No innocence

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!!!!!!!!!! ⚠!!!!!!!!!
This is the warning mentioned in the intro.
This chapter will contain sexualality/abuse/rape. 
Read with viewers descretion.


She's still asleep when they take her out of her room. Barely awake she struggles to walk with them and after some scolding she gets picked up and laid down on the ground. Her head is still heavy from yesterday when she received the weird shot which prevents her from shifting. Her limbs feel heavy, but she can feel she's cuffed and the collar is back around her neck. She shivers from the cold air on her skin and slowly wakes up.
She's not alone in the room. There's at least seven researchers and next to the door stand two security guards. Doctor Kwang is talking with the researchers who pen down information. She blinks and shivers again, noticing she's completely naked. Her hair - braided in one, long braid with one of the purple bow hair bands at the end - not able to cover up her nakedness. It's not the first time she's been observed with this many people around her, but something makes her extremely uncomfortable. Her eyes dart through the room to see if she can scoot over to one of the corners, but there's people all around her. She brings her knees to her chest and tries to make herself as small as possible. When doctor Kwang notices she's awake she walks over to the hybrid and kneels down to her.
'Now, be a good girl and follow the instructions, okay? I'll be outside of the room.'
She pats her head again and leaves the room to make place for none other than Chan. He gets pushed inside by someone who holds some weird device in his hands. Her eyes get big when she sees he's muzzled. They put some sort of contraption over his mouth which the researcher who led him in removes when he stands still. They remove the cuffs around his wrists, but keep the collar around his neck. He angrily shakes himself loose, his face softens when he sees her on the ground.
'Mimu?' he asks, surprised seeing how she's hurdled up by herself, covering her body. He blinks and quickly stares at the floor, noticing she's naked.
'Subject two, proceed procedure one. Remove clothes,' the voice on the intercom speaks to them and the two of them look up to see where the voice is coming from.
'Subject two, remove your clothes please,' one of the researchers repeats towards Chan, who looks at the place where the voice came from and then goes back to him.
Chan doesn't react and Mimu gasps when they push a button on the device and Chan jumps aside in pain. Holding up a hand to the collar on his neck.
'You heard him,' the researcher with the device next to him in his hands says.
Chan quickly removes his shirt and turns around to him.
'Pants as well,' the researcher monotonously says.
Chan looks over his shoulder to her and sighs whilst pulling down the gray pants. She's seen him naked before. Once or twice, not as often as she saw the other hybrids at Felix's place when they transformed from their animal forms to their human sides, but she still gets flustered when there's nothing he can use to hide his nudity from her.
'Subject two, start procedure two,' the voice over the intercom tells him.
That's what gets Chan's eyes bigger. 'What? With her here? No!'
'Easy Christopher. Do as you're told,' his researcher warns him.
The others mumble and write down stuff, pointing at things on their forms and not batting an eye to the flustered hybrid in the room. Mimu is highly confused with everything going on right now.
'I-I, no. I can't do that in front of her!' Chan snaps to his researcher.
The man doesn't show any emotions on his face and simply hovers his finger above a button. Chan's eyes tremble with fear and he swallows while he turns his back to her and moves his arm. The following moment he lets out a yelp when the man pushes the button. Chan collapses on one knee and Mimu jumps up to run over to him, ignoring the fact she's naked. She places a hand on his back when she kneels besides him and tries to catch his eyes to look at her.
'Continue,' sounds through the intercom.
She can hear Chan curse softly while he tries to avoid her face.
'You heard him,' his researcher says.
Chan swallows and looks back at her. 'C-can you please look away? This isn't my proudest moment,' he says to her while his ears flare up.
'What do...want you to do?' she fumbles over her words with a hushed voice.
Chan looks down and now his cheeks turn red as well. 'Masturbate,' he mumbles with shame. 'I'm trained to produce for them, you catch my drift?'
No she doesn't. She's not familiar with the first word and doesn't get what they want him to do. It must be something shameful seeing his reaction. Chan backs her away and looks over to his researcher who nods. Chan's hand moves to his lower abdomen and Mimu follows how his fingers touch his private parts and embrace it. He slowly moves his hand and she holds her breath when she sees the organ react to his own touch. Something tingles in her belly and she asks herself since when it became warm in the room. She knows he asked her to look away, but something is captivating about the way his hand moves and his breathing becomes heavy. It's like her eyes are glued to him. His eyes are half closed and his lips are parted slightly. She fidgets with her hands in front of her which are still cuffed and her thighs are clenched against each other under her.
'Second procedure finished. Continue.'
Mimu shrieks when Chan gasps in pain again. Releasing his cock and clawing at the collar around his neck. 'Wh-why? What!' he growls to his researcher. 'I followed the rules!'
Another button is pushed and Chan growls low as his muscles tense up. He stares up to the man who still shows no remorse for his actions. He's not even looking at Chan, instead has his eyes on Mimu who is frozen in her attempt to reach out to Chan, not sure what to do to help him.
'Subject two, the next procedure will be done through copulation,' his researcher nods to Mimu and tells him to hurry up.
Chan is baffled by the order by the look on his face. She doesn't know the word copulation. What do they want Chan to do?
He looks like they murdered someone and he profusely shakes his head. 'You can't be serious?! No way I'm gonna do that!'
He yells again and leans with his hands on the floor when another shock travels through his body. 'That's rape! I won't do that to her!'
That word is familiar to her. She gasps and backs away. They want Chan to have sex with her against his will? That's something only happening on the streets or in bad movies. She doesn't want that.
'See?! I can't have intercourse with her! She's scared for life!'
His researcher sighs. 'Just do as you're told, Chris,' he says without looking at him. 'It's normal.'
'Bullshit!' Chan spits at him.
He gets shocked again on a higher voltage. Chan screams and falls to the ground.
'Stop the procedure,' the intercom commands.
Chan stays on the ground and pants heavily. Mimu whines and looks around to the researchers who all don't seem to think anything of this. They're busy noting things down and whispering to each other. Some nod in agreement.
What can she do? She's contemplating if she should go over to him or stay put when her back arches and a shocking pain rushes from her neck through her body. She can't hold in a high pitched scream while she grabs the collar to let the pain stop.
'No! Mimu!'
She hears Chan yell her name but can't focus on him. The pain fades away and she slums over.
'Hey, hey, look at me. Are you okay?' Chan grabs her by her shoulders and with a fuzzy gaze she looks at him. Regaining her consciousness after a few seconds. They both shriek up when they hear the intercom again.
'We'll amp up the voltage for subject one if subject two refuses to follow orders. Proceed.'
Mimu recognizes the voice of doctor Kwang. It's the same sweet voice she used before she injected Mimu with that stupid fluid which keeps her from transforming.
They have no choice in this matter.
Chan looks around and tries to plead with the researchers to let her go. 'I don't want to do this to her,' he keeps saying.
His hands are shaking whilst placed on her arms. Apparently they are done with his whining when Mimu gets another shock through the collar, painfuller than the last one. This time her eyes water up while she stretches her head back and her fingers curl up with tension. It hurts like nothing she experienced before. Like every nerve in her body is on high alert as if she's burned alive. She whines, not able to let out a louder noise. Chan panics and clenches her against his chest and begs them to stop. Not minding the shocks he receives like this as well.
'If you follow the orders, they'll stop,' his researcher says behind them, still sounding uninterested and unmoved by the scene in front of him.
Chan is torn between himself. This is wrong! They use her against him and he can't help but listen. They will shock her to death for sure. Those monsters have no concious when it comes to their research. He's seen them do it before. Killing without remorse, all in the name of science. Especially that man, the biggest monster of them all. Hidden from his sight and probably enjoying this whole show. Chan grinds his teeth and squishes Mimu tight.
'It's okay, I'm here. It's alright,' he mumbles while she shivers against him and whines.
'Christopher,' his researcher presses him.
Mimu lets out another painful sound and her eyes shut tight, making tears drop down her face.
'Subject two, proceed.'
'Chan!' She yells at him, giving him no other choice.
'Okay! I-I'll do it! Stop- Stop it, please!'
She slumps against his shoulder and sniffles while he gently lays her on the ground.
'I'm sorry,' Chan murmurs to her. 'I-I'm so, so sorry, Mimu.'
Mimu shakes her head and holds up her cuffed hands. Chan ducks under them so they rest like an embrace around his neck and slowly he moves between her shaking legs.
'W-what will... h-happen now?' her trembling voice asks, still shaky from the shocks she received.
Chan tries to softly smile at her to calm her down, but every cell in his body is screaming at him he should stop. The corners of his mouth tremble as he catches her eyes and he knows his smile isn't that convincing anymore.
'I'll try to be carefull,' he answers in all honesty.
His words aren't making it any clearer to Mimu what he means. She inhales deeply when she feels Chan's hand on her lower abdomen. He helps his dick to her entrance and softly pushes against it with the tip, making her gasp and wanting to crawl away. Chan holds her in her place on the ground, muttering apologies whilst pushing further in. She shakes her head and bites her lower lip to hold in her voice.
'I'm sorry, I'm sorry,' Chan keeps mumbling. 'I'msorryI'msorryI'msorryI'msorryI'msorry.'
There's a physical barrier withholding him from entering fully and he knows he's about to hurt her for real. It's nothing more than a ruffle of tissue, but with her this stressed it squeezes so tight he knows it will hurt.
She laments softly and holds her eyes shut tight to pretend this isn't happening. With another push her entrance starts burning and a jolt of pain shoots up. At first she tries to crawl from under Chan's grip, but that makes the pain worsen.
'H-Hurts!' she wailes. 'A-ah, hurts s-so much...S-stop. Stop it. It hurts Chan!'
Chan tries to stay still whilst planting his arms beside her and holding her down with his chest pressed against her. Enough to stop her struggling, not enough to crush her with his weight. She first rams her elbows against his shoulders and squishes his thighs with hers but gives up when he holds her there. Gritting his teeth to withhold himself from crying as well. Her face is wet from her tears and all she can do is gasp for air. Slowly adjusting to his size. Fluid trickles down between their lower bodies and Chan is too afraid to look.
He can hear the researchers around him murmur and express confusion and disbelief.
'She's a virgin?' some mumble.
'Didn't they prepare her beforehand?'
'No, I heard they only did a blood test,' one replies.
Chan feels sick to his stomach and he can see how Mimu has no focus at all. It's too much for her mind and small body to concentrate on anything. At this rate they will get shocked again. He has to proceed.
'Mim? Mimu, look at me,' he begs her to look at him.
Her eyes dart around before they look at him and her eyebrows lift up in distress. She pants and scrunches her face from the pain.
'C-Chan,' she says with a soft voice.
'Focus on me, okay? I know it hurts a-and I'm sorry.' He swallows and gives a quick glance to his researcher who hovers his finger above the buttons. 'I-I have to start moving, Mimu. It will hurt for a little while so I want you to focus on me, alright? I'm here. Don't listen to the sounds around you. Follow my voice.'
She gives a tiny nod and winches again when he pulls out and shoves back in, but she doesn't lose his look for a moment. He inserts and brings up the pace little by little.
'You're doing great, Mim,' he whispers to her, forcing a soft smile on his face. Her whines fade away and her pupils dilate after a while.
'F-feels...weird. M-my stomach f-feels weird,' she raspily says.
'That's good. That's okay, Mimu. Try to focus on what feels good,' he encourages her.
He hates how his body is betraying him with every move he makes. He's raping her. It shouldn't feel good. He shouldn't enjoy this. His body shouldn't enjoy this. His mind isn't, but he's chasing his high like they taught him.
'T-there's...There's somet-thing l-leaking a-again,' she murmurs to him and her lower abdomen spasm lightly when she says that.
'I know. That's good,' he replies, trying to keep up. He won't need that long now. 'I'll try to let you come first, okay?'
She nods, not knowing what he means but focusing on his face. His curls stick to his forehead and his lips are still slightly parched. She squirms as the tingly sensation below increases and Chan leans his forehead against hers. Closing his eyes whilst thrusting inside her.
The tingles ball up and with a shiver through her spine it releases like a wave through her lower parts. She can hear Chan curse softly against her lips while her insides are waving around his dick from the release of tingles. Her legs start shaking and it's like everything becomes ten times more sensitive before going numb completely.
Chan thrusts faster and she can feel little droplets of sweat trickle down from his neck against her arms around him. With a stuttering last thrust he stays still and she can feel his lid pulsate inside her. Chan holds his breath and slumps his shoulders when he's done ejaculating.
'You did it,' he exhales against her lips. 'Good job.'
He softly kisses her forehead and pulls his head back from under her cuffed arms. She blinks and keeps staring at him, coming down from the whole experience. Before he's fully pulled out a hand lands on his shoulder and attaches a chain to his collar.
'Test one successful. End of procedure.'
His researcher looks to the other researchers and the two guards who enter the room again come to action. Chan gets pulled away from Mimu who gets surrounded by the other researchers. He tries to get back to her, but gets grabbed by one of the guards and is ushered outside.
'N-no, wait!' he yells as the door shuts behind him and he can't see her anymore.
'Project Chris, go back to your room,' his researcher says.
He has no choice as he fears they still can shock Mimu if he doesn't listen. With his head lowered in defeat they bring him back to his room. They let him shower with supervision and only when he's left alone in his room he dares to swift to his cat form. Curling up under the thin blanket on the bed, softly crying because of the horrible deeds he has done.

Writer here:
This is one of the few chapters containing contents like these.
Because we need to get into the dark before getting back to happiness again:S

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