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Felix feels like he's a teenager again and not in the good kind of way. He's hiding his face in one of the pillows on the couch of his living room and whines while his hybrids are pestering him.
Chan bolted out as soon as Minho started hollering when Felix cautiously opened the front door to get back home. He gave Felix a compassionate smile in passing and told him he wasn't holding grudges against him. He simply felt uncomfortable with the topic his other hybrids were sure to bug him with. He would check up on Mimu and promised to come over if he needed help or support. Or if Mimu needed it.
Han is equally embarrassed with the whole ordeal as Seungmin joins in with Minho and Hyunjin only smirks at him.
Jeongin and Changbin join them and start firing rapid questions at their human and Felix can't help but want to disappear into the ground.
'Guys, stop it! This is my private life,' he whines into the pillow.
'And it concerns our two humans,' Minho purrs. 'We have all the right to get involved knowing what you do or did.'
The pillow is thrown in his face and Changbin snickers whilst patting on Felix's leg.
'Calm down, schoolboy. We used to discuss these kinds of topics before without a fuss. Nothing changed.'
'That was before Chan arrived and he—,' pointing at Felix, 'Banged the girl living with us!' Han yells, clasping his red ears with a big smirk when he sees Felix's shocked eyes. For someone blushing equally as the human in the room he surely can grin widely, Felix thinks.
'Don't call it banging!' he whines out loudly.
They all laugh at the human who slouches down on the couch, obviously contemplating whether he should disappear from this world or smack the living being out of his hybrid friends.
'Chill out. Yes, it is embarrassing hearing you explain to Hyunjin what you were planning on doing one wall away from us, but it's needed to know if we should prepare for mental backup for our lovely black cats.'
Jeongin and Hyunjin seem to be the only sane ones in the room and Felix takes a deep breath in to overcome his whirling thoughts.
'Does that really entail me to give every detail?' he pouts.
'Just give us the big picture,' Hyunjin calmly answers.
'Okay fine,' Felix grumbles, hugging another couch pillow against his chest. 'We did it.'
He hears the others snicker and when he looks at Minho he sees the hybrid roll his eyes.
'No shit Sherlock. What did you do?'
Felix looks over to Hyunjin and back to Minho. He mumbles something and Minho leans over. 'Can't hear yah. So what did you do?'
'Kissed... hugged and had sex.'
'Oh my god, Lix. No foreplay? You just went in raw?' Seungmin theatrically places a hand in front of his mouth.
Felix panics and quickly sits up right. 'No! no, no, no, I'm not a savage!'
Too late he realizes all of them are smirking at him, clearly taunting him out of his cave.
Even Han facepalms himself. 'Seriously, Lix... How can you not tell they're messing with you?'
Hyunjin hushes them. 'Let our human talk. Lix, how were her reactions?'
Felix thinks back to the moment. Her flushed cheeks, small smile and clear eyes looking down on him when he kissed her thighs and made his way to her core. She had yelped a little when he surprised her with his tongue, but she gave him full control to explore.
He was captivated when he saw her muscles tense up when she mewled from pleasure and how she bit her lower lip looking at him. Never even a moment he could find any kind of pain or uneasiness in her facial expressions. Only curiosity followed up with pure satisfaction when she discovered something new she hadn't associated with sex before.
He loved it when her eyes sparkled with eagerness to learn and how she even took matters in her own hands to find out what he liked.
'S-she... liked it,' he confesses. 'A lot.'
His cheeks are for sure flaring up again. 'I was afraid she would fall silent and just let me do whatever without enjoying it, but uhm....' His stomach twists thinking back to it. 'Well- She... Yeah- Let's say she pretty much took matters in her own hands. I-I'm not sure who enjoyed it more...'
Again he buries his face in the pillow, but this time to hide his absurdly wide grin. She had dominated him. There was no need for him to act like the "giver" or "manly" part of their play. She took it and for a moment he was curious how much she picked up from Chan. He had struggled keeping up with her and explained to her they could take it slow. There was no need to hurry.
She had tilted her head to him and asked him if it was bad. He had profusely shaken his head and explained to her that they had all the time to reach for a climax.
'She thought— In her head the end goal was to let me cum.'
'Can't blame her for thinking that,' Jeongin mumbles.
The others look at him and he cocks his eyebrow at them. 'What? They literally trained them to cum so she could get pregnant. If Felix didn't stop her, she would've milked him dry in an instant.'
'Oh my god! How is even our youngest able to say these things without flinching!' Han yells, trying to put his hand over the Jackdaw's mouth.
Jeongin scolds him whilst pushing the hands away. Minho plucks the hamster hybrid off him and grabs him in a tight hug to keep Han from squirming around.
Changbin chuckles and pats Jeongin's back before looking back to Felix. 'Did she listen and slow down?'
Felix swallows and tries to avoid their stares. 'Maybe...'
Seungmin laughs again and points out the tightening grip Felix has on the pillow. 'Pfff, she finished you off, man. Slow down my ass.'
Felix presses his lips in a line and looks over to Hyunjin for help, but the Slow Worm hybrid seems to be in thought before answering.
'We'll see what the future brings,' he concludes. 'I think it will be good for you two to help her to explore more so she can find out what healthy copulation means. Maybe she can even help Chan when she's better educated.'
'Did you just insinuate Felix should be her personal fucktoy?!' Han exclaims at him.
Hyunjin chuckles and shakes his head. 'Husband. It's called being a husband.'

Hybrid Discovery [SKZ fanfiction]| Lee Felix and Bang ChanWhere stories live. Discover now