Is our meeting a curse? Or a blessing?

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Hope, you said? Make that fear.
It's one thing she's back in her old home, separated from the people she longs to be with, but at least she thought they were safe. Chan is here. Somewhere in the facility, just like her. Not safe at all. Since when? How? Had he been taken too while they had captured her?
She begs doctor Kwang to tell her where he is. If he's alright, alive, safe. The female doctor only smiles at her and pats her head saying she has to progress a little bit more before she would let them meet.
Mimu got desperate as even her pleas didn't work. She has to know if he's alright. She can handle being here for all she cares. It's been her home more than half of her life. But Chan? He couldn't even sleep thinking back at the time he was held in a lab. She witnessed first hand how terrified he was of that place and now he's stuck in another facility!
They have to let him go. But first she needs to get to him.
Mimu spits out the supplements they tried to hide in her food. She knows she has to take them, otherwise they will inject her with them. They're mere vitamins, but she hates the feeling of having to swallow the dry pills. At least they didn't lie when they said they would get her back to health. Her gums don't bleed that easily anymore and she no longer has a slight yellowish tint to her skin. This is what a good diet can do for a human. She also knows it will help her regain strength. Something she will need if she ever gets the chance to escape again. She's never been the strongest and her dexterity purely held her up with adrenaline in dangerous situations.
Having lived off of cat food did a good number on her, she realizes.

'Send her over to room two,' doctor Kwang orders two white coats.
Mimu notices a slight tremble in her voice. Is she... nervous? There's no time to pry further when the researchers come over and place a collar around her neck with a chain dangling off it. It feels stiff against her skin. These are new... The collar is heavier than the collars Changbin and Hyunjin showed her. This one is bulkier and doesn't have a penning dangling on it.
'If you promise to behave, we won't have to cuff your hands,' doctor Kwang tells her.
Mimu lowers her head and folds her hands in front of her. Glad she at least got to keep the ability to catch herself up if they make her fall by pulling on the chain.
Doctor Kwang coos her and pats her head before walking them out of her room.
They walk through the hallways and when they arrive at their destination she sees a few new faces. A man who scans her from head to toe is in particular one who gives her bad shivers. He looks at doctor Kwang who bows to him.
Before they start a conversation Mimu gets pushed to the door of the examination room.
She immediately sees Bang Chan and wants to rush over.
With a pull on the leash she falls back and lands on her butt. She clasps her hands around her neck and coughs from the sudden pull. She stares angrily at the people who are holding her back.
'Release,' says a voice through the intercom above their heads.
She turns around to the mirror in the room, aware it's one way glass and glares at them. The men in white coats let go of the leash and leave the room. She doesn't spare another second and sprints over to her friend who's cuffed and unconscious on the floor.
'Chan. Chan, wake up,' she whispers whilst grasping his shoulder.
He grunts and she has to shake him a little harder to wake up. He has a nasty looking bruise on his cheek and there are scratch marks around his neck and wrists. He must have tried to claw himself free.
'B-Bang Chan... P-please,' her stuttering comes back and when he grunts again she softly cups his cheeks in her hands. He opens one eye and blinks to the bright light in the room.
'Mimu?' His voice sounds hoarse. He closes his eyes again and lets out a soft huff with a weak smile. 'Thank god,' he mumbles. 'You're safe.'
She weakly smiles back and nods. Chan groans and pushes himself off the ground to sit with his hands behind his back. Mimu scoots closer and softly places her hands on his legs as she scans his face to see if he's hurt anywhere else.
'I'm okay,' Chan says. 'Nothing I'm not used to.' He tries to play it off with a joke, but Mimu doesn't buy it. She gets closer and softly wraps her arms around his shoulders and buries her face in his neck.
Chan stiffs up a moment before leaning his head against hers and lets out a relieved sigh. He's not happy with the whole situation, but at least he knows she's okay.

From behind the one way glass wall the researchers observe every move the two subjects make in the other room. Doctor Kwang glances beside her while her boss, doctor Kim Samuel, folds his hands behind his back and stares at project one. The girl sees the boy and tries to immediately run off to him, but gets pulled back by her leash. She falls and reaches for her neck. Did they shock her already? It doesn't seem like that, but the girl turns around to them and glares right to where she and doctor Kim are standing. Doctor Kim lifts one eyebrow and bows down to the microphone on the desk. 'Release,' he orders.
The other researchers leave her alone and walk back into the room. They look at how the girl hurries over to the boy and tries to wake him up.
'Do they know each other?' doctor Kim asks.
'We don't know. They couldn't have possibly met in the past.'
doctor Kim scoffs. 'You said she was quite curious in her younger years. There's a possibility she sneaked out and talked to the other projects.'
She hears the disdain in his voice when he mentions the past. Doctor Kim Samuel started out as a mere rookie researcher in their facility. His vision and ambitions were far bigger than the director at that time. She looked up to him as his fascination and determination to go further in research always were his top priority. Some called him a maniac, others like herself only see a genius.
He took over as soon as the last head researcher showed he got too attached to the subjects and grew soft. She didn't oppose the new regime as he promised a bigger future for the company.
'Or they could've met on the streets?' One of the assistants behind them suggests. 'It doesn't seem like she recognized his name.'
She called him Chan. Not Christopher or project Chris as they referred him to. She also begged her to take her to him. Something she was already planning, but not before she was representable enough to show to doctor Kim. Project one had been her responsibility in the past when she was just a young researcher and now she wants to prove herself to her head researcher.
'Look at that,' doctor Kim smirks when project one reaches out to the boy to embrace him. Christopher relaxes after a moment in her arms and they stay in their pose.
'This could make things a lot easier,' he says, nodding to the staff to start monitoring and noting down the newfound information.
'Are you sure you want to proceed with what you proposed, sir?' one of them asks.
'We still have the ova options,' doctor Kwang reminds him.
Although she understands there's a higher chance for success if they'll proceed with the natural course, the past has proven that IVF is just as successful with humans.
Kim hands her the last reports without looking away from the two subjects in the room. Doctor Kwang skims through the papers and sighs when she sees the results. No progress. She isn't the biggest fan of the proposal doctor Kim made, but now she witnessed her project react to Christopher, she can somewhat justify the idea.
'When will we start?' she asks him, glancing at him from the corners of her vision.
He's still smirking. A rare sight for the always stoic man. Since they got project Chris back in their facility he's been like that. She doesn't know what kind of history the two have, but it seems doctor Kim has taken a peculiar interest in Christopher. Maybe because he was one of the researchers who was with project Chris from the beginning. Or maybe it's something else. All she knows is that she has to hand over her subject to him when he thinks she's developed enough.
'Blood results came back clean?' he asks one of her employees.
'Yes sir.'
'And how about her education? Did she receive it before the escape?'
The employee browses through the documents, but doctor Kwang can answer out of her own knowledge.
'She did, although she was quite young at the time. She menstruated once before, but after that she escaped. Her cycle seems fine.'
'And what about the cat's cycle?'
She looks over to her employee to give doctor Kim the latest information. 'In sync with her human cycle.'
'Fascinating,' he mumbles.
Cats only have around two to three heat cycles per year in which pregnancy is the highest where humans can conceive almost three weeks per month. The fact her cycles synced up can be seen as a medical miracle on its own. But it's not enough for Ficx's company. This is only their beginning.
'We'll start experiment one as soon as possible. I give you two days at max,' he tells doctor Kwang.
'I'll have her ready in one,' she promises him. Gaining her a look of approval.
He nods to the researchers of her team to get their project and escort it back to her room. They see how she struggles in their grip, not wanting to part from the boy. He keeps suspiciously still when she yells at him and gets pulled by the collar to step away from him.
Doctor Kim snickers. 'Youngsters,' he mumbles under his breath.

When Mimu gets back in her room she immediately swifts to her cat form and hides under the bed. She needs time alone to think. He's here. They really brought him here. He looked so out of it but still tried to smile when he saw her. She's still not sure why they left them alone in the room. She had muttered reassuring words to him and promised everything would be alright. He simply leaned against her and didn't say a thing.
'Let me stay!' she shouted when the researchers came back in. They got separated and she had fought to be with him without luck.
She can still see his eyes wishing the same. He had no energy to fight alongside her and his body looked like it didn't cooperate. Whatever they did to him, it was far worse than her treatment.
Doctor Kwang walks in and chuckles when she sees the cat hybrid hidden under her bed.
'Still the same after seven years, huh?' she remarks whilst sitting on the bed. 'I understand you want time to cool down after your reunion with your... friend? I can promise you you'll see him tomorrow. But we need to prepare you for some more tests. We can't have you turn into your cat for that. Would you be so kind as to come over here?'
Mimu shivers. Her words sound sweet, but have some underlying intentions.
'Not cooperating? Hm, then you leave me no choice,' doctor Kwang says whilst ordering a researcher to hand her something.
Before Mimu can back away, the doctor grabs her by her neck and pulls her from under the bed. With a swift move she injects something in the loose flap of her neck before releasing her. Mimu runs to the corner of the room and stays there, staring with big eyes as the doctor hands the needle back to her helper. Mimu shakes her body which heats up with incredible speed. Her breathing amplified and within a minute she's lying naked in the corner. They forced her back in her human form. Doctor Kwang walks over to her and softly pats her head while she lies down, panting from the weird sensation.
'Don't worry, the effects are temporary, but we'll have to use more if you transform when we do the tests. Do you understand, darling?'
Mimu looks up to the woman with one eye. Not in the position to agree nor disagree.
'Now, let's give you a bath and prepare you for tomorrow. Oh my, your hair would prove difficult. I believe you had something with you to tie it up when we found you, right? Let's ask my colleagues to braid it for you.'

Writer here:
The next chapter will have warnings in the beginning. Like written before; This story contains animal abuse and sexuality (in both good and bad ways.)

Hybrid Discovery [SKZ fanfiction]| Lee Felix and Bang ChanWhere stories live. Discover now