A source of strength

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'Are you sure you're alright coming with us?' Felix asks for the nth time.
Changbin has to go to work and Mimu uses the opportunity to get some fresh air as the walk isn't that far.
She's six months in and her body gets tired pretty easily. Still she wants to go outside as much as possible while she can. Sitting down and laying on bed is just as uncomfortable as walking around and she rather tires herself out walking and sees a different kind of scenery than being stuck home. Something she never found difficult until a few weeks back when she felt like the walls were closing in on her. Whenever Felix has time, he accompanies her, but this time Chan wants to join in.
'Yes I'm sure,' he nags at his human who wraps a warm shawl around his neck and ties a knot on the end to secure it. 'I'm her partner as well and you can't always walk with her. It's not much further than the convenience store.'
After he told his whole family about his life he felt lighter. As if the burden is lifted a little and he has eight friends to rely on when needed. He can learn to let go, to make mistakes and try out how far he can go. They would be his safe space and help him whenever he needs it.
And now he wants to pick up his life and concur his fears of the outside. He has to if he wants to be a parent. If he wants to be the best source of strength to his two partners. The tiny trips to the convenience store were alright and now he is ready to take it to the next step.
'If you feel the slightest discomfort, you'll tell us, alright?'
Chan rolls his eyes at Felix who poses more as a mother figure than the actual husband in the relationship.
'Yah, Lix! Don't pester him so much. He's not a child!' Mimu scolds him and holds onto Changbin's arm. 'Now hurry up! Or Changbin will be late.'
The four of them say goodbye to the others before leaving and make their journey towards their designation.
'I'm done at four. Should I pick up dinner on my way back?' Changbin offers when they stop in front of the gym.
Felix grabs his wallet and hands over some cash.
'I'm probably already gone for work by the time you get back. Treat the others to that Thai place and keep me some leftovers for tomorrow,' he suggests and Changbin waves at them while stepping into his workplace.
'Could we take a detour?' Mimu asks Felix after they start walking back.
'Only if Chan is okay with that?' Felix replies whilst looking over at their hybrid.
Chan fumbles with the black collar under his shawl and slowly nods. He made it up to this point without feeling jumpy or scared. There aren't that many people outside because of the chilly weather, so he should be alright.
Mimu grabs his arm and links it through hers whilst gliding her other hand to Felix's to intertwine their fingers.
Their detour takes them through the park where Mimu watches ducks swimming in the pond and Felix teases her by saying she waddles just like them.
Felix buys them warm meat buns from a little stand and they munch on them while talking about mundane stuff, being overly happy with the small snack filling up their bellies in the colder weather.
Mimu throws away their trash and Felix follows her with a sigh as she gets distracted by the tiny birds who are scrambling around the trashcan.
Chan looks at them with this warm gaze, admiring them for being such a simple but cute couple which he's also part of! Every day he gets reminded that both his best friend and the girl he loves are there for him and that they'll be part of his family for real. How things have changed since his escape from the lab.
'Pardon me, sir?' Chan jumps up when a hand touches his shoulder and he turns around seeing two people in uniforms in front of him.
'Can you please show us your papers?' one of them asks and Chan panics as he doesn't understand which papers they're referring to. He's still a bit in his head and stumbles over his words trying to explain to them he doesn't have them with him at the moment. He's only out for a stroll.
One of them sighs and grabs a note block from his back pocket. He scribbles something down while his partner looks up to Chan and asks him his origins.
'Hybrid or human?' the man asks and Chan whispers he's a hybrid.
'Well, can you tell me what a hybrid is doing alone on the streets?' the one with the note block asks and Chan clenches his trembling hands as fear closes off his throat.
'I-I'm not... I'm- I'm—,' he's stuttering and cold sweat rolls off his back.
'Is there a problem?'
He feels the small hand of Mimu grab around his wrist to take his attention off the two people in front of him and Felix has his hand on his shoulder to give him a reassuring squeeze.
He looks at the two officers who are on their turn looking at each other.
'Not yet?' One of them answers. 'We saw this man and doubted he was a hybrid without a collar and thus a stray without owners. Can we conclude you are his owner?'
Felix nods and Mimu quickly grabs her bag to search for her wallet with the identification of herself and her hybrid. She hands the documents to the two people who inspect it and nod.
'Alright, no problem then. Does he have a collar?'
Chan lifts his shawl with shaking hands and the officers can hear the clanging of the silver pendant against the metal parts of the collar.
'Well, we're sorry for the inconvenience,' one of the men says. 'We were just making sure. There have been incidents where people kidnapped stray hybrids. So make sure his collar is visible at all times.'
The two men walk off and Felix quickly adjusts Chan's collar and Shawl while Mimu hugs around Chan's arm.
'I'm sorry we walked off,' Felix mumbles.
Chan shrugs and softly rubs his cold cheek against Felix's. 'I'm okay,' he whispers. 'A little skittish. Nothing more.'
Mimu is rubbing her forehead against the sleeve of his jacket.
'Stupid people,' she murmurs. 'None of their business if you're alone or not.'
He gently kisses the crown of her head. ''T Was my fault for not showing off my collar,' he answers. 'With the chilly weather it's harder to keep it on display when I wear it outside.'
'Stupid rules,' she nags. 'If only hybrids were seen as equals to humans.'
'Don't fret it too much,' he replies to her. 'I'm more than happy to be your hybrid. You never make me feel less. Same goes for you, Lix.'
Both humans smile and cuddle up to his sides. 'Let's go home?'

Month seven. The official first time she can't fit pants anymore. Not even the biggest sweatpants from Changbin stay in place over her belly without sliding down and falling off. They have to go shopping for maternity clothes which have a large piece of stretchy fabric attached to the top of trousers. Her bump isn't at its biggest yet, but now is the time as they've held this shopping trip off long enough.
All because they wanted to save up some more. Living with the nine of them isn't that easy and even though they don't have to pay rent for both apartments, everything else is pricey.
'Can't we just... I dunno, buy different stuff? I could wear dresses?' Mimu complains.
'With the upcoming winter? Don't try to compensate, you rascal. Besides, I got my first paycheck, so we can afford you some nice things,' Minho smirks proudly.
'Yeah, but we're not blowing all of it in one go, idiot,' Felix scolds him while clasping the new collar around his neck tightly.
'Euhg, I want to breathe please!'
Han pops his head out of the front pocket of Minho's jacket and chuckles in his hamster form at him.
'Keep laughing and I'll launch you off into the very first dumpster I can spot outside!' Minho threatens his hybrid friend who quickly hides back into the pocket.
Both of them had hatched another super genius but dangerous plan to get one of them legal papers without exactly telling their humans up front of their shenanigans.
They let Minho get captured by the local partollers who brought him over to the nearest kennels. Only then they told their humans Minho was "captured" and had to usher Mimu over there to adopt him. She had to act all calm and collected as if she was searching for another hybrid for quite some time and be as surprised as possible finding the Russian Blue in one of the cages, telling the workers "He would be such a beautiful addition to her little family". Minho had to act slightly feral to every other human who came looking to adopt a hybrid without looking insane and risk being put down immediately and only when he saw Mimu, did he act like the biggest lap cat possible.
He and Han got the biggest scolding of their lives when they came home, but both were only smirking as Minho played with the newly obtained legal collar which gave him the rights to find a job and contribute to their family.
'Don't get too cocky you two!' Felix warned them, poking at the hamster in the pocket and glaring playfully at Minho. 'You have to promise to stay close and not lose sight of us for even a minute, okay?'
Within two weeks he found a part time job near the local market where he helped in the big warehouses with carrying goods to the stalls. Oftentimes Han joined him in secret.
Were they found out when Han helped Minho there? Definitely! Did the owner mind? Not at all. He got two helpers for the price of one and the old ladies at the market dotted on both of them.
'Yes mom,' Minho rolled his eyes at Felix. 'But please let me pay for at least one thing. I don't care what, but I want to feel independent with my own money.'
'Can Seungmin and I go play in the park?' Jeongin asks while Chan helps Mimu put on her jacket. 'I want to gather more of those red sticks now all the leaves have fallen down!'
'Changbin?' Chan asks the Mountain Estrela dog hybrid who lays down on the couch and huffs at the question. He trudges over to the bathroom and when transformed says something about keeping an eye on them from the balcony.
'Nope! Must finish this chapter before tomorrow!' The Slow Worm hybrid waves to them from the couch, nose buried in one of his books and not interested in their outing. 'Have fun.'
The others leave and pack themselves into Felix's car. Mimu and Felix in the front seats, Chan and Minho in the back with Han still in hamsterform tucked into the pocket of Minho's jacket.

'These are comfy,' Mimu smiles when she steps out of the stall.
The maternity pants the salesperson recommended her have enough room to expand and feel weirdly slim fitted after weeks of wearing baggy stuff.
'It's almost a crime these will be your very first brand new pants,' Felix scoffs.
Mimu had stolen their clothes for as long as she lived with them. She didn't care about clothes and much preferred the hand downs from the boys. Especially those from her husband and boyfriend as her hybrid urges to have stuff smelling like them made her feel comfortable were strong.
'Where are Minho and Han?'
Chan pats Felix's shoulder to keep him there and goes looking around for the wandering hybrids. Where Chan still doesn't feel comfortable leaving the sides of their humans -especially after their last encounter at the park- Minho loves wandering off.
The cat hybrid showed no fear when he got back from his four day stay at the kennels and Chan was impressed by how nonchalant Minho acted about the whole ordeal.
He finds Minho and Han near the toy section of the maternity store looking at wooden toys and stuffed animals. Han is peeking out of the pocket and Minho holds up a box of wooden colored blocks to check the price.
'Don't wander too far off. Felix will worry,' Chan reprimands them while Minho holds up two different items.
'Tell me, daddy Bang Chan,' he teases. 'Penguins? Or hedgehogs?'
Both boxes contain wooden figures a baby can play with and are built up out of simple wooden forms.
Chan stands still and frowns at his two friends while looking from the first to the second option.
'Penguins?' he slowly decides.
'Good, then we will get the hedgehogs,' Minho smirks whilst walking off to the cashier.
'Why even ask my opinion?' Chan mumbles, following the two.
'Cause dads always make the most terrible gift decisions,' Minho hums.

'Do we need to buy more rice?' Felix asks, looking at his phone with a frown. 'We also need more toilet paper and I believe Changbin said the laundry detergent is almost empty. Oh and Hyunjin texted me he needs more wool. He's finished those baby socks and wants to make a matching beanie.'
He rambles on and Mimu chuckles next to him. Felix is the kind of guy who worries about everything and tries to keep all organized at once. But with their big family and eight boys constantly wrecking havoc it's hard to keep peace in their household. She's impressed he managed with them in those years before she met them, but then she's reminded Felix told her they had moved... seven times before they settled down in their current home. So maybe...the worrying is justified?
'Cha— Dammit, where's Minho?' Felix looks up, only to see Minho wander off to the nearest store.
Chan is already following him to keep the group complete and Felix lets out a big sigh.
'How am I supposed to do this?' he nags. 'Sometime I wish they were simple pets who I could lock up at home. That way I won't have to deal with all of their weird personalities.'
She knows he is joking and softly squeezes his hand.
'You love them,' she coos and Felix can't help but laugh.
'Of course I do. Doesn't mean I'd like some peace and quiet from time to time.'
'Ah, that's why we can find you more often on our couch after work than at your own home. You're escaping them.'
Felix tickles her side and watches his wife stick out her tongue to him with sparkling eyes. It's not that he doesn't want to be around his lovable hybrids. They have lived long enough together and are adjusted to the constant turmoil of their home. He just wants to be close to her without infiltrating the time she spends with Chan in their room. Being near them is good enough for now.
Mimu sees how Felix's eyes soften when he looks at her. Where Chan is the one she can feel safe with, Felix makes her feel like she belongs somewhere.
Although her pregnancy is scary and wakes her up at night out of worry if everything will be fine, Felix makes sure she can forget those worries and just be herself. She can lean on him when being a human gets exhausted. Like how today he tries to handle all their tasks himself so she can just tag along and enjoy their outing.
She blinks twice out of her daydreaming and her smile falters when she sees the man standing in front of them.
It's Jeon Sora, her former owner who looks at Felix rather than her to her relief.
'Ah, Felix, wasn't it?' Jeon looks like he hasn't changed at all in those months.
The same tired eyes and frowned eyebrows looking up and down on Felix. She wonders what he's been up to since he left the apartment. If she believes Felix, the man had left without caring at all what would happen to her and the house.
She hears him scoff.
'Huh? Left that tramp quick enough. Got yourself a real lover in the meantime?'
His eyes shoot up to Mimu who freezes on the spot. Doesn't he recognize her? The cat who lived with him for ages? He looks at her as if she's a stranger and she's not sure if that's a good or bad thing per se.
'Wife,' Felix remarks, putting his arm around her waist and pulling her closer. 'This is Minase. Minase Yun-Lee. Honey, this is the old neighbor I told you about before, right?'
Felix's voice sounds dangerously low and she swallows slowly before putting up her brightest smile and bowing a little to Jeon.
'A pleasure to meet you,' she stiffles out.
Jeon Sora bows back to her with a crooked smile. 'Definitely an upgrade there neighbor.'
At that moment Minho and Chan join them and both glare at the old neighbor.
'Ah, still surrounded by hybrids?' Jeon Sora remarks.
'They're mine,' Mimu mumbles, releasing Felix's arm to pull both hybrids to her sides.
Jeon Sora makes an impressive sound. 'At least better in check than those of your husband. Tell me, does he still have that black cat hybrid over at his place?'
With that she feels Chan freeze up on the spot and Minho hisses. She jerks on his arm to shut him up and waits for Felix to answer.
'Ah, funny story,' Felix says. 'They're both still missing. I had to sell the apartment to the bank and that's when this lovely lady moved in.'
He spins the lie so smoothly Mimu has to look twice at her husband to make sure he's the same sunshine who stutters telling even the tiniest white lie. This man is staring coldly at her former owner and he suddenly feels twice as big next to her. She can't help but purr softly at him whilst placing one hand on her belly.
Jeon Sora scoffs and shrugs his shoulders upon hearing the news.
'So, let me thank you for selling them out. If not for you, I would never have met my lovely wife and her precious hybrids.'
The four of them look up to the man before them who visibly is in discomfort after the blatantly accusation Felix threw at him.
'Sold out, sold out. Those are big words. The only one I sold was my own damn cat. I didn't even know at that point you were keeping one as well. Not my fault that facility got yours mixed up with mine.'
Minho is fuming besides her and she can see wiggling moves in his front pocket where Han is probably throwing a fit over the neighbor's words as well.
It's now Felix who is stepping in front of his hybrids and says with a low voice; 'You're lucky I didn't report your name for selling out to an illegal source. I could've put you behind bars if I wanted to.'
Jeon Sora takes a step back and the corner of his mouth trembles slightly.
'But...' Felix smiles at him. 'It's all in the past. As long as you won't meddle in with my new family, all is good, right? Neighbor?'
The dichotomy in the man is high, is what Minho thinks when he hears Felix talk. It's almost scary what his human can do if angered. He makes a mental note to never piss off Felix this much.
Jeon Sora chuckles uncomfortably and nods. 'Eh— Of course, neighbor. All in the past. Oh, would you look at the time. I— euhm... I have to go.'
They wave him off and as soon as he's out of sight Felix turns around to them and takes the four of them in for a crushing hug.
'Gosh, that was so scary!' he whines.
'Not as scary as you,' Minho mumbles, deserving a smack on his arm from Mimu.
'Let's go home. I want to tell the others about my two-faced husband,' Mimu chuckles.
'How are you not phased in the slightest?'
Mimu looks at her boyfriend who's still shaking slightly from the whole confrontational talk. 'He abandoned you. Sold you for money and you're already joking again?'
He looks defeated as if wishing he was stronger and all Mimu can do is hug him tighter. She has no clue why her mind isn't spiraling after seeing the person who brought her back to her personal hell.
Maybe it's because she's with them? Or maybe because she's indeed an idiot and too stupid to feel threatened by a human who holds no power over her any longer.
'I think I'm broken,' she snickers, half seriously, half joking. 'Maybe I've experienced enough stress for life and now nothing phases me like you said. But that's a good thing,' she says, grabbing Chan's hand. 'Because now I can be your source of strength!'

Writer here:

Loose ends get tied up!
So... what will bring the last chapter of this story? (ghehehehe>.>)

Thanks again for the support, reads and votes. I've never seen this many people put my story in one of their reading lists, so that's a big honor. Also. over 6K views? Amazing O.O


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