Waterworks and headaches

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'Congratulations! You're in a somewhat late state, but we've had patients discovering it way later down the road.'
Mimu blinks twice, swallowing the lump in her throat away. She's... pregnant...
The doctor wipes off the gel on her stomach and places the device back in its holder. After a long talk, different small tests and a simple blood test the doctor asked if she was alright with doing an echo to see if there could be something wrong with her uterus as she told them she was having stomach aches the last few days. Which brought them the current news.
'I had to make sure my suspicions were right,' the doctor smiles at them. 'So don't worry, your symptoms are all normal for someone who's expecting. How are you feeling?'
Mimu doesn't know what to feel. It should be something wonderful, right? But the only thing that comes up is the voice of doctor Kim in her head.
He told her this was the whole purpose of project one. Her growing up to give birth to hopefully a new kind of hybrid. A revolutionary discovery in the history of science!
If people would know the sick experiments of Ficx succeeded... The child... It would become a guinea pig like herself. Humans and hybrids aren't supposed to bring off offspring. If doctors know, there won't be a chance they leave them alone. Tears prick in her eyes as she looks up to the doctor saying something.
' — worry. Are you the father?'
She feels how Felix has placed his hand over hers and when they make eye contact she knows Felix knows. He can see her thoughts in her eyes. Her fear.
'Yes,' he slowly answers.
'Well, congratulations to you too then, new dad! It's a lot to take in at once, right?'
Mimu sees Felix softly smiling with trembling lips. 'It is,' he mumbles, still caressing her hands.
'I'll put the necessary information in the system. We haven't had previous information from your last doctor. Is there anything we need to know? Allergies? Genetic illnesses in the family? Anything that can be of influence on your pregnancy?'
Mimu slowly shakes her head.
'I'll set up a few follow-up appointments and I'll give you some informative folders. But I have to ask—' the doctor blushes and looks between them. 'Don't take this the wrong way, but... is this pregnancy wanted?'
Both are silent and the doctor smiles softly as if understanding. 'It can be quite shocking,' she says. 'Some need time to think about it. But if you want the option- You're not yet twenty two weeks in. An abortion is still an option if you both decide it's not the time yet. I'll include that brochure as well.'
The doctor stands up and walks out of the room to give the two a moment alone.
Mimu looks down to her belly and softly places a hand on it.
'Should we tell Chan?' Felix asks. 'He's still jumpy from his visit. I don't think he'll listen if we tell him immediately.'
'H-home. When we... G-get home,' she answers.

Chan knows something is off as soon as Felix and Mimu come out of the doctor's office. Within a second he's standing beside Mimu who bows to the doctor for a last time. She has been crying, which can't indicate anything good. But all she does is give him a weak smile and look at Felix who takes her hand to pull them to the exit.
'What's the news?' Hyunjin asks.
'We'll tell you when we get home,' Felix says.
Chan wants to protest to demand an immediate answer, but Hyunjin prevents him from jumping on them.
He places a hand on Chan's shoulder to keep him in check and softly brushes over the collar to remind Chan he can't do anything stupid.
Chan grumbles and steps back to follow them back to the car.
The ride back home is quiet and so is the walk back to the apartment.
'Can you tell the others I'm with Chan and Mimu?' Felix asks Hyunjin. 'Tell them to stand by, but not to rush over please.'
Hyunjin frowns, but doesn't question his human. He's off with a simple nod, leaving the two humans alone with Chan.
They get inside of the home and Felix asks Chan to sit down. Chan is suspicious and glances at them with worried eyes before doing as told.
Mimu is fumbling with her hands, avoiding eye contact and Felix is biting his lower lip, not sure how to break the news to his friend. He gives a big sigh and places a piece of paper on the table, shoving it towards Chan who curiously reads it.
'An abortion?' he asks, confused. He looks at Mimu who's still not looking at him and like a drop in a puddle it clicks in Chan's mind.
'N-no?' he says, making Felix and Mimu look up at him at the same time.
'What do you mean, no?' Felix asks him. 'Chan, she's pregnant! Think about it.'
But Chan has thought about it. And he's sure. 'No!' he exclaims. 'I want to keep it.'
Felix looks at him as if he's grown two heads. 'Do you hear yourself?' Felix asks, stunned. 'You want her to keep something that started as an experiment. Something you were compelled to create. Something that - if it will be born- has a chance to become a walking science project if doctors find out how it's conceived? Chan, we can't.'
He hears every word his human friend says, but Chan can only shake his head.
'Yes we can! You haven't said anything to the doctor, right? Otherwise they wouldn't have her leave the building. Nobody needs to know it's a half human, half hybrid.'
Both of them are standing now. Chan is trembling and Felix is searching for words.
They both look at the firmly said word, spoken by the girl in the middle. When they do, she looks at Chan with intense eyes. 'Why?'
'Because it's ours,' he answers.
She keeps staring and Chan wiggles in his seat. 'Why?' she repeats.
Felix wants to interrupt her, but she holds up a hand to make him shut up. 'M-my choice. So... Why?'
Chan feels small under her gaze and it's then his lower lip starts trembling. He doesn't want to admit he's afraid. He's terrified with the knowledge his deeds created this. He raped her and now she has to bear the consequences and he has the nerve to want her to keep it. He knows it's fucked up in every way. No rights, he has no rights to want it. But there's that tiny little voice in his head.
'It's my only chance,' he whispers, blinking the forming tears away.
'Well shit.' Felix leans back in his chair and looks at him in defeat.
Mimu pulls on his sleeve and Felix grumbles out loud. Not wanting to explain, but having no other choice with the sniffling hybrid in front of him.
'Normally humans and hybrids can't have children, but it isn't unheard of for hybrids to fall for their human. Most opt for a childless life or adopting a small hybrid.'
Mimu looks from Chan to Felix and lifts both eyebrows, not getting what Felix means.
'The idiot likes you. This is his only chance to have the impossible.'
Now all Chan can do is bawling. He hides his face behind his hands and hunches over to make himself as small as possible. Too ashamed to admit it himself.
'Like?' Mimu asks them. Her face is puzzled and she opens and closes her mouth before speaking again. 'L-like Jolanda a-and Jeon d-did?'
'Oh gosh,' Felix buries his face in his hands as well and bonks his head on the table. 'I don't want to explain this,' he whines, taking a deep breath before looking up again.
'Yes, Mimu. Liking like how your past owners felt. Do you like Chan like that?'
Mimu's demeanor shows pure confusion at this point. Chan is still crying and she has no clue what both of them want from her or why Felix seems pained by the question.
'Yes?' she uncertainty answers. 'I-I l-like Chan... and Lix. A-and the others—'
'No, no not like that,' Felix interrupts her, pinching his nose bridge. 'That's just liking. What we— Ash, What I mean— Why is this so hard... Okay, Mimu, you know the word "love", right?'
Mimu slowly nods her head and Felix looks from her to Chan and back, making his point.
'Oh... Oh!' Her face flushes before rapidly blinking and pointing her finger to herself. Felix nods when she then points at Chan.
'There's a difference between liking and loving and I think Chan feels the second kind for you.'
'L-liking is good...Lo-loving i-is s-special?' she asks, trying to read on Felix's face if she got that right. When he nods again she bites her lower lip and gives it a long thought. Chan is now sniffling again and tries to wipe his snot and tears away whilst blankly staring at the table in front of him. He jumps a little when Mimu softly places a hand on his shoulder. She smiles at him before turning her head towards Felix and holding her hand up to ask him to hold it. Felix wavers his hand over hers for a moment before grabbing it and softly squeezes it.
'S-same,' Mimu says. 'B-both are s-special. I'll k-keep it.'
Chan is stunned for a moment upon hearing her words. Felix on the other hand groans out loud and lays his head down on the table.
'She doesn't understand a thing— Wait. What?' He looks up to her last words. 'You want to keep it?'
Mimu nods without looking at him, keeping her gaze at Chan.
'Special,' she purrs at him, rubbing little circles on his shoulder.
'B— What? You can't, Mimu. People will question it. You're human. You've been captured for months. How do we explain to doctors you're pregnant without exposing the secret? We already lied to that one doctor when she asked if I was the father. How are we supposed to play off something like that in the future? Nobody will take it seriously and it will raise suspicion.'
Felix rants on and on, playing every doom scenario over in his head.
'Marry her.'
'I beg your pardon?'
Felix blinks twice upon hearing the almost calmly spoken words from the hybrid in front of him.
Chan wipes away his last tears and frowns angrily at him. 'Marry her,' he repeats. 'It makes sense and covers the time frame, right? It will be believable, won't raise suspicion as you're both humans and it gives the little one a fair chance in life.'
The man has gone mad, Felix thinks. Marriage could solve the problems. Right. From finding out about the pregnancy, deciding on ending it to keep it and get him and Mimu to marry. How did their conversation end up in a hundredth and eighty flip around?
'Too much?' Mimu asks Felix whose eyes dart around the room as he tries to sort his thoughts.
'Ah, yes— No... Y-yeah. No.' He squeezes his eyes shut and thinks back to the neighbor's words.
'You,' he nods at Felix. 'Still taking care of that stupid cat?'
Doctor Zeeps raises an eyebrow and Felix slowly nods, not feeling like striking up the conversation about his missing friends to the seemingly frustrated neighbor.
'Good. Take these stupid things and have fun fucking around. I'm out of here.'
The man already had made insinuations about his relationship with her and although far from the truth, it would be believable. The two of them could have been in a relationship before she got kidnapped and abused at Ficx facility. There would be some loose ends in the story, but it would be a shot.
'Let's do it.'

They are dead tired. The talk over at Mimu's place took over two hours in which an array of emotions came through. Mimu understood half of what they talked about and tried her best to think along and give her opinion. All she knows is that upon hearing Chan's side she decided she wants to keep the baby.
Does she understand the topic of being pregnant? Not in the slightest. Or at least, not what it will entail for her personally. She knows how it works for hybrids and normal animals as she has seen a lot of street cats giving birth to a litter of kittens in her young days on the streets. She knows on paper what it means to carry a living, growing being in her body. She knows her case is extremely special and that Chan holds the chance of them becoming parents in highest regards. But what she doesn't understand is why Felix and Chan make a big deal out of the marrying part and her and Felix being in an official relationship. They're both equally important to her and Felix only confused her with his questions about liking and loving. Apparently, marriage is something people do for two reasons. Convenience or love. And Felix had apparently always wanted to marry for love, which in her mind fitted, but the human had grunted out loud, telling her she didn't understand. Which on his turn made Chan upset for suggesting the whole idea and ended up in another round of arguinging. In the end Mimu had leaned back in her chair, rubbing her temples and told them her head hurts from thinking.
They decided on talking with the others as this wasn't simply concerning the three of them anymore, but also could impact the dynamic with the other hybrids.

Six pairs of eyes lock on them as soon as they step into the living room of Felix's apartment. Chan almost freezes on the spot, seeming to prefer to shift and hide far, far away from them while Felix awkwardly rubs his neck, doubting what's the best way to break the ice to his family.
Mimu looks at both of them and groans when neither of them want to start talking apparently. She scrapes her throat to get the attention and deeply inhales and exhales. Musterring all her energy to make her vocal cords form a full sentence.
'I'm m-marrying Lix, cause I'm pregnant f-from Chan.'
With that bomb dropped she crosses her arms and pouts to the two useless men beside her.
For a moment a needle can be dropped in the room because of the utter silence. A moment not lasting more than mere seconds before hell breaks loose.
'What?!' Hyunjin breaks the silence first. The Hazel worm hybrid slowly rises from his seat on the couch.
'You're pregnant?!' Changbin yells through the room at the same time Minho screams; 'You're marrying Felix?'
It shakes the two beside her out of their thoughts as Felix immediately holds up his hands with; 'That's the plan. Nothing is sure yet. We wanted to talk to you guys first.'
He gives Mimu a reprimanding look, but she only tilts her head and shrugs.
'But why?' Jeongin asks. 'I thought you were so opposed to marriage, hyung.'
'Hello?! Lady is pregnant?! Nobody's gonna comment on that?' Changbin says, pointing with both hands to Mimu.
'Does this have anything to do with the legalization of us?' Seungmin questions.
He starts repeating what they told them when the lady at the hybrid rights association talked about the "insufficient setting" Felix was in. Felix shakes his head and tells him that has nothing to do with it.
'P-R-E-G-N-A-N-T!' Changbin spells out loud again to gain the attention to the bigger aspect of the news they dropped on them. 'She's freaking PREGNANT!'
'Yes, hyung! We get that part!' Han screams back at him. 'That's what happens when people have unprotected sex!'
Jeongin looks from the hamster hybrid to the Mountain Estrela hybrid to his female friend with the most blank stare. 'They did what?'
Hyunjin hurries over to him in panic, realizing the young jackdaw hasn't seen any of the footage with Mimu or Chan in it as he was already too stressed and sick from witnessing the other things happening in the facility. He places two hands around the hands of the youngest and looks around him to the others for help.
'Hyung, what do they mean? When did they sleep together?' Jeongin asks, already puzzling pieces together seeing how Chan is getting white as a sheet and Mimu shuffling around in discomfort.
It's the one topic neither of them have spoken about since they are back and although they both know the others must've seen horrible footage of their time there, they don't know to which extent they've seen things.
'It doesn't matter, Jeongie,' Minho quickly answers. 'All that matters is that Han is right and Mimu is expecting right now. Which is great, right?' He looks around to the three behind him. 'Right?!' he states a little clearer and the three of them quickly nod in unison.
'Still doesn't explain why she wants to marry our human,' Jeongin pouts, knowing they keep information from him, but letting it slide as the tension is high in the room already.
'If Hyung got her knocked up, shouldn't he marry her?'
Felix sighs hearing the innocent statement of the jackdaw hybrid. He's right, but Mimu is a human on paper. And that's what he tells his friends. Humans and hybrids can't get married and they shouldn't be able to conceive.

'That's why we came up with the idea. Or well, Chan did,' Felix exhales explaining the highlights of their talk before. After hearing, all of them approved of the plan.
'Wow, it dawns on me only now we're gonna be uncles,' Han huffs after their talk. He glances over to Chan who has been awfully silent the whole time. 'Dude, you're gonna be a dad!'
'Aaaaand there's the waterworks again,' Felix sighs, grabbing the box of tissues Minho hands him to give to Chan.
Chan is bawling again, this time out of happiness. Mimu pats his back and he buries his head in the nape of her neck.
She softly purs at him and rolls her eyes at him, only visible to the others in the room who snicker when they hear her mumble; 'Idiot.'
Felix looks at them with a weird twisting feeling in his stomach. Even though he can tell there's still a lot of things to uncover with the both of them, they seem genuinely happy with each other. He thought Mimu would be more upset or confused with the pregnancy, but so far she seems the most certain out of all the three of them. It will be a rocky road for sure, but he's sure it'll work out.
'Has he always been this emotional?' Seungmin whispers to Han, receiving a slap on his head from Minho.
'Behave,' the Blue Russian hybrid says to them.
'I get a deja vu,' Seungmin grunts, rubbing his head and Han snickers at him. 

Hybrid Discovery [SKZ fanfiction]| Lee Felix and Bang ChanWhere stories live. Discover now