Back at the house, the kidnap/catnap?

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Minho wines whilst carrying multiple bags in his arms. 'Where's that damn dog when you need him,' he nags at no one in particular.
Felix closes the trunk of his car and bends down to pick up the last bags. They took longer than expected as the waiting line to get Chinese food was longer than expected. Seungmin flies around his head and squeaks at Minho's nagging. Him and Han had to stay in their animal forms the entire time and especially Seungmin can't wait to stretch his human legs when they're home. Being a bird is fine and all, but sometimes he longs to use his longer limbs with more flexibility. He lands on Felix's shoulder and chirps for his human to hurry up.
Right before they walk to the lobby their downstairs neighbor and his hybrid walk out and grumbles at them.
'Stupid youngsters and their loud asses,' he points with his walking stick towards Felix's chest with squinted eyes.
His Jack Russel hybrid barks at them and the old man scoffs at his hybrid to get out of the building. They walk away whilst grumbling and Minho raises an eyebrow at the old man.
'Bad day perhaps?' he asks his human, who shrugs.
'Maybe they made a ruckus upstairs,' he suggests, knowing his hybrid friends are loud. 'Let's hope they haven't trashed the place yet.'
They walk up to the elevator and Felix's neck hairs get up as soon as they arrive at their floor. Something He swallows and grasps the bags tighter as they walk over to their apartment door. Only to be surprised seeing the door from the neighbors place wide open.
'That's...odd,' Felix mumbles, trying to look inside.
He shrieks up as he hears Minho gasp next to him.
'Someone's been here,' he says with a tremble in his voice.
Han peeks out of his front pocket and tries to jump out of it, only for Seungmin to dive at the falling rodent to catch him before he splatters on the floor.
'Ash, Stupid hamster. What are you—,' Minho is cut off when Han makes a run for it to their front door with Seungmin right behind him. Felix and Minho share one glance. There's something wrong.

Trashed indeed. Their home is trashed, but not because of his hybrid friends, Felix notices as soon as he steps into the living room.
'Holy sh— JEONGIN!' Minho runs over to the boy lying knocked out on the ground with blood dripping from his mouth and nose. Han and Seungmin are panicking around him and Han places his tiny hamster paws on the wounded boy's cheek.
Felix is standing frozen in the middle of the room. His arms are heavy from the bags, but his senses are sharp as he scans his surroundings. There's tension in the air.
Seungmin flies over to the bathroom and they can hear how he transforms and rummages through their cabinets in search of their med kit. Minho is kneeling beside Jeongin and softly touches his cheeks to get him to wake up. The boy whimpers as he opens his eyes, seeing familiar faces around him.
'Hyun...jin,' he whispers, pointing at the fridge.
Minho blinks at him, not understanding what the Slow Worm and the fridge have in common, but Han seems to know what's up as he sprints off and transforms right in front of the fridge to pull it open with force. The door slams against the wall and a few condiments fall out while his eyes scan for a certain reptile. He gasps and grabs Hyunjin's cold body out of the cooling appliance to press him against his rapidly beating heart.
'Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, what did they do to you!' he panics, feeling the cold, scaled body against his skin.
'Out of the way, I got him,' Seungmin says to Minho who scoots over to make room for him to take care of Jeongin who grunts as he tries to wake up.
With all the commotion, Felix is still standing there. He should be concerned about his two hybrids who are clearly attacked, but something doesn't add up. Right when it dawns on him he hears Jeongin confirm his fears.
'Th-they took Chan.'

A joke. A sick, sick joke. That's what this must be. A stupid, sick joke someone plays on him, Felix thinks whilst sitting on the couch with his hands in his hair.
It's been two days and he hasn't slept. Wincing up with every little sound from the front door in hope it's Chan walking back in.
They called Changbin back home as soon as Jeongin woke up and told them what happened in their home. How three masked men stormed in, broke into a fight with them and kidnapped Chan. They had tossed Hyunjin in the fridge so the hybrid would be too cold and slow to transform back to get help and they hit Jeongin till he fell unconscious. Jeongin was crying non stop after he told them the short version of what happened while they were out for food.
Felix had called up his acquaintance doctor Zeeps to ask for advice to help Hyunjin who was limb in their hands. The doctor was in shock and promised to come over today and suggested in the meantime to warm up Hyunjin in warm water. He had a fever and was bedridden for the past two days.

Three knocks on their door let him know there's a visitor and with Changbin close behind him, Felix opens the door to welcome doctor Zeeps in. The doctor however, has his focus on something besides him and with his hand still up to where the door was. Felix looks past the man to see an angry neighbor piling up boxes outside of his home.
'Is...everything alright, sir?' Doctor Zeeps asks the neighbor who is cursing out loud whilst slamming the front door closed. He looks up and makes eye contact with Felix who dryly swallows.
'You,' he nods at Felix. 'Still taking care of that stupid cat?'
Doctor Zeeps raises an eyebrow and Felix slowly nods, not feeling like striking up the conversation about his missing friends to the seemingly frustrated neighbor.
'Good. Take these stupid things and have fun fucking around. I'm out of here.'
He tosses his front door keys at Felix who barely catches them as doctor Zeeps is in the way.
'Whoa there, fellah. Careful will you? Why the hurry?' Doctor Zeeps doesn't seem intimidated by the younger's behavior and Felix admires how calm and collected the old man sounds. Felix himself is shaking lightly on his legs and Changbin is whimpering behind him, afraid of conflict.
The neighbor places the box in his hands on the pile outside and sighs out loud.
'None of your business, old man. If that filthy hybrid ever shows up again, you can give her the will,' he grits to Felix. 'Have fun owning two houses.'
He picks up a box and makes his way, but Felix snaps out of his fear and runs after him, grabbing him by the shoulder.
'W-wait,' he swallows the fear away. 'What do you mean if she ever returns? Do you know where she is?'
The neighbor yanks the hand on his shoulder away and smiles with a pained face.
'I don't know. I sold her to some research facility after I discovered the damn thing was a hybrid. And now it bites me in the butt as I don't own her, nor the house anymore.'
Felix stays frozen for a moment hearing his words.
'You SOLD her?!' Changbin yells whilst stomping over to them. He grabs the collar of the neighbor's shirt. 'Who in his right mind would sell their hybrid to a research facility?!' he yells in his face.
'Fuck off! Get your hybrid in controle,' the neighbor spats back.
Doctor Zeeps walks over to them and grabs Changbin by his shoulder.
'Good lord, don't make such a ruckus. The man is clearly in enough pain.'
Changbin lets go of the neighbor's collar and Felix grabs his arm to pull him away, apologizing deeply for his hybrid's behavior. Their neighbor looks from doctor Zeeps to him and sniffs whilst adjusting the box in his hands.
'At least one of you has some decency,' he despises.
With that he walks away, leaving the two humans and hybrid behind. Doctor Zeeps is the first to break the silence.
'Poor lad,' he mumbles. 'Must've been unlucky or something.'
He looks up from his thoughts and smiles at Felix and Changbin. 'Now, can you explain to me what he was talking about while I take a look at our reptile friend?'

'So, you're telling me the neighbor sold his hybrid - a black cat one- and your black cat has been captured as well?'
Felix nods, leaving out the details his black cat is a hybrid as well as Chan isn't his legal hybrid pet. The others are hidden away in their enclosures except for Minho who he hid in his bedroom before doctor Zeeps came over. Only Changbin is with them in the other bedroom where Hyunjin is laying in bed, sweating and coughing while doctor Zeeps checks up on him.
'Just a mild fever. Keep checking his temperature from time to time and keep his heat lamp on for a few hours extra. He's lucky his body is flexible.'
Felix and Changbin sigh in relief. He'll be alright, thank god.
'Thanks, Zeeps,' Felix says.
The doctor hums whilst packing up his stuff and glances over the boy who seems like he's in distress even though he just said things would be alright for his hybrid. 'Are you sure there are no other problems?' he asks, leaving his tone light.
Felix stiffens up and shakes his head. Changbin averts his eyes and stares at the floor. A loud crashing sound from the other room makes them all look at the door.
'Are you sure, young man?' doctor Zeeps asks.
'Shht! fuck off, stupid rodent. That hurts.'
'And whose fault is that?'
'Both of you, keep it down!'
Felix grunts whilst placing both his hands in front of his face. Changbin chuckles nervously. 'Hahaha... must be the neighbors or something,' he nervously tries to play off, staring at the door.
The doctor glances at him and his eyes give a small twinkle.
'Must be,' he chuckles lightly before standing up to place a hand on Felix's shoulder. 'You know, Hyunjin has the tendency to wrinkle his nose when he slips up,' the doctor mentions with a neutral voice. 'I really hope you find out who took your "black cat". Remember you can call me if you need help.' The first part he says a bit louder than the rest and he waits a moment before he leaves the room. After the front door closes, three guilty faces peak around the bedroom door.
'Does he know?' Han asks nervously.
Minho and Seungmin are behind him and look equally guilty as their human gives them a weak smile.
'I don't think we have to worry about whether doctor Zeeps will rat us out.'

Hybrid Discovery [SKZ fanfiction]| Lee Felix and Bang ChanWhere stories live. Discover now