What's my name?

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An opportunity which never came. She fell asleep under the couch and only woke up by the loud rattling of keys.
'Morning,' a husky voice sounds.
It's the owner. It must be morning and she managed to stay under the couch for the whole night. Great.
If she's quick the door should not have been closed yet. She could make a run for it! These are thought in her head, as when she wants to take action, she hears sounds above her, halting her in her moves.
'Hngh, Morning, Lix. How was work?' It's the cat hybrid who's back in his human form. Two naked legs swing over the edge and pick up the sweatpants dropped on the floor.
'Nothing special. I had to move, like, twenty boxes. My back hurts. You want breakfast?'
The owner puts his keys on the kitchen table and walks to the kitchen.
The cat hybrid follows him. 'Nah, let me do it. The others won't wake up soon. Go to bed, I'll make my own food.'
The two bicker for a moment before the owner gives in and leaves the cooking to his hybrid.
Miss Muffles crawls a little bit closer to see where he's going, only to retract herself when the fluffy tail of the scary hybrid dog flips over the edge of the couch, obstructing her view. Fine, she'll stay here the rest of the day if she sees fit.

After a couple of hours - Miss Muffles nodded off again - sounds of people waking up can be heard. She shoots awake as soon as the couch above her starts moving and the big, scary looking dog wakes up from the alarm of a clock.
'Too early,' the hybrid mumbles, clearly transformed and now walking over to the hallway to get dressed. He's rubbing his eyes whilst stumbling to keep his balance.
'Yo, Minho, got time to make me a smoothie?' he sleepily asks the cat hybrid who pops his head around the corner of the kitchen. 'Can I put in a secret ingredient?' he asks.
'Sure, as long as it's drinkable,' the dog hybrid mumbles. 'But nothing fishy, I warn you! Once was enough!'
Miss Muffles is intrigued with their conversation. A smoothie? They get to eat and drink whatever they want? Human food? Why isn't their owner giving them their food? She crawls over to the end of the couch and curiously pops her head from under the piece of furniture to see what's happening in the kitchen. It's then she gets surprised by a big, blue, plastic ball rolling towards her. Inside is a small hamster who's speeding up with the intent of hitting her head. Right in time she retracts herself back under the couch and the ball bonks against the side, breaking into two pieces. The hamster rolls on the floor, shakes his head and waves at her before turning into.... another human?! There's four?!
The hamster hybrid makes direct eye contact with her and Miss Muffles tucks herself further back into the shadows.
'Ah, I almost scored!' the hamster hybrid pouts whilst laying on the ground.
The cat hybrid walks into the living room and steps over the hamster boy to place cutlery on the kitchen table.
'Is Chan still under the couch?' he asks and the hamster boy nods before getting up.
Wait. Chan? Miss Muffles looks around to see if there's another animal near her, but can't see anyone.
The cat hybrid bends down to look at her under the couch and huffs when he sees her.
'You and your preference for dark places. Chan, I'm making breakfast. I hope you'll join us this time?'
She's Chan? They think she is this Chan animal? So, there's another one? Perhaps another black cat? Miss Muffles blinks slowly and the cat hybrid takes it as her answer for breakfast.
'Han, pull him out, will you? Wake the others. I'll be done in ten minutes.'
The hamster boy's eyes shine bright and with two hands he reaches out for her, grabbing her by her tail and dragging her out from her hiding spot. She growls deeply, but the hamster boy doesn't seem to care as he picks her up and squeezes her in his arms. A lot stronger than granny does. She could use her claws to get out of his grip, but there are no other places to run to. Inflicting pain upon the other wouldn't be the smartest thing right now. She waits for the next move of the hamster boy and decides to wait for what's about to happen.
'Grumpy today as well, huh?' the hamster boy chuckles at her. He puts her on the kitchen table, next to the cutlery and scratches her on her head. It feels oddly satisfying.
'Seung Seung! Wake up!' He rattles on the bars of the bird cage above the table. A clearly agitated parakeet opens its eyes and chatters to his disturbance of sleep. The hamster boy ignores it and walks over to the weird glass box under the tv.
'Hyunnie, breakfast will be served in ten minutes,' he says to something in the box. He flips open a little shutter on top and with big eyes Miss Muffles sees how a snake-like creature slithers out of its habitat. The brown scaled reptile yawns and tiny fangs can be seen poking out of its jaws. The hamster boy picks the animal up and holds it against his cheek.
'Warm up quickly, Hyung won't like it if you fall back asleep on the table.'
Shouldn't the hamster hybrid be terrified of him? It's literally a predator who's able to eat him! But so is she and the other cat hybrid. Apparently this boy isn't afraid of them? She looks at how the hamster boy walks to the hallway with the snake around his arm to come back a moment later, fully clothed and with him the long boy with slim eyes.
So the other "legal" hybrid is a reptile. That must mean the owner has a license or something, right? Otherwise nobody in his right mind would keep a snake as a hybrid companion.
'Morning Chan,' the reptile hybrid greets her, also oblivious that she's not their "Chan".
She decides to play along for now as this gives her the perfect opportunity to scout her surroundings.

Hybrid Discovery [SKZ fanfiction]| Lee Felix and Bang ChanWhere stories live. Discover now