AH! Confetti.

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She proudly shows him the papers. Felix is still a bit overwhelmed with the information and now the evidence is right here in front of his nose he can only confirm all the suspicions they had from the papers Minho brought home weeks ago.
This is why police got into action immediately after receiving the reports from the hybrid rights association. There was human experimenting involved and - although utterly unfair in Felix's eyes- that meant a higher priority.
'So, to get this straight. She's a human with hybrid traits?'
Eona nods and points at the birth certificate. 'Both parents are human, therefore she's human. Only after her birth did they tamper successfully with her genes.'
'And because she's technically a human, she can adopt hybrids,' Felix says, looking at his two friends sitting in front of him.
'Yes, although it wouldn't be approved by the government under normal circumstances,' doctor Zeeps replies.
'Hence why they can't leave. The association made an exception for the adoption because—,' Eona glances over the two who are basically glued to each other. 'Well, obviously. They share the same trauma and seem to hold up because of each other's company. We deemed it the better option instead of separating him from her. Also because we don't have funds to repair another room if he decides to break it down again.' The last part is said under her breath and Felix can't help but snicker at the remark.
Chan raises one eyebrow at him, but Felix shakes his head at him and the hybrid focuses his attention back to Mimu who's drawing on a piece of paper to hold up for Felix to see.
'C-can't go. N-no home,' she sulks behind the drawing of what seems like their apartment building.
'As Miss Yun is still struggling to adapt to a human lifestyle - which is ridiculously obvious assuming she's been living as a hybrid most of her life- we can't just release her from our care yet.'
Mimu looks at the ground which indicates she's aware she's lacking the knowledge of the real human world.
'And I'm not deemed to be sane enough to help her with adapting,' Chan snarls towards Eona who awkwardly rubs the nape of her neck, hearing his remarks.
'Hey, I tried my best, okay. You try convincing a board of people the hybrid they saw hurting a human is sane.'
'I was under the influence of some kind of drugs,' Chan scoffs. 'I would never hurt a human.'
'Says the one not even capable of noticing his owner wants a blood flow in her arms back,' Eona scolds Chan who looks down to Mimu who winces as Chan unconsciously grabs her, talking to the other woman. He releases her and Mimu grumbles annoyingly at him, rubbing her arms.
Doctor Zeeps is quietly observing the discussion and looks over to Felix who looks at his friends with smitten eyes.
'Can I conclude from this that if there's a capable caretaker for Miss Yun, she's free to go with her hybrid?'
Eona looks at him and nods slowly. 'What, were you thinking of taking them in at your age, old man?'
Doctor Zeeps chuckles and shakes his head. 'Not me, him.'
He points his hand towards Felix who blinks out of his trance of looking at his friends hearing the doctor speak.
'M-me?' he asks.
'I don't see any problem with it. I mean, you practically already took care of them before the whole ordeal. But if it would humor the government, we could place my name as the first line of emergency. What do you think, Eona?'
The woman is already searching on her phone and typing an array of Emails. 'We can always try.'

'You think she would like it?' Han asks for the umpteenth time in ten minutes.
They're all shuffling around in the lobby, waiting for the elevator to come up to welcome their friends back home.
'Would you shut up?' Minho hisses at him. 'We're supposed to surprise them and your chattering gives us away.'
'And your feet don't?' Seungmin points out the nervous tapping of Minho's left foot on the ground. 'If you continue doing that, one of the neighbors below will come up instead.'
'Tsk, as if that old man ever hears us. He's practically deaf,' Jeongin scoffs, earning a slap on the back of his neck from Hyunjin who reprimands him about respect for the elders.
'I think I hear them.'
All of them shut up in an instance when Changbin tells them and with light nervousness they watch the light above the elevator light up and the doors open.
'Welcome back!' they shout in cacophony as the three expectants step out.
Or at least, that's what they expected, but Mimu yelps and Chan almost drags her back with him to the wall of the elevator. Felix places a hand in front of his face and sighs out loud while holding the elevator button to hold the doors open.
'Idiots,' he mumbles at them and the other hybrids stay shocked in their places. The last pieces of confetti flutter down to the ground in utter silence.
'It's alright, Chan, Mimu. It's the boys. They wanted to greet you by surprising you,' Felix coos the two terrified beings in the elevator. He walks back in and softly grabs their hands before leading them out of the elevator towards them.
'Now, please be careful guys. They're still a bit—,'
He doesn't even get the chance to finish his sentence as Changbin bolts to Chan to grab him in a big hug. The others look at each other and rush over as well and clutch themselves around the black cat hybrid.
'You're back!' Changbin yells in Chan's ear. 'Finally! We missed you so much!'
'Thank god you're alright. We were so worried,' Han cries into Chan's shirt.
'I'm so sorry I couldn't do anything,' Minho sniffles. 'I-it was so hard s-seeing you being tortured by that prick. I wish I was stronger to be a better help.'
'Don't be so hard on yourself, stupid cat. You did an amazing job. Together with Han,' Hyunjin soothes the Russian Blue cat hybrid.
'Yeah, you should hear about their adventure, hyung!' Jeongin chirps next to them. 'Minho infiltrated as a real researcher! Lab Coat included!'
Chan snickers with watery eyes as he embraces his friends. He missed them.
Felix feels the small tug on his sleeve and looks over to see Mimu holding back her tears beside him.
'It's alright. They've missed you a lot as well,' he coos her and with that the boys turn towards her.
Minho is the first to walk over to grab her by her wrist to pull her in the big group hug they've formed. Felix closes the circle. There's soft sniffles and whining as the group of nine stands there in their hug. Mimu enjoys the warm feeling of all the people who she loves around her and takes in the pure joy which warms her heart. Never did she have the hope to be back with them. She gave up and now she's here. All thanks to the hard work and determination of her friends.
'Okay, okay! Enough with the crying and sad feelings!' Minho claps in his hands to get them all out of it. 'We're here to celebrate! Let's show them our warm welcome.'
Mimu and Chan stare bewildered at them as they make space for them to walk to their home, but before Chan can reach out to their front door he's pulled back by Hyunjin who holds up his finger.
'Ah ah, you don't live here anymore, sir,' he teases his friend who looks almost offended with the statement. 'I believe your home is over there.' Hyunjin points at Felix who stands next to the neighbor's door. Felix hands over the key out of his back pocket to Mimu who looks at it with a questioning face. 'Open up,' he whispers to her.
She does as he says and they both walk into the house. After not even a few seconds they all hear a happy squeal and Mimu darts back out towards Chan who looks all confused at her as she drags him with her towards the door.
'What's happening?!' he asks her, but she only grins widely at him and pulls him in. When they stand in the living room - Not even bothered to remove their shoes - all Chan can do is stare around him.
'When we weren't searching for you two, we had to keep ourselves occupied,' Felix mumbles whilst rubbing his neck nervously. 'It's not much, but we cleaned most of it and the landlord gave us permission to renovate a little.'
Not much is an understatement, Chan thinks. Is he standing in the same, dusty home he was captured in months ago? The same place with brown, pilling wallpaper, now covered with a soft green print. The mold in every corner is now removed and replaced with a fresh white coat of paint on the ceilings and the kitchen shinier than ever before. Chan can't believe he's in the same house and neither can Mimu who's almost vibrating next to him from happiness.
'Where's the neighbor?' Chan asks Felix who places a hand on his shoulder.
'No need to worry. The place is all Mimu's and he won't be back.'
Now that's a harder question for him to answer as Mimu looks at him with a tilted head.
'Remember granny had been feeling ill?' he carefully tries to ask her.
She nods and he can see how the gears are already turning in her head.
'B-better place now, right?' she asks.
Felix exchanges a swift glance with Changbin before sadly smiling and nodding to the girl.
'A better place, I think. She's the one who left you the place.'
Mimu inhales deeply with sparkling eyes full of gratitude and clasps her hands together for a second with shut eyes, giving a small, silent prayer of thanks to the old lady who tried her very best to take care of her with her own conditions. Wherever Granny may be, she hopes she's happy.
There's a lot of questions popping up in Chan's head, but they all disappear in an instant as there are too many all at once. He looks from Mimu, back to their surroundings. 'Unbelievable,' he mutters.
'And now it's your home as well!' Han smiles at Chan. 'So hurry your butt up and move out of the second bedroom so Minho and I can finally claim it back!'
The others snicker at the eager words of the hamster hybrid, cheering them all up. All Chan can do is look at the girl beside him whose eyes are sparkling with happiness at him. She doesn't say anything but he can see how she's asking him if he's alright moving in with her in this house. He gently squeezes her hand and nods. Earning a big sigh of relief out of her mouth. 'Home,' she whispers.
'But don't think we will leave you two alone at any time! We have twice the space now and I fully intend to use that to our advantage!' Seungmin exclaims. 'Finally another toilet. Never waiting for seven slowpokes to finish showering before it's my turn! Oh my god, we can finally have a quiet place to study!'
The others fill in and talk about all the benefits now they have two places to crash. Felix tries to calm them down to no avail and apologetically smiles at Mimu and Chan who both shrug and smile at the happiness surrounding them. 

Hybrid Discovery [SKZ fanfiction]| Lee Felix and Bang ChanWhere stories live. Discover now