Nice to meet you!

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Everything hurts. Even in her cat form, scurried up under the bed with as little as possible movements.
Most of her bruises are discoloring from the bright reds and purples to vale greens and dirty yellows. Her thighs still burn and she can feel every muscle cramping in her body.
It's been four days since they made her have sex with Chan and it went... Well, it went shit. Whatever they gave her, it made her body contract every fiber she had. She felt so sore that simply breathing hurted the first two days. Her stomach turns whenever she tries to inhale too deeply and even though she wanted to cry multiple times because of the unpleasant sensation, she had to hold it in as it only caused more pain.
'We tried, doctor Kwang. She refuses to let us help her in her human form,' one of the researchers in charge of healing her back up pleads.
Doctor Kwang is standing in her room with the other researcher as Mimu averts her eyes from them. She doesn't want their help. They've done enough. She rather stays like this with the pain than being forced to feel better, only to go through another cycle of experiments. She misses Chan. And the others. More than ever. Most of all she misses Felix. Heck, she even misses the dusty space under the dresser with porcelain plates at her house. The floor over here is too clean, too sterile and too white for her taste. She's like a big target with her black fur even when she's trying to hide in the shadows under the bed.
A target doctor Kwang focusses on right now, calling for her.
'Honey, we really need you to come over here and turn into yourself,' she sighs. 'Doctor Kim is getting impatient and you already got two extra days to calm down.'
Mimu hears the woman step closer to her hiding spot and she tries to press herself as flat as possible against the wall.
'Just give her the shot. What's up with them preferring their beast sides.'
Mimu's neck hairs rise, hearing the dark voice of doctor Kim who closes the door behind him and crosses his arms in annoyance.
Doctor Kwang turns her head to him with the same agitation. 'It's a defense mechanism for hybrids. Their animal sides cope better with it. That's obvious information.'
Doctor Kim rolls his eyes and scoffs. 'She's not even a real hybrid.'
'Your point?' doctor Kwang asks him.
Heavy footsteps come towards Mimu's hiding space and within a second the bed gets shoved away. Before she even has the time to scurry away, doctor Kim grabs her in her neck and drags her towards him.
Mimu can hear how doctor Kwang and the other researcher make shocked noises and try to get her out of doctor Kim's hands, but he steps back and grabs the syringe from the researcher. 'Women,' he mumbles as he hardly injects Mimu with the needle. 'You're too soft hearted for science. There.'
He flops Mimu on the ground and tosses the syringe back to doctor Kwang.
Mimu feels how her muscles ache and tremble and she transforms back into her human form against her will. The transformation hurts like a bitch and she can't even lift herself properly to cover herself up from the eyes laid on her.
'H-hurts...' she winches as she tries to bring her legs up to her chest.
Doctor Kim snickers and crouches down next to her. This is the first time she sees the man from this close. He holds her by her chin to turn her head towards the two women in the room.
'If she can talk, she's good enough to go. Now hurry up and—,' his nagging gets interrupted by his phone ringing and with a snatch he releases her chin to pick up the device.
'Now what?' he snaps at the person on the other side of the phone while he gets up and leaves the room. 'Get her to room two, ten minutes,' he grumbles to doctor Kwang whilst placing his hand over the phone before closing the door behind him.
Doctor Kwang waits for his footsteps to die down before she curses out loud. An out of character thing to do as Mimu never has seen the woman lose her composure.
'Twelve years of university for what?! Working for an asshole who keeps looking down on women,' she seethes.
'Calm down, Haewan. You've respected doctor Kim since day one. He doesn't mean it, probably,' the other researcher says, not sounding that confident with her last words.
Doctor Kwang shakes her head and rolls her shoulders to relieve her stress. Of all days it had to be today her co-researcher insulting her with something stupid like her lack of acting with a firm hand.
Mimu whimpers hearing the two argue back and forth and tries to scoot back to the wall behind her. Placing her hands over her ears to block out the noises she hears coming from out the hallways and from the two females in front of her. She tries to think about positive things, but every good memory is overshadowed with bad ones. There's more bad than good in her head and she sniffles, feeling her nose clog and her eyes water up. Even the good moments with Chan are now overshadowed with his bloodshed eyes, iron grip around her shoulders and snarling cries behind the muzzle. The gentle smile and soft gaze gone with the weird effects of whatever medicine they gave him.
Still, the very first instinct she has when the two women leave the room abruptly without closing the door behind them, is to find her hybrid friend.
She smears the tears away with her wrists and scrambles over to the door before someone will come back to close it. Her eyes dart through the hallway which is surprisingly empty. She can hear people yelling somewhere down the way, but there's no one outside of her room. Her legs still feel like jelly and with every step her muscles try to cramp up, withholding her from moving as she wants. The tiniest whines leave her mouth as she winces from the stinging feeling in her hips, but she's determined with this chance. The closer she gets to the room where they keep Chan, the more noises can be heard. She flinches when she sees researchers run around, but they don't bat an eye as they rush past her, yelling things and struggling with stacks of papers in their arms. At that moment she registers the pure chaos she's stepping in.
There's people running all around her. Some are hybrids - she recognizes the collars around their necks - and some are people she doesn't recognize. All that's clear is that the researchers are being stopped and the hybrids get captured. Chan.
Mimu hurries over to his room and tries to open the door.
'N-no!' she wails as the door doesn't open. She needs a card or key to enter the damn door and only the researchers have those. She frantically looks around when she hears someone yelling at her.
'Hey! Here's another one! Get her.'
Mimu shakes her head and uses all her force to try to open the door behind her. A raw sound escapes her throat as she tries to get in without luck. The man behind her steps closer with something that looks like a loop on a stick which reminds her of the hybrid capturers she had to run from when she was younger. She ducks when the man tries to pull the loop over her head and she claws at the door while she slides down to the ground. There's nowhere to go as the man closes her in. Two other people follow him and one points at the door.
'There's another one behind that door. Looks already dead, I think.'
Mimu lets out a pained noise as she hears those words. How can they say that so casually?!
The first man is still focussed on Mimu and with his second attempt he hooks her and pulls her away from the door. Mimu hicks and sniffles as her body gives up and surrenders. She has to wait for the opportunity.
'Still, let's check it out,' the man who pointed at the door says as he nods to the man beside him who grabs a card to swipe against the lock. There it is.
As soon as the door is not even an inch opened she uses the moment to bolt in. The man holding her doesn't even have time to grip her tighter and the stick clatters behind her when she runs over to the slumped body of Chan.
'Chan! C-Chan, C-can you h.. hear me?' she stutters, crouching down next to him.
Her hands shake and halt a moment when flashes of his bloodshed eyes cloud her mind before she shakes them off and grabs him by his shoulders.
'Shit! Call Eona. I need back-up,' her captor yells behind, but Mimu is entirely focussed on the black cat hybrid in front of her to notice.
Chan grunts behind his muzzle and his head flops to the side as she tries to shake him awake.
'P-please, Chan, L-look at me,' Mimu whines.
She can see his eyes flutter open and close as she calls his name. The people behind her come into the room and when the door bangs against the wall she feels Chan shriek and in an impulse wrap his arms around her to pull her close. She's shaking like crazy and presses her head against his chest, grabbing her arms around his waist, not wanting to let go. They'll try to separate them and that's the last thing she wants right now.
A female voice halts the men approaching her and when Mimu dares to peek up she sees a woman with a clipboard in her hands point at her.
'It's her,' she says to the men who immediately back off. The woman slowly walks over to her and Chan tightens his grip around her and growls at the newcomer. The woman stops and gives them a sad smile.
'I understand you two are scared, but we're not here to harm you. We're sent to retrieve you.'
Her words are pointed at Mimu who frowns at her. The sound of a walkie talkie interrupts them and the woman answers without looking away from them.
'Yes, we found the human. She's with another hybrid. We'll bring her up.'
And then she smiles brightly at them. Not an ounce of malice to be found in her expression and for the first time in weeks Mimu likes to think there's still hope for them to get out of here.
'Let's get you back home.'

'What do you mean, we can't see them?!' Felix is held back by doctor Zeeps by his arm as he yells at the woman in front of him.
They are at one of the facilities of the hybrid rights associations and the woman at the front desk looks at him irritated.
'Like I said, sir. We can't just let anybody walk in without a clear statement of what their relationship to the hybrids are.'
Felix can't believe his ears. 'And the fact they're my friends isn't enough?!'
Doctor Zeeps pulls him back and smiles apologetic to the lady.
'Felix, you need to calm down. It hasn't even been a day and they probably are still on high alert in case the wrong people try to get to them,' he hushes him.
Felix breathes out loud through his mouth trying to calm down, but his body is shaking with impatience. He needs to know if they're alright. With the little information they gave to doctor Zeeps, Felix only knows all hybrids have been captured for the time being and put into this hybrid facility to wait for further instructions from court.
The doctor pushes him down on a bench in the hallway and gives him a stern look which makes Felix feel like a little schoolboy all over again.
'I know you're worried,' the doctor says to him. 'But you can't expect to rush in without the right connections. Let me try again and don't move a muscle, you hear me, boy?'
Felix pouts and nods as he crosses his arms and looks at the older man walking back to the receptionist to talk.
It's all thanks to doctor Zeeps. When Felix and his hybrids found the right materials from the recordings, they mailed it over to the doctor who on his turn rang up the police and hybrid rights associations. Without his input and pleading urging, it would've taken weeks before something would be done about the situation. But with his name in the workfield the association jumped on the opportunity and got permission to bring back all the hybrids and arrest the researchers for further investigation.
Court decided the facility of Ficx would be permanently closed until the investigation would bring out all the evidence of mistreathing the hybrids. In the meantime, the hybrids were held here.
'Eona, what a nice surprise seeing you here,' he hears doctor Zeeps say to a woman who comes in and greets the man with a bright smirk on her face.
'Jonathan, my old friend. You know you could've called if you want to visit, right?'
She gives the man a firm hand and the two of them definitely are good acquaintances with the followed up hug they exchange.
'I didn't want to jump the favor train immediately with all the favors I already owe you with the work we brought you.'
The woman rolls her eyes. 'You sure did. But our eyes were on Ficx for quite some time already. So you gave us the right excuse at the right moment. But tell, what are you doing here?'
Doctor Zeeps walks over to Felix who quickly stands up and bows to the woman.
'Felix, meet Eona Yang. We studied together back in the days and she's the one who took on the case of Ficx. Eona, this is Felix Lee, the secret informant I told you about.'
The woman bows back at Felix and snickers at doctor Zeeps. 'You know we're not supposed to know where we got the evidence from, Zeeps. But I'll overlook it in this instance. Nice to meet you, mister Lee. Now I don't think the old man would introduce us without a reason and I think I know why you're here. Let me guess, you're searching for a particular hybrid?'
Felix shyly nods and looks over to doctor Zeeps who smiles at him with encouragement to tell her.
'Actually, two hybrids. They're my friends. Bang Chan and Mimu.'
'Chan... Ah you mean Christopher Bang. He was the reason you infiltrated the place, right? He's here.'
Felix exhales relieved and nods again to the lady. 'Yeah, he means a lot to me. Is it possible for me to see him? And Mimu?'
Eona glances behind her and slowly nods. 'I think we can do that. Although I'm not familiar with the other name you said.'
'Oh, Mimu. Eh... We gave her that name,' Felix stutters. 'She— ah, She was the girl on the videos. The one with long, black hair.'
It's like Eona wakes up hearing him mentioning the videos and her eyes scan Felix's face. Her frown disappears and her mouth opens up a little before smiling and looking over to doctor Zeeps.
'I see,' she says. 'If you would follow me.'

'I have to warn you, they are pretty protective of each other right now. They both refused medical help and mister Bang almost broke down the room when we had to pull miss Yun away for questioning,' Eona says.
'Miss Yun?' Felix asks, but before he gets an answer, they stand still in front of a door which she opens for them and Felix immediately hears a recognisable hiss.
'It's me, Christopher,' Eona hushes as she steps into the room. 'There's someone who wants to see the both of you and I think you will like it.'
She motions for Felix to come in and doctor Zeeps follows behind him. As soon as he steps inside his eyes tear up and his mouth turns into a ridiculous big smile seeing his two friends in front of him.
Chan has his arms clutched around Mimu who sits in his lap and tries to pry free as she sees her favorite human. Chan releases her and jumps up behind her to rush over to him. Mimu bounces against his chest and Chan follows behind, taking the three of them in a big hug. For a moment all they can do is stand there, bawling their eyes out while they hear the two adults behind them walk out of the room for a moment.
After they calm down a little Felix wipes away his tears. 'Christopher? I thought you never wanted to use that name again?' He smiles whilst looking up to the male black cat hybrid who blinks away his tears with a dumb smile on his face.
'And who is miss Yun?!' Felix grabs Mimu's shoulders to make her look up to him.
'Me!' she chuckles, whipping her nose on her sleeve.
She looks adorable doing it and Felix can't help but laugh out loud and pull her in a hug again, this time cradling her front left to right.
'Lix!' She chirps. 'G-go. L-let go... Air!'
He releases her and Chan holds her up by wrapping his arms around her shoulders and pulling her against his chest.
That's... a new development, Felix thinks. Not a weird one after all they've been through, but something in the way Chan touches her seems a little possessive.
Mimu apparently sees the held back expression in Felix's face as she taps Chan's arm and looks up to him.
'S-sorry,' Chan exhales as he lets go of her. 'I can't really help but be an absolute asshole as soon as someone approaches us.' He shrugs apologetically.
'Understandable,' Felix grins at him. 'Although I hope you can tune it down a bit when we get home. The others probably want to smother you as well.'
There's a short glance between Chan and Mimu which doesn't go unnoticed by Felix.
'Well, about that—,' Chan starts when he gets interrupted by doctor Zeeps and Eona who come back in.
'They won't be able to leave,' Eona says, carrying a tray of drinks to hand over to everyone.
Chan and Mimu both look at the cups and then to each other and Eona sighs out loud. 'Oh for the love of god, I didn't poison it. It's just tea.'
'What do you mean, they can't come with me?' Felix asks before picking up the cardboard cup filled with tea. He sees how Chan and Mimu eye the drink. He takes a slow sip and after swallowing he sees them relax and pick up a cup as well.
Eona pokes her tongue in her cheek seeing the two finally let go of their suspicions of the drinks and he can hear doctor Zeeps snicker behind her.
'They can't leave with you, because he—' she points at Chan. 'Isn't registered under your name and she—,' now pointing to Mimu who shrieks up. 'Has special circumstances.'
'Then let me register them under my name,' Felix follows up as if it is the most obvious answer.
'Yeah, now that's not really possible. I believe you already have two hybrids and a bunch of other animals?'
Doctor Zeeps coughs and both Mimu and Chan look away while Felix stares blankly at the woman. Eona simply raises one eyebrow in questioning and Felix swallows dryly before nodding. Yeah... only two hybrids...
'You're a young man, mister Lee. Taking care of two hybrids is already a big responsibility. Given your circumstances, the association won't allow you to adopt more as it would be deemed irresponsible. Especially when we count the troubling history of Christopher. Also—,' she glances over to the two finally sipping on their tea. 'Christopher is already registered with his new owner.'
At those words Felix grip on his cup falters and Eona and doctor Zeeps both jump up startled by the hot beverage spilling on the floor. Mimu grabs some napkins from the tray to help them clean up and all Felix can do is stare towards Chan who grabs the napkins out of Mimu's hands and pushes her down on her chair to do the cleaning himself.
'Wh-What do you mean? C-Chan w-will leave?'
After all the trouble they went through to get him back, someone else claimed him? He won't be able to come back to his family? His lower lip is trembling with the realization one of his biggest fears is about to come true.
Mimu witnesses Felix shift in demeanor and panicky grabs Felix's hands to get him to look at her. She shakes her head and snaps him out of his thoughts.
'W-won't leave,' she soothes him. 'L-let us ex...plain.'
Her hands push a lock of his hair behind his ear and she gives him a soft smile while holding his cheek.
'Gosh, we're not doing a good job explaining things at all huh,' Eona sighs whilst throwing away the empty cups.
'You never were the best at teaching,' doctor Zeeps replies to her which earns him a friendly hit on the shoulder. 'I'm sorry, Felix. It wasn't our intention to upset you in any way. Maybe listen to her before you make assumptions of the worst.'
he nods to Mimu who's still looking at him with concern. She smiles softly again before speaking. 'I'm h-his o-owner... now.'
'Ow-ner...' Felix repeats the word slowly as if he didn't hear her right.
Mimu nods proudly and looks over her shoulder to Chan who smirks at him and wraps his arms around Mimu's shoulders again.
'H-humans can o-own hybrids,' she states and she looks over to Eona who gives her a thumbs up. Mimu then raises her hand up to Felix for him to shake.
'N-nice to m-meet you. I-I'm Mi...nase Yun. I-I'm a... H-human!' 

Hybrid Discovery [SKZ fanfiction]| Lee Felix and Bang ChanWhere stories live. Discover now