What a fun time!

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Because Rock-Star dropped today, let's get into the SKZ zone! Xx

With that there's a new visitor in their home from time to time. The black cat often visits around noon when Felix wakes up. It is pretty fond of the human who treats it with the usual love he gives all of them. Chan remembers the name the elderly lady called him and asks the cat one evening if that's its name.
'Miss Muffles? Are you kidding me?' Han clasps his hands around his stomach whilst laughing at the weird name. 'Tha- That's adorable and so lame! Who calls his cat Muffles in this day and age.'
The black cat opens one eye lazily and chooses to ignore the hamster hybrid. It made itself comfortable on Felix's lap, getting cuddles from their human.
'Wait!' Han gasps. 'Does that mean you're a female!?'
Now the cat opens both eyes and looks at him all confused.
Did it- no, she- thought they knew?! Felix's hand halts mid air and we all look at the cat. There's a long silence while the information seeps in.
'Oh god!' Felix is the first to react. 'I did indecent things to you!' Felix retracts his hands and places them in front of his red cheeks whilst apologizing like crazy to the feline.
'You're exaggerating, Lix,' Chan chuckles, wiping tears from the corners of his eyes.
The reaction of his human too funny to ignore.
'Yah! Do you have no shame!?' Han yells at the cat who jumps off Felix's lap and hides herself under the couch.
'No, no hiding!' the hamster hybrid nags at her as he pulls her from under the piece of furniture by her tail.
Chan tries to warn him not to do that to a cat and Minho swats him on the back of his head to make him stop. The cat has her front legs stretched out while she's dragged out from her hiding spot and buries her face in the rug.
'No crying over spilled milk,' Minho warns Han who tries to capture her again.
Chan can't help but grasping for his tummy as he pictures how the boys all flaunted their private parts in front of her without giving a fuck. He hicks and laughs and tries to remember when the last time was he laughed this hard. Felix is still wailing on the couch with beet red cheeks and Minho shakes his head at the weird conversation.
'Well, I'm not gonna call her Miss,' Seungmin says while he places warm drinks in front of them on the coffee table. 'What about a nickname?' he suggests.
'Hmm, that's not a bad idea,' Chan chuckles, trying to compose himself back. 'Lix, could you come up with something? As the human of this household?'
Felix stutters before averting his eyes to think of a name. 'Miss... Mu... How about Mimu? The first two letters of both her names?'
The feline tilts her head at him and mewls happily at them.
'She likes it,' Chan says. 'Mimu it is!'

'Why is she so good at this game?!' Han gets frustrated when he has to pay her again in their game of monopoly.
All of them are gathered in the living room, entertaining themselves. Hyunjin and Minho are playing games on Felix's phone, Seungmin is reading a book and the others are playing board games.
'You just suck at the game,' Jeonging teases the hamster hybrid. He rolls the dice and frowns when he lands on one of the properties of Mimu. 'Or not...' he sighs. 'Does she even know how the game works?'
They look over at the black cat who sits on the coffee table and swings her tail over the edge. She seems to enjoy herself.
'Mimu, have you played this game before?' Felix asks her.
The cat mewls and taps one paw in front of her. "yes".
'There's your answer,' he says to Jeongin who starts counting his fake money and places it on Mimu's pile.
'Well, I'm out, she took my last property,' Han exhales, throwing his cards on the table.
Mimu tilts her head to him.
'Don't mock me! Come here!' The hamster hybrid launches himself at her and transforms mid air into his hamster form. Mimu screeches and runs away from him while he chases her. It's playful and their way of showing affection to each other. Felix and Jeongin laugh as they jump around each other with Mimu winning when she jumps up on the kitchen table, out of Han's reach. He runs to the bathroom and a few seconds later he walks back in his human form - pulling his shirt on whilst walking - and points at her. 'That's cheating! You know I can't reach you there!'
Mimu lays down on the table and crosses her front paws. Han scoops her up and spins around, making both of them dizzy before throwing her out his arms on Changbin.
'Han!' Felix exclaims when she lands on the dog hybrid with stretched nails. Changbin lets out a big oof as he sits up right and tries to grab her before she falls on the ground.
'You can't just throw her around!' Felix scolds Han.
'What? A cat always lands on its feet, right?'
Changbin rubs over his chest where Mimu's nails scratched him. Han apologizes to him with a smirk.
Mimu is still breathing heavily and hisses at the hamster boy. Han bows to her and asks for forgiveness. She huffs and turns around to Changbin who's still holding her. She pushes her two front paws against his chest and pushes her head against his jaw.
'Yeah, yeah, I'm alright,' the dog hybrid hushes her. 'Thanks for checking up on me.'
Chan witnesses their interactions with great fondness. Where Mimu was pretty scared of him in the beginning, they now seem to get along fine. They've witnessed how she fell asleep a few times against the dog when she got too exhausted from playing with Han or Jeongin. Changbin didn't seem to care and actually enjoyed her cuddles. Whenever she feels cornered she runs to either him or Chan, searching for protection from the two youngsters who like to play little pranks on her when playing. She's a mischievous one herself as well. Chan isn't sure if that's because she simply doesn't understand some basic things or that it's because she's enjoying their play.
Last week the toaster gave her a jump scare and Han laughed relentlessly while she nagged at him with little mewls. After that she curiously jumped on the kitchen counter and started harassing the toaster, pawing it and eventually toppling it so she could shoot the burned toast at Han. That gave the two the idea of holding a bread shooting competition where Han stuffed the toaster and Mimu pressed the button to see which kind of bread would fly the furthest. Felix had scolded the two for breaking yet another kitchen appliance and made them clean up their mess. She hisses at the new toaster they got whenever it's on the counter.

Mimu's ears turn up and she looks over to the hallway. She can hear her owner outside. Time to go home. Hopping off the couch, giving a small mewl to Felix to open the front door for her, she makes her way to the hallway. Although she loves staying at the hybrid household, she has her own home which she belongs to. Jeon Sora comes home at different times for the last few days and she knows it has something to do with granny.
Mimu tiptoes over to her front door and watches how Felix closes their front door behind him. Maybe Jeon Sora will leave after dropping off some stuff and she'll be able to go back to the neighbor's place.
Her front door is still open and she can hear Jeon Sora rummaging through their home. She sits next to the empty chair of granny and dares to mewl once. Where's granny? Jeon Sora grasps to his heart hearing the cat and softly scowls. 'For fuck sake, stupid cat, You scared the hell out of me.'
He walks to granny's room and stuffs some of her clothes in a bag. Mimu curiously walks into the room and watches what her owner is doing. Is granny sleeping over somewhere?
'Ksst, out of the way, rat,' Jeon Sora scolds when he tries to pass her.
She sprints away from his feet and hides under the dresser. Jeon Sora sighs and rubs his face. Looking from the cat to the front door. 'What a hassle,' he mumbles.
He grabs the stuffed bag and his keys before making his way over to the front door. Mimu walks with him.
'No, Fuck. Stay,' he grunts at her when she tries to get out with him. He tries to grab her, but she ducks under his arms. That's when Jeon Sora loses his temper.
'I can't deal with this! Freaking pest.' He kicks her and for a few seconds Mimu gasps for air. She gets picked up by her neck and with a few steps Jeon Sora drags her to granny's bedroom. Throwing her inside and locking the door from the other side. 'Never should've taken her,' she hears her owner mumble, thereafter she hears the front door shut. 

Hybrid Discovery [SKZ fanfiction]| Lee Felix and Bang ChanWhere stories live. Discover now