could call this place.
She grunts and tries to get up. Noticing one hand is cuffed to the wall. In the other a needle pricks which is attached with tubes to a monitor making beeping sounds. Her stomach turns and with the grace of a slug she vomits over the side of her bed. The machine starts beeping and within seconds there are people in white coats around her, cleaning up her mess and changing the bedding. One of them doesn't seem to be that shocked and hands her a glass of water with a straw in it. When she looks up she sees the pitiful eyes of none other than doctor Kwang. The woman she thought was her friend or mother figure at one point. Far off from the truth.
The doctor gives her a weak smile. 'Long time not seen, project one,' she greets her.
Project one, a name she forgot about seven years ago.
'Drink up. Cleanse your mouth,' she coerces her.
Mimu reluctantly takes the straw between her lips and slowly sucks up the water.
'H-how,' is all she can mumble at the woman.
'Oh dear, your voice. It will take some time to train you back to full health,' she says, ignoring her question. She notes something down on a clipboard and hands it over to her colleague.
'Now, We'll have some time before doctor Kim shows up. Let's get you cleaned up and prepare, right?' She softly touches Mimu's cheeks.
Mimu can't shake her head out of her hands and stares angrily at her.
'I'm glad you're back,' the doctor says.

Writer here: 
Down the hill we goooooooo...
Sorry for the depressing start right before Christmas (Or whatever you celebrate:) )

Hybrid Discovery [SKZ fanfiction]| Lee Felix and Bang ChanWhere stories live. Discover now