Banning words, endless pancake love

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'Be careful!'
Mimu rolls her eyes and doesn't slow down while she rushes over to the kitchen table. She nearly misses the corner with her belly and when she sits down two strong arms cuddle around her.
'C'mon, Chanbin!' she whines at the protective hybrid. 'It's pancakes!'
'Yeah, and you almost impaled yourself on the table. There will be enough for everyone,' Changbin scolds her.
Mimu huffs, but nudges her cheek against the bicep on her left. She knows her friends mean good, but sometimes...
'Should we buy those silicone thingy's?' Felix asks. 'You know, those corner protectors so the baby can't split its head open on the corners?'
She hits her husband on his arm and he softly chuckles whilst rubbing the place she hits him.
'No. More. Baby. Proving,' she nags with every hit. 'If you keep this up, our home will be wrapped up with... with...' she stares at Minho who holds a spatula and gently smiles at her.
'Bubble plastic?' he guesses and she nods vigorously.
'That stuff, yeah!'
Changbin releases her from his hug and walks over to the kettle to pour her a warm cup of tea.
'Rooibos?' he asks her as if she has another choice.
'You know I don't like the green tea one,' she tells him while dipping the teabag in. 'Only four more months to go and I finally can enjoy normal tea again,' she murmurs to herself, patting on the slight bump. 'No offense, little one, but you make eating and drinking a hell lotta harder.'
Felix melts seeing her talk like that and he hears Changbin elbow Hyunjin with a soft "whipped".
He knows they all are. Even Han and Minho can't help but be a little overprotective.
'Do you know how many appointments there are left with your speech therapist?' he asks her while she blows on her drink.
'Next week will be the last one,' she answers. 'She told me I only have to keep expanding my vo-voc..volaburary.'
'Vocabulary,' Minho corrects her.
'That yeah. Oh, can we pick up some chocolates as a thank you before the last appointment?'
'Of course,' Felix coos at her.
'Can I—.'
'No Changbin, you can't have chocolate,' Hyunjin slaps the hybrid on his arm and smiles at Mimu. 'I can pick up some bonbons after work next Thursday?' he offers and Mimu nods thankfully at him.
The front door opens and she hears the others walk in with much noise.
'We got the fruits,' she hears Chan yell.
She sees the two bird hybrids fly through the hallway towards the bathroom and hears a hard slam of the door.
'Not fair!' she hears Jeongin whine, making it clear the parakeet hybrid has closed the door before Jeongin could fly in. Although he doesn't fly into the glass door of the balcony that often anymore, Seungmin made it his personal goal to not let the Jackdaw hybrid forget the feeling of slamming into stuff.
'Please play nicely!' Felix hopelessly yells at them.
Chan walks into the kitchen and places the bags with groceries on the counter. He walks over to Felix to softly rub his cheek against the top of his human's head. A nice development between the two.
He wants to walk over to Minho to help him pick up the plates of food, but Mimu grabs his arm and pulls him closer.
'Sorry, Mim, I had to—,'
She doesn't let him finish as she grabs his collar and pulls him down for a kiss. Making the others in the room chuckle seeing Chan's eyes widen when she teases her tongue over his lower lip.
She releases him and he jolts back with a huff, preening his shirt and quickly fixing his black collar. He excuses himself and runs off to the bathroom where they can hear how Seungmin gets kicked out.
'You're a menace,' Felix snickers to Mimu who proudly pops her lips and wipes with her thumb over her lower one.
'He's an idiot,' she smiles.
Although slow, Chan has made progress with being comfortable around them again. He even slept in his black cat form with Felix like old times when Felix stayed over at their place. He still refuses to sleep with Mimu in his human form, but nobody can blame him as the girl can be unpredictable when it comes to her two boyfriends. Like how she teases Chan with kissing him whenever she feels like it. Can't blame Chan for being cautious.
She knows she has to take it slow with Chan, but can't help herself sometimes. Especially when he gets all cuddly and protective over her when it comes to their pregnancy, but bolts away as soon as it becomes more affectionate.
At least Felix gives in every time she has urges and she knows he will never send her away. Something the other hybrids make fun of, asking him who has the leash on every time.
'Your pancakes, madam,' Minho coos at Mimu whose eyes sparkle when she sees the treat placed in front of her. 'With extra fruits and whipping cream,' Minho winks at her.
She hums and attacks her food and finishes it before Minho can place the second plate in front of Felix.
'More!' she exclaims and Minho blinks twice at the held up empty plate.
Mimu frowns at him and makes an offended sound.
'Mi-hin! I have to eat for two,' she butters up to the Russian Blue cat who takes her plate and puts it down on the counter.
'Unbelievable,' he mutters.
Chan comes back with Seungmin and Jeongin behind him and takes place on the kitchen table as well. It's a fairly calm lunch where the others chat and laugh.

'Ugh, Doctor Zeeps is trying to kill me,' Hyunjin whines when they finish their food.
He had been working until late for the doctor and got a call asking him if he could help some more later in the day.
'I regret taking that damn phone from him,' Hyunjin says. 'It's nice to be able to contact you guys when I leave for work, but he keeps asking me to assist him as of lately with everything!'
Chan grabs the empty bowls and plates from the table and hands them over to Han who is filling the sink with soapy water.
'Isn't that a good thing?' Han asks. 'You have been studying to get more knowledge in operations, right?'
Hyunjin sighs and leans back in his chair. 'Yeah, but it's all hand me this, start the operation, secure the tubes, proceed procedure on—'
They all jump up when they hear a loud clang from the metal bowl falling on the ground. Chan is frozen in his place and stares into nothing.
'You okay?' Changbin asks, stretching out his arm to touch Chan's shoulder, but the other shrieks and evades the touch.
They all stare at him as Chan's hands start shaking and he slowly starts fumbling with the waistband of his trousers.
'Chan?' Minho asks, but the black cat hybrid doesn't seem to hear them.
He slowly starts pulling down his clothes and Felix immediately jumps up to stop him.
'Hey, what are you doing? Why are you undressing?'
Chan whines and flinches with Felix's touch, still continuing to pull off his shirt and lowering his pants to the ground.
'Shit, did we trigger him somehow?' Changbin stands up as well to help Felix and Chan, but stops midway his move when he hears Mimu whine softly.
'What is he doing?!' Han yells.
Hyunjin is focussing on Chan who's muttering something to himself.
' —M sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry,' the black cat hybrid mutters over and over again.
Hyunjin whips his head to Mimu who's staring at Chan and silently crying. It was something he said, but what? Was it because he talked about operations? Or his joke about the doctor wanting to kill him?
Hyunjin scurries over to Mimu and grabs both her hands to make her look at him.
'Mim, Mimu! What was it? Why is he acting like that? Can you please tell me?'
'P-pro-procedure,' she hiccups between her sniffles. 'T-tell him it's o-over.'
He turns around to Chan and Felix who are still struggling around each other. Chan is already naked and shakes uncontrollably while Felix tries to grab his hands from scratching himself. Changbin has run over to the living room and comes back with one of the blankets to pull over Chan.
'Euh... O-okay. S-shit. Euhm,' Hyunjin struggles to find the right words. 'C-Chan? It's alright. The euh— procedure is- is done... Oh fuck... Mimu, what did they tell him when something was done?'
'T-they called him su-subject,' she says. 'Subject Chris. A-and t-they said something like completed o-or... finished I think.'
Hyunjin rambles every possible combination of those words to Chan and they all exhale in relief when Chan calms down and starts bawling. He clutches the blanket around himself, but doesn't let the others touch him until Mimu stretches out her arms.
They all look how he falls to his knees and buries his head against her chest while she hugs him and softly caresses his hair, purring calming words in his ear. Chan keeps apologizing and Mimu keeps whispering it's alright.
'Okay... Well, at least we know which word we're gonna ban from this household,' Minho huffs, trying to lift the mood a little.
They are all exhausted from the short burst of emotions and are reminded again that the aftermath is still there.
'I'll call his therapist to tell them about this,' Felix sighs whilst taking out his phone. He signals the others to look after them and leaves the apartment to make the call.
When he comes back they've all moved to the living room where Han and Jeongin are putting on a movie, Changbin has wrapped up Mimu and Chan in another blanket and Minho brings over warm drinks for everyone.
Felix lowers himself in the empty spot next to Chan and gives him a soft smile whilst asking if it's alright for him to sit next to him. Chan nods with puffy eyes.
Halfway through the film Chan scrapes his throat to make them look at him and with a soft blush he averts his eyes.
'Thanks guys,' he mumbles.
Mimu squeezes his hand and smiles proudly at him which makes Chan continue.
'I-I euhm... I think it's clear I still have a long way to go.' He sighs and bites his lower lip, contemplating how much he should tell. When he looks around and sees the non judgemental looks they give him, just looks of concern and love, he knows he can do this.
'M-maybe it's time to share a little more about my past.'

In the end he told them everything. From growing up, being sold, to the time in the facility. His heart sinks when he looks at Mimu and tells her he knew her from way before. She's shocked and tears drop down from her cheeks as she tries to process he's been there just as long as she's been. It pains her to know he had tucked on the shorter end of the straws and had been treated nothing like she had been there.
He tells them all about the embarrassing tests he had to perform and how his brain is still wired differently. How his body reacts to certain scenarios and how he hates himself for it. How he's scared of himself and never wants to lose his new family ever again.
At the end half of them are crying and Felix asks if it's alright for him to hug the black cat hybrid. Chan hesitates at first, but accepts it and exhales with a whimpering breath when he feels his human's arms around him. Safe. His embrace feels safe. 

Writer here:

Ooff... the aftermath is still going strong for Chan...

And what if I tell you... there's only two chapters left after this? Yeah, you read that right... two more chapters and this story is over and oh my gosh, we're in for a ride!

Thank you all for supporting and reading. Let's go!

Hybrid Discovery [SKZ fanfiction]| Lee Felix and Bang ChanWhere stories live. Discover now