Wacky bunch with warm choco

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Not four, not five, but a total of six hybrids are gathered around the dining table, including herself in the role of this "Chan" hybrid. Only the parakeet hasn't turned himself to his human form, but she knows he's a hybrid as well as the others speak to him like he's a human.
'Chan, you should eat. Your food is getting cold,' the other cat hybrid says, pointing with his metal chopsticks to the bowl in front of her.
But, that's human food. Is she allowed to eat that when their owner can come out at any moment? Won't he be angry? Sure, she sneakily ordered herself human food all the time, but she never dared to eat it in front of her owners. They'll scold her and punish her. Or at least, granny does if it is something cats aren't supposed to eat. Like chocolate or spices. Both delicious, but out of her reach most of the time. She sniffs the food in the bowl and hesitantly licks the sauce off the noodles. Tasty.
'Slow down, you rascal!'
She gets pulled back from her greedy feeding when she almost chokes on the delicious stuff. This is amazing! It's hearty, salty and spicy. A combustion of flavors she missed for the past few weeks, maybe even months. She immediately puts her head back in the bowl to continue her meal and the others laugh.
'Djeezz, your appetite never ceases to amaze me.' one of them says.
'Your face is a mess. Let me wipe it,' the hybrid cat says.
He grabs her by the flap of loose skin on her neck and pulls her over to him to wipe her face clean with a napkin. She lets him and licks off her snout to savor the taste.
'Tsk, idiot,' the human cat in front of her smiles before releasing her.

They are... a peculiar bunch of people. The scary dog hybrid got his big bag and collar with him and tells the others he will be back around dinner time. Does he have some sort of job? He talked about clients and training programmes at breakfast. She didn't understand all of it.
She's now lounging on the armrest of the couch. Observing how the others entertain themselves. The parakeet also transformed into his human side to help the hamster boy with the dishes. Both of them are bickering in the kitchen, making splashing sounds with the dishwater and soap. The cat hybrid yells at them and soon after the hamster boy and parakeet start laughing. They seem to have fun.
The lanky reptile guy is reading a book on the floor. He has earbuds in and seems to be immersed in his own world. He hums along with his music and wiggles from time to time when he reads something to his liking.
It's around one o'clock when the door to one of the bedrooms opens and the owner shows up from his slumber. 'Morning again,' he mumbles whilst walking towards the bathroom.
'Has anyone seen Jeongin? He must be -'
A loud thunk scares them up and the owner -drying his wet hair with a towel- shakes his head and walks to the balcony doors. Miss Muffles watches how a Jackdaw sits on the concrete floor and shakes his head before turning into a human. Another one? Why does this even surprise her?
The owner opens the balcony door and scolds the jackdaw human who scurries inside and grabs the first piece of clothing in sight. That seems to be a thing in this household. As the hybrids shift whenever they like, there's clothes scattered around. They all don't seem in the slightest flustered being naked around each other. Something Miss Muffles has to deal with. She simply averts her eyes as soon as one of them is naked. Playing it off as mere disinterest. Their owner doesn't seem to care as well. He's eating something she only has seen on tv. The holy creamy liquid with something called cereal? Her mouth waters at the sight of him taking spoon after spoon of the stuff to his mouth. Maybe, if she gets a little bit closer.
'Want some?'
His voice makes her jump up and run back under the couch.
'He's been like this since yesterday,' the hybrid cat says to his owner. 'Must be one of those weeks.'
They leave her alone for the rest of the day. Occasionally she leaves her safe space to see what they're doing to run back to her spot when something startles her. Like when the hamster boy yells out of nowhere or when the budgerigar parakeet starts a screeching match with the Jackdaw. The owner either ignores them or puts them in their places. He's as peculiar as his pets. He's not acting like they're his belongings and doesn't give them orders. He... lives with them as an equal. Miss Muffles knows some owners are like that, but she never witnessed it. Hybrids are objects, maybe even more so than ordinary pets. She knows from first hand experiences. Being a mere house cat has been a lot easier than a hybrid. She shivers with the thoughts of her youth.

They have dinner together. A real human dinner, cooked by the owner and the cat hybrid. One they share together and man, it's delicious! She licks off her plate and the cat hybrid pats her back to compliment "Chan" for eating so well.
She purrs happily and rubs her head against his arm as an appreciation for his food. The owner chuckles seeing her display of affection and asks "Chan" to join him in watching a few episodes before he has to leave for work again.
She doesn't follow anything there's on tv, but made herself comfy on the lap of the owner who picked her up before she could complain. The reptile hybrid lays on the ground with his book leaning against the owner's legs and the two birds are sitting on the backrest of the couch. The dog hybrid joined them in his human form after he took a shower. He's not that scary up close now he's curled up, hugging his owner and slowly nodding off. The Blue Russian walks in with the hamster boy behind him and places a tray with hot drinks on the table.
'Warm choco for Felix,' the cat hybrid says to the owner. 'Lemon tea for Jeongin. Coffee for Min and me. The others have to choose their flavors for tea.'
The hamster boy places a box filled with tea bags on the table. The dog and reptile hybrid pick what they want and Miss Muffles stares at the hot beverages.
'Want to share this one?' the dog hybrid asks her while holding up his chosen tea bag.
She tilts her head, not sure what he means and the hybrid takes it as a yes.
Tea. When was the last time she had that? She can't make hot water for herself at granny's place as she doesn't know how to operate the gas stove on her own. They seem to have a weird kind of kitchen appliance which boils water for you. It's fascinating to discover new things.

When did she fall asleep again? She remembers watching tv with the others, the cat hybrid bringing them drinks and her nodding off on the owner - Felix is his name apparently - his lap. He's gone when she wakes up. Probably off to work. The others are asleep around her. She blinks when warm breathing hits her face and when she lifts her head she sees that the dog hybrid is curled around her in his human form. His arms around her and his face close to her back. He's fast asleep and mumbles something about food with pouty lips.
Miss Muffles should be out of here right now, but something withholds her. She feels safe and comfortable here. The couch is soft and the hybrid around her radiates a comfortable warmth. Tomorrow. She'll leave tomorrow.

Hybrid Discovery [SKZ fanfiction]| Lee Felix and Bang ChanWhere stories live. Discover now