What a cute name...

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Mimu tries to hold back her sniffles. She's clasping her bed sheets to feel some comfort. They practically stripped her down and cleaned every crevice. She was back in her childhood where privacy was non-existing and she was told this was normal. How naïve she had been then. A baby, a toddler, a child. Her whole childhood she grew up here. How could she know better when this was all she knew!
But she learned. She got smarter and noticed her life wasn't normal at all. It all led up to the day she was able to escape. A good seven years ago. There was a problem with one of the other so-called "projects". She remembers it like yesterday. There were ear piercing screams reaching all the way up to her room. Doctors were rushing over, leaving no one to monitor her. They practically left the door upstairs wide open for her to run through. In her cat form it took not even ten minutes to escape her home.
It's still a vivid memory in her brain, seeing the outside world for the first time and taking it in while running for her life. Knowing she would never get another opportunity if not taken there and then.
And now she's back...
They gave her a meal she refused and clothed her in the classic gray shirt and pants she wore every day when she was younger. Like nothing changed, but she was. Whatever they want from her, she doesn't care. She wants to go back to Felix. To the only human who showed her love and respect.

Another doctor comes in to carry out a different test on her. She has no way of telling how much time has passed. All she knows is that they come in, do their tests and leave. The only one talking to her is her old caretaker, doctor Kwang. She tries to ask Mimu where she's been. What her life was like outside. If she remembers her time here. Mimu doesn't want to answer any of her questions.
She doesn't trust her anymore. Not after she witnessed what the doctor did to the other "projects" they kept in the facility. She knew she wasn't the only one there when she was younger, but she was told she was special and different from the others. She had her own room, like a few others, but she also had the privilege to roam free within the space. She grew up in her room. From bottle feeding to her first steps. They taught her her first words and later on taught her how to read and write. Praising her on her progress and comforting her whenever she got frustrated.
They were her family. The people in white coats and especially doctor Kwang and her team. Even if she had to undergo uncomfortable or even straight up painful tests, they were the ones who cheered her up and promised her she was helping the future. Whatever that entailed.
It was when she once stumbled out of her room when she was thirteen. Her stomach was hurting and there was no one at that moment to help her through the pain. She walked through the doors at the end of the hallway and was met with doctor Kwang, elbows deep inside the body of a project Mimu had been talking to not even a week ago. Promising they would play again in the future. Blood stained doctor Kwang's operation gown and her eyes filled with shock, seeing project one in the examining room. That was the first sign everything was wrong in this place. She began questioning all the tests. Why would they do things that hurt her when she should be healthy? Unless their goal was to kill her after they got satisfied with knowledge and slice her open like the other project.
Doctor Kwang and her team made great efforts in calming her down and reassured her they would never kill her. They told her the other project died a natural course and they had to examine her to make sure she -project one- wouldn't get sick or something.
Although Mimu acted at the time like she believed them, she actually didn't buy the whole story. Afterwards she noticed it when people carried suspicious carriers around with new hybrids. She got aware of their whispers about other tests and failed projects. They talked a lot about the future. Fertility being their top priority. She never understood those words. It made sense when she saw advertisements on tv when she lived with Jolanda and Jeon Sora. She recognized the logo of the company. "Where fertility is the future." the slogan read. They are a company which sells birth control for hybrids or high fertility treatments for the ones who want to breed their hybrids with the highest chances of success. A business to keep hybrids from producing impure offspring and helping the industry of maintaining pure bloodlines. A noble task at first glance, but a glorified joke when looked at from the sides of the hybrids and their rights. Especially now for Mimu who experienced the outside world.

Hope. Thin as a slither after time went on and on. She could've been here for a couple of days, but it could also be months at this point. She had hoped this was all temporary. A nightmare she would wake up from. She hoped Felix would come through that door and bring her back to his family. Heck, she would be happy if even Jeon Sora would come pick her up.
Did she try to escape? Yes, of course! Did it work? No...
She escaped from that stupid handcuff on the wall. Transforming into her cat form gave her that freedom. But it didn't matter, because it set off an alarm and within seconds the camera in the left corner of the room zoomed into her, telling security what happened.
She had no luck trying to lockpick the door. There was no keyhole, but an electric lock. She tried to sabotage it by throwing a glass of water over it. No luck.
Every slither of hope to get out was cut. Desperation came first. She fought with one of the white coats. Using her nails to hurt them and make a run for the door. That resulted in them pinning her down to the floor and cutting her nails short and threatening her to declaw her if she would try that again. Fighting was never her forte, fleeing she was better at. But in a room where her every move got monitored, there is no fleeing.
Her hope died out. Why would there be anyone to rescue her? She was born and raised here. This was the place she belonged to, doctor Kwang told her so day after day. This was her rightful home. Why would some random human come and get her? They had no papers, nothing that could prove her ownership.
'But .. d-do you?' she had asked back bravely after the umpteenth one way conversation the doctor tried to have with her.
'Of course!' Doctor Kwang told her, all too happy to finally get a response out of her.
That gave her some insights. There are legal documents, right here in the facility. If she could obtain those, she should have a chance to erase her existence when she ever got the chance to escape again.
But her hope got smothered again.
'You're registered in our online database.'
Digital papers... Ones that couldn't be simply destroyed with her minimal knowledge about computers.
She had no hope. And giving up was less tiring than trying to fight everything they did to her. Her mind was dull and she complied with the test. Going numb when they poked her with needles, stripped her down and used cold, metal instruments to touch her wherever they needed.
They were obsessed with checking out her lower abdomen. Talking about certain developments and hormones. Most of the time it felt unpleasant, but she didn't mind the scans or echo's they kept making. However she hated it when they tried to directly touch her private parts. Something in her brain told her that was hers only. They swapped out male white coats for females, but that didn't make a difference. She squeezed her thighs together whenever they wanted to poke there.
'We can't check her like this,' one white coat huffed to his coworker.
'Don't think it matters,' another answered. 'If she ever copulated and attracted something, it would've showed up in her blood tests. Besides, we extracted a handful of her ova for testing already.'
Mimu knew it had something to do with their fertility research, but that was all she understood. She couldn't care less. She wanted to sleep. Be away with her mind detached from her body so she could daydream about her happy moments.

'Slower. Try to repeat after me. A-E-I-,' doctor Kwang is interrupted by her phone going off. She smiles at Mimu and excuses herself to take the call.
Mimu sighs and mumbles the letters doctor Kwang wants her to read out loud. There's voice exercises she has to do to strengthen her vocal cords. She's still stuttering from time to time and her throat doesn't cooperate how she would like, but there is progress. Too bad for the researchers. She doesn't like talking to them. She listens with half an ear open to the doctor when her voice pitches up.
'Hm? What do you mean he called again demanding more money? We paid for one black cat. Not two.'
The doctor glances over to Mimu who tries her best to seem uninterested. The glance confirms to her she's talking about her. Two cats?
'Yeah, she's doing fine. We'll show her to doctor Kim in a few days. Nah, tell her old owner to back off. It's his own fault for selling her.'
Mimu's mouth gets dry and it's as if she's drenched with ice cold water hearing the doctor talk. It was Jeon Sora? He sold her? People are cruel -she knows that- but selling your pet to a research facility? That's a new low for her.
'Yeah, I mean, she wasn't our target. We needed the boy, but this is even better,' doctor Kwang mumbles to her phone.
Now all her attention is to the woman in the white coat. She connects the dots and she feels her stomach drop. Two cats. They weren't searching for her. Chan...
As soon as the doctor hangs up, Mimu opens her mouth.
'Where is he?'
It's the first sentence she said without problems since her arrival. Doctor Kwang raises an eyebrow at her before understanding project one understands her phone call.
'That was some good progress,' she praises her.
Mimu stares her right in the eyes. Repeating herself. 'Where's Chan.'
Doctor Kwang tilts her head slightly and observes the determination in the project's eyes. She picks up her phone and starts texting something. The fact she's avoiding answering Mimu again makes her angry.
'Chan you say?' The doctor lifts her head, finally replying to Mimu. 'What a cute name. We refer to him as Christopher or Chris. So you remembered him?'
She takes some steps to Mimu who tries to scoot back from her. Remember? She's been with him for the last few months! Of course she couldn't forget him that easily as he's part of her happiest memories.
Doctor Kwang kneels before her and caresses her cheek. Leaving Mimu to swallow dry.
'If you make progress, you'll meet him soon.'

Hybrid Discovery [SKZ fanfiction]| Lee Felix and Bang ChanWhere stories live. Discover now