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'Hyung! I swear! It's the same place!' Han is still high on adrenaline, but at least out of his panicked state. 

Minho had to force him off his leg when he finally was in the bathroom stall and immediately noticed something was gravely wrong with the rodent hybrid. He tried to calm Han to no avail and literally had to force him back into his double boxer situation. Minho had to act calm all the way to the exit of the building and only when he got off at their bus stop did he feel safe enough to pull the hamster out of his pants and talk to him. 

Han was in some sort of shock. His eyes darting around and softly mumbling to himself. The little squeaking noises scared Minho as Han normally only showed those signs when his anxiety rose up. So he rushed him up to their apartment where the others were already waiting for their arrival. It took them a good hour, but after giving Han enough space, food, water and words of affection he calmed down.

'What place are you talking about?!' Changbin sounds almost as panicky as Han. 

Han is grasping around Minho's arm and stares at him with bewildered eyes. 'THAT place! The one I set on fire!'

'But that was ages ago,' Minho replies to Han.

'Well, no— yes, actually it was half a year ago— But that's not the point! We have to rescue them! WE HAVE TO HYUNG!' Han is shaking Minho's arm whilst yelling.

'Calm down!' Minho yells back at him and Han visibly shrieks. 'You said you weren't doing missions— Ah whatever. I know we have to get them out!'

Changbin tries to follow the conversation between the two whilst nervously darting his eyes from one to another.  

'Why does it sound like there's something very wrong,' he whimpers, not knowing what else to say. 

'Does it work?' Felix and Seungmin are hunched over Felix's laptop and Hyunjin is leaning on Seungmin's shoulder to get a look. 

'Almost,' Seungmin says, his eyebrows in a deep frown full of concentration. 

'Let's hope Han plugged it into the right computer.'

The three bickering hybrids halt their talk - or yelling at this point- and focus their attention on the whizkids. 

'It's loading...' 

Their anticipation rises and with a last mouse click opens up a screen with multiple monitors. 

'Yes! We did it!' Seungmin exhales. 

Felix gives him a high five and the others crowd around them to see what's on the screen.

They managed to hi-jack the security cameras of the building. For how long? They have no idea. 

'We have to hurry. Which camera do we have to focus on?' Felix asks Seungmin. 

'I don't know. If Minho's observations are right, their IT department will be back tomorrow morning around eight. For sure they'll find out something is wrong with the server and do a reboot. Gives us—,' he looks at the time. 'Approximately ten hours to search for usable footage.'

'That sounds like a lot,' Jeongin, who pops up from out of the kitchen with drinks for everyone, remarks hearing it.

'Yeah, but it's not,' Seungmin sighs. 'We first have to skim through all the eighty surveillance spots and then we have to filter through days of footage. There's not even a guarantee we will find something. They could've hidden footage or do a replacement at the end of the day to cover up.' 

The mood in the room drops. There's also just one laptop, so only one person at the time can look through the footage. Ten hours sound suddenly short. 

Hybrid Discovery [SKZ fanfiction]| Lee Felix and Bang ChanWhere stories live. Discover now