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What is he doing here?
Chan's first instinct is to run over to the man standing behind doctor Kim, but his guts tell him to stay frozen in place.
Minho. Minho's here. Why? How? Are the others here as well?
There are too many questions popping up in his head and when he tries to make eye contact, his friend almost invisible shakes his head. One tiny muscle under his right eye spasming to keep him from giving away any other emotion.
Chan swallows dry and averts his gaze to his feet. Does he feel relief or fear seeing him here? Why is Minho here? It's dangerous down here. He's a hybrid! Don't they know that? Chan tries to glance up again to his friend and plays it off by staring at the wall behind him in a daze. Minho's wearing a labcoat. He's a researcher? How did he sneak in? And why does it seem like doctor Kim doesn't suspect him? He's even talking to the damn doctor whilst smiling!
A tiny part of Chan is suddenly doubting everything. Could he be part of this place? Was it Minho who ratted him out? Him and Mimu? The Russian Blue never seemed particularly fond of the female feline, but to rat them out seems almost impossible. Minho would never do that. Right?
Chan's mind is spiraling down and the half of him which already lost all hope of ever escaping, tries to take him down by telling him his friend did indeed sell him out. The rational part of his brain denies everything, Minho clearly tried to keep up his cover with the slight eye contact and warned him not to react. There must be something going on.
Chan sighs out and looks up to doctor Kim, trying his best to focus on what the doctor and his friend are talking about. They're standing too far away from him to hear anything and it doesn't help that one of his researchers is fumbling with liquids from his IV going into his vein.
Chan hisses when the new liquid stings in his veins and burns like hell. What kind of mystery medication is it this time? What the hell, this stuff stings.
All he hopes is that it won't make him go rogue like a few days ago. They didn't tell him what happened with Mimu, but he knew he hurted her while they had to perform test thirty- whatever. There have passed two sleeping moments which he assumes corresponds with a night or day where they didn't bring him to her after he woke up from his normal medicine routine. So, probably two days.
If only they would let him remove the damn muzzle so he could apologize to her. Calm her. Tell her she's strong and they will survive whatever this is. Their only moment together is when he finishes and embraces her for a few seconds before they take him back to his room. He. Hates. It.
Doctor Kim looks at him and lifts one eyebrow as he sees Chan glaring. He tskt to the hybrid and presses one of the all too well known buttons. Chan grits his teeth, feeling the electricity run through his body, making him fall prone to the ground, muscles tensed up and unable to do anything. The IV needle yanks out of his arm and the researcher beside him gasps and jumps away from him.
'Doctor Kim!' she panicky yells at the doctor. 'Don't do that whilst I'm working!'
Doctor Kim shrugs and smiles evilly at Chan. 'The project was showing a hostile attitude. I need to show our new recruitments we're capable of keeping them in check, right? Mister Lee?'
The shocking stops and Chan huffs heavily in and out, trying to regain himself. Minho either deserves an award for not showing any shock or Chan has really lost his friend.
He doesn't even blink at him, instead looks up to doctor Kim and points at the remote. 'Is there one specific for him?' he asks and Chan almost wants to cry, hearing a familiar voice around him even if said words don't give anything away if Minho's indeed turned on him.
'Oh this nifty thing? We can use it on all programmed collars,' doctor Kim replies, sounding a little too haughty showing off his stupid toy. 'It's like a walkie talkie. Put in the right frequencies and you connect.'
Minho sounds impressed with his haughty humm. 'Rather simple. Smart. Reminds me of those shock collars for dogs. The ones which prevent them from running off a property,' he tells the other who nods at his comparison
'Hmm, practically the same, but these can go up to a higher Voltage. I mean, pet dogs are fast learners when confronted with the right stimuli. This one over here—,' he nods towards Chan. 'Still has a long way to go.Even after all these years'
And that's when Chan sees it.
Minho knows. He knows this is the same damn place he once told him about, one time when he opened up to his friends and told him his old name. How his days were as a child, age ten. How he still anguishes seeing a needle, like right now as the researcher shakes her head and pushes the sharp point back in his skin. How he wished he had died not once, but multiple times by one of their ridiculous inhumane tests.
It shows in Minho's eyes. A tiny moment where his eyes water and he quickly blinks it away.
'Ah, yes indeed. Pets are a lot easier to manage than those hybrids,' Minho says.
Doctor Kim smiles at Chan before leaving the room. 'Shall we?' he asks Minho, who follows him. 'I heard you had remarkable scores in your herpetology studies.'
All Chan can do is look at how they leave him here. Whatever Minho's doing here, he hopes it means something. Hopefully something good.

Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up. It's beyond uncomfortable for Han and he can only repeat his thoughts like a mantra whilst he waits for Minho to get through security.
'Morning, Lee,' he hears muffled voices talk to each other while he's pressed in the weirdest place he ever had to hide in.
'Morning,' he hears Minho answer. 'Here's my bag.'
'Thank you. You okay for the pat down?' the unknown voice asks and he hears Minho answer with a "sure".
Oh gosh, this is it. Oh gosh, hurry up! Han's heartbeat goes so fast he can feel it in his cheeks. The security officer frisks Minho from his arms to his body, down his legs and Han feels the fabric of Minho's clothes press against him. For fuck sake, HURRY UP! It's already warm and broody over here and Han now understands what it is to be something like a calzone pizza.
'Well, have a nice day,' he hears the security officer say and Minho starts walking again. After a moment he feels how Minho fumbles with the zipper of his pants and Han gasps when he feels fresh air filling his tiny lungs. He gets grabbed by his neck and pulled up in front of his friend's nose and a glaring Minho huffs at him.
'That was the most embarrassing moment of my life!'
Han shrugs his tiny hamster shoulders, not being able to use his voice in his hamster form. Embarrassing? Nah, he had worse. Stuffy and uncomfortable? Yes!
Minho places him on the closed toilet lid while he steps out of his pants and starts removing the second pair of boxers he's wearing. Two pairs of underwear. Who would've thought! The perfect solution to smuggle a tiny hybrid inside of the building. Sometimes Seungmin is a genius!
'I swear I will tumble you off the stairways in your plastic ball if you ever tell them you touched my junk, you hear me?' Minho grumbles at him.
"Indirectly" Han thinks. As if he never touched the Russian Blue's junk before by accident. They're naked at least ten percent of the time they live together. It's unavoidable in his eyes.
Han waits for Minho to dress himself and after that the older lifts him up and hides him in the front pocket of his lab coat. He has to stay as still as possible, which is a pretty big task for the always fiddling hamster hybrid, but he manages. Minho walks around and greets coworkers here and there.
'Morning Know,' someone greets him. 'There's fifteen plates today.'
Han hears Minho sigh and grumble before he sits down and starts up his desktop. 'Another day with the stupid tubes.'
His coworker snickers and says that's the life of a researcher and Minho makes an annoyed sound before replying with; 'Should've chosen another major.'
'Gotta do what pays the bills,' the other remarks and with that their conversation stalls and Minho starts working.

'Lee Know? Can you deliver these to doctor Kwang? You're the only one she hasn't scoffed out yet.'
Two voices start laughing and he feels how Minho stands up to walk towards them.
'You mean I'm the only one who shows genuine interest and shows it,' he jokes.
'Pff. Sure thing, Know. Are you certain you don't have a few loose screws up there? Only those downstairs are weird enough to enjoy their work there.'
'Nah, Know has a thing for slimy animals, he fits right in.'
'Oh right, the Herpa— something reptile study, right?'
He feels Minho snicker and he's for sure rolling his eyes at them, playing along with the made up story on his resume. Hyunjin has succeeded in his task wonderfully!
'Maybe I should ask for that promotion and leave you simple lab folk behind,' he teases them and one of them gasps theatrically.
'Don't you dare, Know! How am I supposed to get through all those plates alone?!'
'Maybe— Oh, I don't know— Work?' Minho jabs at him.
'Allright, alright, mister reptile lover. I get it. Now, go and bring me a coffee on your way back, will you?'
Minho wanders off and Han holds back the urges to peek out to see where they're going. After a few minutes Minho stops and lifts him out of his pocket.
'Twenty minutes,' Minho whispers. 'Got the usb?'
Han shows him his filled cheek and Minho scrunches his face.
'Ew, gross.'
What? His cheeks are the best spot to stuff it as he has no tiny backpack and also, there's a cap on the metal part of the stick. It's not like he will salivate all over the thing!
Minho looks around and crouches down to act like he's tying his shoelaces. In the wall is a small air vent opening which Minho has pried open a few days ago.
'Know the way?' he asks Han who nods his head before scurrying into the vent. It took some time, but Minho mapped out the place. He won't share how he got access to the lower floors and neither does he want to share what kind of experiments he witnessed, but Han has the feeling Minho is ashamed of his knowledge. He must've done some things he can't be proud of if he's not willing to talk and Han respects that. He knows what it feels like to walk around, knowing these things you've done which aren't the greatest.
There should be a drop down somewhere here and below that a long shaft with multiple sideways.
Han walks around and finds his way easily. Too easily, he thinks. There's something familiar about this place. He shakes it off as anxiety and lowers himself when he reaches the drop. It makes a lot more noise than he likes and he prays nobody hears it. One, two, three, four... Sixth from the left. Han sees multiple grids which lead into the designated room. Oh my god, he should've worked out more! There's only four nuts he has to screw loose from the bolts but in his hamster form it costs him all of his energy to wiggle them around. Turn, turn, turn. Roll, roll, roll. Grab before they fall. Bonk, bonk, knock one out and listen if someone notices. Coast clear!
He slams out the grid and peaks over the edge to see the metal plate fall on the ground. Hmm, not bad, it is a pretty big drop, but this is what he's been training for. Or at least, tried to.
Everyone at home always tries to interrupt his training. Han shakes his back legs loose and with a leap he jumps out of the vent. He tumbles around when he lands and rolls away until he hits the wall on the end of the desk he lands on. Okay, he's been out of it a little bit but hey! Not a single scratch and the usb is still intact! If the others could see him he would've made a big bow, but now's not the time.
He scans the room and rushes over to the many monitors on the desk. He slides down the cables attached from the screens to the computer under the desk. All he has to do is plug in the stick, right? Easier said than done for the hamster hybrid, but he shoves in the usb stick - which isn't covered in saliva, because he's not a moron- and waits till he sees a tiny red dot light up. Superninjatactic succeeded!
Now for the tricky part, using his brain... He knows the clock is ticking and he needs to get back up in the air vent. He climbs back up the computer cable and scans his surroundings. He could build a tiny catapult and try to launch himself? Or... Would the vent hold up his human body's weight? Nah. But he could use his human limbs to reach up...
He takes the risk and transforms into his human body. If someone would walk in they would stare right up his asshole, Han snickers to himself. Not the time! He grabs a stapler lying on the desk and searches for something to climb up on. He finds a pair of broken earphones which would be long enough if he jumps up. He slides the pointy end through the grid and places it in the vent with the stapler on top of it.
He transforms back into a hamster and jumps up and grabs onto the cord. The earphones dangle dangerously, but after a little bit of swinging around he starts climbing up. He's almost halfway when he hears footsteps outside of the room.
Shit, Oh god, he has to hurry.
With his movements the cord starts swinging again and the further up he climbs, the more the stapler starts shuffling towards the edge. No, no, please stay, Han thinks. He tries to stay still to stop the swinging. If he drops now he'll not only blow his cover, but he'll be crushed under the stapler if it falls. His tiny ears turn to the door where he now clearly can hear people talk. He tries to climb a little more and the stapler shuffles in sight. Aargh! It's now or never! With wide grabs he pulls himself up and right when he's at the edge and grabs it with his tiny paws the stapler he hears the doorknob twist. Han panicky picks up the cord in his mouth and runs forward with all his energy. Pulling the grid up. The door opens right when the grid is pulled in front of the air vent hole and Han falls from the pulling feedback of the cord. He stays flat on the metal surface beneath him and listens to a person mumble something and a desk chair being pulled back. Han slowly crouches over back to the grid with his paws grasping the cord, holding it in place. When he's close enough he pushes the stapler up and pushes the cord under it, holding the grid in place. Good. Now he has both his paws free. Time to get back!

Han has a smug grin on his tiny face whilst walking back into the air vent to take the next route back to Minho. Hah! They should've seen him, he still got it! Master spy and best infiltrator alive! He's almost tempted to make little hops whilst walking as proud as he is.
That is, until he gets that deja vu feeling again. He's definitely been here before. But when? Han doesn't know how much time he has left, but his curiosity wins and he follows the recognizable vent. When he sees a grid he carefully peeks through it. A rather clean room. Must've been recently renovated or something. As soon as he thinks that, his brain connects the missing pieces and Han malfunctions. Flashbacks of his last mission flood over him and he's frozen in his spot. Oh shit! That's why everyth— Of fuck! No, no, no! He needs to get out of here! MOVE LIMBS! His whole body is shaking and as if hit by lightning he spurts away. He relives parts of that ominous night. His fuck ups, the sparks it created. The fire. The fire! His thoughts were occupied with the horror he had witnessed and before he knew it, fire was everywhere. He had to run for his life, just like how he's doing right now even though there's no fire. His brain plays tricks with him. The heellicking warmth, trying to grasp his legs as he ran and ran through the vents. The dancing orange behind him, almost whispered his wrongdoings.
Han gulps and runs with all his might as he tries to focus on the right way to go. No, not left, Minho said right. Shit, dead end, it was the other right. His breathing is raspy and he feels stings in his chest. Run, run, run.
Why?! He keeps taking the wrong routes back! Keep calm, Han! He tries to shout at himself. Use that brain! But panic has taken over. Rational thinking who? Just get out is all his brain cells are yelling. And that is what he does. He bolts towards the first air vent he sees.

Shit, he's too late. Minho thinks to himself. He's taking large steps whilst rushing towards the agreed meet-up point. His colleague kept talking and after that doctor Kim - the unbelievable creep he is- came up to him, asking him if he was available for tomorrow's test. Something about one of the researchers needing time off and he needed an extra pair of hands. Minho had smiled and nodded at the man who told him he would call the planners to confirm the switch, but Minho was only eyeing the clock on the wall behind the doctor.
He hoped either Han was slow or the receptionist downstairs would take longer to grab her usual coffee. He presses his card to the elevator and nervously steps in, going down to the basement floor. The doors open and Minho exhales, seeing the receptionist is not yet back from her coffee break. Time for his acting skills!
He clumsily drops the pen on his clipboard and tries to catch it out of the air. His cat instincts want to activate as he knows it's childsplay for him to grab the item, but he suppresses it and lets the pen roll onto the ground. He sighs out loud and crouches down to pick it up from the ground. In a fluid move he grabs the metal grid on the wall and turns it up as there's only one screw attached. No Han. Shit. Did he get out already? Or did he have problems? Minho curses under his breath and tries to stall his movements a second longer before getting up.
'Oh hi Lee.'
Minho grasps for his heart hearing the receptionist's voice when he gets up. Not expecting her to be there.
'Ash, sorry, didn't see you,' he plays it off as he smiles at her.
'Just back from my break. Did you need something?'
Minho looks around and quickly holds up his clipboard. 'Ah yeah, the new results for doctor Kwang are here,' he chuckles nervously as he hands them over to the receptionist. Where is Han?!
She looks over the papers and frowns. 'Didn't you deliver these yesterday?' she asks and Minho swallows.
'Oh, y-yeah,' he stutters. 'There... There were some minor errors I saw. Just small details, but y-you know how the doctors are.'
He hears the metal grid fall back in place and his heartbeat spikes up. He doesn't have another chance of opening the vent without looking suspicious. Did Han manage to get out? If not, he's trapped there. Minho can't stall any longer.
'Tell me about it. I'll send these over then. Thanks Lee.'
Minho gives her a last smile before turning around and with lead in his shoes he walks back to the elevator. Right before he gets in he shrieks, feeling something grabbing the skin around his ankle. He grits his teeth and quickly presses the up button in the elevator. As soon as the door closes he exhales.
'Stay where you are and don't you dare climb up before I get into the toilet stalls.

Writer here:

Aaaah I loved writing this part! The hamsterhybrid Han Jisung shenanigans are so much fun!
What did you enjoy the most out of his stunts? 

Hybrid Discovery [SKZ fanfiction]| Lee Felix and Bang ChanWhere stories live. Discover now