Idiots and grown up stuff

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'Apparently, Mimu likes us both,' Felix starts off when they are seated on the old couch in the living room.
Their mugs with hot tea are put down on the table and an uncomfortable silence hovers between them.
'And she likes us back differently from the others,' Chan replies.
Felix massages his temples trying to bring up the topic of discomfort. 'Almost all of us thought she didn't understand the concept of love.'
'Until tonight,' Chan mumbles.
'And you feel guilty for liking her because of what you two were forced to do.'
Chan softly nods, pulling his legs up against his chest again. Trying to keep himself from giving in to the nauseating feeling in his stomach again.
'Which is unnecessary, because she obviously doesn't hold the slightest grudge against you. No, she even asked you to keep doing it.' Felix sounds so sure.
It agitates Chan.
'Only because they would've made someone else do it!' he tries to interrupt, but Felix is quick to follow him up with; 'Which is bullshit. You told me you were molded for it. They manipulated the both of you. Freaking bastards. Anyway... I get angry thinking about it. She wanted you. That's the gist of it, right?'
Chan wiggles in his seat and darts his eyes through the room. 'Y-yeah. But I also feel guilty towards you,' he admits.
Felix cocks an eyebrow toward him while reaching for his tea to take a sip.
'Why?' he asks.
Chan stays silent for a moment, biting his lower lip. 'You are truly in love with her,' he mumbles.
Felix chokes on his sip of tea and quickly puts down his mug to prevent spilling whilst coughing. 'Pardon?'
'Oh come on, Lix. I know I reacted like the most possessive boyfriend ever around her, but I can't be like that whenever I see how you look at her! My animal side wanted nothing more than to growl and snarl at you because I felt intimidated. Because my body knows how you feel towards her. How could I not feel guilty?! I mean— You deserve her.'
'And you don't? Here I am, feeling the same guilt for having feelings for a girl my friend obviously already likes. You are both the same types of hybrids and got along so well for fuck sake. If anyone, you deserve her.'
Felix huffs out and picks up his tea again, Chan following his example.
'I can't believe we're both so stupid,' Felix nags. 'I only kissed her because I wanted to be selfish for once and to see how you would react. That backfired real quick. She's addicting and I wanted to take her for myself, but then I saw how she kissed you back and I know she understands. She has a concept of love and wholeheartedly gives it to both of us. We don't deserve her.'
Chan shyly nods beside him. 'It felt right seeing you two kiss, but it also felt right when she kissed me. A-although I panicked... I-I didn't lie when I said I hadn't kissed her the whole period we were in the facility. I wa-wanted there to be something left to experience for her without the connection of mindless breeding and pain.'
That alone shows he deserves her, Felix thinks to himself.
Chan chuckles and Felix looks at him with a questioning face. Chan wiggles his feet and stares at his moving toes. 'At least she now associates one good thing with intercourse.'
'Pfff, you think? Kissing two dudes and then getting ditched by said guys?'
Chan's head quirks up and Felix can't help but smirk. 'I think we can conclude we're both terrible at this?'
'Y-yeah. Talking ourselves down is easy, right?'
Both chuckle softly before sipping on their tea.
'So we're doing this?' Felix asks after finishing his drink. 'Sharing her? Gosh that feels so wrong to say.'
Chan shoots him a semi-angry face. 'Hey, it's not that weird in the hybrid community.' He can't keep his face straight and smiles through his frowning. 'But yeah, I'm her boyfriend, you're her husband. Equal rights, even though your title holds more power on paper.'
'Even though she carries your baby,' Felix teases back.
'Only with genes. Not on the papers when it's born. Lix, did it even land you're becoming a father as well with this? The baby will be "human".'
That fact hadn't landed with Felix and the evidence is clear to Chan when he sees the lifting eyebrows of the human.
'One step at the time for now,' Chan calms him down when he sees Felix's panic grow. 'For now, let's focus on tackling how we will handle... us three.'

Mimu is grumbling. The others try to keep her distracted by playing games, talk to her and make her comfortable on the couch, but she's not having it.
Chan had left after she gave him the kiss. His face all white and his hands clammy when he pushed her away to bolt out of the apartment. The others tried to laugh it off by saying Chan probably was embarrassed.
Lies. They tried to protect her from something.
Mimu had nagged, huffed and puffed that she should check up on him, but the others didn't let her. In the end she tried to coax Felix, but the human had sneakily runned off already, telling the others to give him and Chan time. Traitor.
'C'mon grumpy cat. Should I make you some hot cocoa? They'll be fine,' Seungmin says in an attempt to cheer her up.
Mimu glares at him and crosses her arms. 'Marshmallows,' she huffs and the parakeet hybrid throws his hands in the air before walking off.
'On it,' he says whilst dragging Jeongin with him.
Hyunjin plops down on the spot next to her and reorganizes the blanket around their legs. Changbin is already in his dog form and lies below them on the ground. Minho and Han sit on the other side of the coffee table, cleaning up the games they've played.
'Well, if you don't want to be distracted, wanna talk about it?' Hyunjin sighs, nudging her shoulder.
Mimu makes a grumbling sound before nodding. 'Boys...stupid,' she mumbles and Hyunjin chuckles at hearing her.
'Can't argue with that. We're often quite insensitive or rude. Thought you learned that whilst living here.'
'Am... I weird?' she asks, fiddling with the blanked with her toes.
'For human standards? Definitely. I'm sorry, can't sugarcoat that. For hybrid standards not so much. Which part makes you think that?' he asks her to get a better idea how to give her the right answers she wants to hear.
'L-liking both,' she mumbles and her angry face crumbles to a more concerned look.
Hyunjin flicks her softly between her frowning eyebrows and she looks at him surprised.
'Loving people is never a bad thing. It's just not that common for humans. We won't judge you for it if that's something you're worried about.'
She gives a tiny smile and wiggles herself a little lower to be more covered. Her feet stick out of the blanket and softly play with the fur on Changbin's back.
'Hyunjin?' she asks, not looking at him.
'Hmm?' the Slow Worm hybrid replies, eyes trained on Han who tries to steal the last crumbs of cake from the plates on the table. Minho softly slaps his wrist.
'W-what's sex?'
His eyes widen and his head snaps to the girl who stares at her feet and opposite of them he can hear how Minho drops the box of the tower game, making blocks fall out of it and how Han coughs after inhaling too suddenly. The only one who remains calm is Changbin who huffs, laying his head down on his paws.
'What?' Hyunjin chuckles awkwardly. 'Mim, I think out of all the people present here, you're the one with experience. Why are you asking?'
She shrugs, not looking at them. 'I w-want to ...know. How's s-supposed to be?'
He hears Han groan and sees how the hamster hybrid places his hands over his ears.
'I don't want to hear about it,' he exclaims while Minho is laughing at him.
'Why are you getting embarrassed? You're the one who normally asks the most questions about the topic.'
Han shakes his head and pouts at them. 'That's different, hyung! She's a girl!'
Minho pats the head of Han who buries his face in the older's lap to escape the talk and Minho scoffs at him while looking up to Hyunjin and Mimu.
'Let Hyunjin give the educational talk. I can only give advice on experiences and those aren't that good of an example.'
Mimu glances over to the man beside her who rolls his eyes and takes a deep breath.
'Why am I always pulling on the short end of things,' he mumbles, but quickly scrapes his throat to get her attention. 'Uh— So, right. Intercourse is often meant to be done with someone you at least like. It can also be an exchange, but for now let's concentrate on when it's meant to be done out of liking or loving someone. Biologically speaking, you have sex to reproduce. But also to bond with each other. When people experience pleasure with each other, it impacts the feelings for each other. So it should feel... good?' he looks up to Minho who nods.
'It should feel good. Maybe a little awkward, sometimes even embarrassing, but always enjoyable,' the Russian Blue hybrid follows up. 'Are you okay talking about your own experiences?'
Mimu looks at them and softly nods. 'Little...'
'Good enough,' Minho smiles at her. 'Were there moments you enjoyed it?'
He's not subtle with his first question and Han slaps him on his thigh whilst lifting his head up to give his friend an angry glare. 'Hyung, are you serious? That's super insensitive to ask!'
Han snaps his head to Mimu who feels her cheeks flush seeing the intense stare Han gives her. Did she say something weird? Wasn't it supposed to feel good sometimes when she did it with Chan?
'Don't mind our squirrel—,'
' — Squirrel,' Minho pushes Han's head down back on his lap whilst the hamster hybrid tries to protest.
'What's all the ruckus about?' Seungmin asks while walking out of the kitchen with Jeongin behind him. He picks up mugs filled with hot cocoa from the tray Jeongin holds and places them on the coffee table. Putting tiny marshmallows on top as Mimu wanted.
'The sex talk,' Minho boringly says.
Seungmin simply hums before sitting down and Jeongin looks from Mimu to them.
'You know Lix is gonna murder us if we give her weird ideas, right?' he says, scooting the biggest mug to himself to blow on the drink. 'He scolded Minho to oblivion for trying to let me believe bird hybrids are supposed to have a separate hole downstairs so we can breed with both genders. I had been crying while explaining to Lix I didn't have that hole. I thought I was defective. Minho had to sleep on the balcony as punishment while I got to use his bed for a week.'
Mimu stares at Minho who snickers thinking back to the shenanigans he pulled off to the youngster when he just started living with them. 'Relax, bird boy. I won't play pranks on her. I'm not in for another round of scolding and especially not when it concerns their precious girlfriend. Hyunjin does the talking.'
Jeongin sighs relieved before taking a small sip.
Mimu makes grabby hands for hers and the Jackdaw hybrid obeys and hands her her drink.
'Eh... Where were we?' Hyunjin asks, smiling thankfully to Seungmin who hands him his drink.
'Insensitive question,' Han mumbles from his spot and Hyunjin picks up where they left.
'You said— Sometimes it felt good, right? Want to tell us when?'
Mimu frowns, racking her brain to think back to the times it did feel good. To pinpoint certain things.
'C-Chan's caring,' she mumbles after some thinking. 'He h-has soft...hands. F-felt save. Hm, good? Ah! Chan a-always trie-tried to, warm up?'
'He tried to keep you warm?' Hyunjin asks, not sure what she means.
'N–no... Like this.' She gives Jeongin her mug and squeezes her fists and then points towards her belly. 'W-warm feeling there.'
'Ah! he made her c—,'
'Too much details!' Han exclaims before Minho can finish her sentence. 'He made you feel good. That's great! That's how it's supposed to feel.'
Hyunjin chuckles seeing the flustered hamster hybrid before looking back at Mimu who tilts her head and blinks slowly.
'What Minho meant to say is that you experienced climaxing. Something natural that happens when your body experiences great pleasure. It's like toppling over the edge and releasing happy feelings all at once. That's something good. It makes the whole experience more enjoyable and less... painful.' He swallows the lump in his throat away thinking how to explain it in context to what she has experienced.
'S-should... kissing give t-the same t-tingles?' she asks carefully, afraid of sounding stupid and saying something weird again.
'Depends,' Seungmin says. 'If you love someone, yes. Although it doesn't need to give that feeling with every kiss.'
'S-so... Kissing is good?'
They all nod and Mimu frowns deeply. 'T-then, why are Chan and F-Felix not f-feeling good?'
They all stay silent for a moment. Thinking how to answer her in the best way to their knowledge. When they stay silent, Changbin stands up, trudges towards the hallway and a few seconds later they hear him say: 'Because they're idiots.'
He walks back to them whilst pulling his shirt down over his head and plops down on the armrest of the couch, hugging Mimu for warmth and comfort. 'They're idiots who can't figure out their honest feelings for you and probably both blame themselves for ruining the other's "luck" in life. Don't worry about it. Their guilt is stopping them from feeling good and you are not to blame for that.'
Mimu purrs and rubs her head against Changbin's chest who's almost falling over on her and Hyunjin from his unstable positioning on the armrest.
Changbin knows exactly what to say to calm them all down. 

Hybrid Discovery [SKZ fanfiction]| Lee Felix and Bang ChanWhere stories live. Discover now