My ears!

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The others have fallen asleep, but Felix and Chan still haven't returned to them. Mimu sneaks out of the comfortable hug from Changbin and gently picks up Hyunjin who's transformed back into his hybrid form after falling asleep next to her. She places him in his enclosure and makes sure to activate the heat lamp before tiptoeing off to her own apartment.
She quietly closes the door behind her and tries to listen if she can hear them inside. When she peeks around the corner she sees both men sitting comfortably on the old couch, chatting about mundane topics and laughing with each other. Two empty tea glasses stand on the low table in front of them and neither have made the effort to flick on the main light in the room.
She stands still for a good few minutes in the shadows of the room, listening to their talking. They seem at peace and that somewhat agitates Mimu. She was worried about them and now they look like there isn't anything wrong. She softly huffs, leans against the wall and flicks on the living room light, making the two on the couch shriek up and blink rapidly to accommodate their eyes to the sudden light exposure.
'Gosh, Mimu! Silent as ever,' Felix huffs with his hand over his heart. He shouldn't be surprised with his hybrids sneaking up on him - especially when he lives with two cat hybrids already- but he gets spooked every damn time they appear out of nowhere.
Mimu crosses her arms and just glares at them.
Chan lowers his head under the stare and tries to avoid it, knowing he's her target for sure. To his surprise she voices her anger at the human beside him.
'You're...stupid,' she hisses at Felix who blinks at her and points to himself.
'Me? Why me?' he's flabbergasted with her words pointed at him.
Mimu huffs, pushes herself from leaning against the wall and walks over to them. Without another word she wriggles herself between them on the couch and pulls her legs towards her chest.
'Traitor,' she mumbles.
Chan and Felix both look at her before looking at each other, having a silent conversation without any idea what to say to her.
Mimu buries her head behind her knees and mumbles again. Chan leans a little closer to hear what she says.
'...Stupid. Like you both. I'm s-sorry.'
Chan feels the corner of his mouth lift up when he brushes her hair away to see the tip of her ear redden. He can't help but chuckle gently before nodding towards Felix he understands.
'Mim, we understand,' Chan hums to her, making her stiffen up for a moment. 'We are stupid indeed, but we talked it out. It's okay to like us both. We love you too and with the circumstances we know there's no way we would push you to choose. It's just— If I speak for myself, I need time.'
Mimu sighs and lifts her head to look at him. 'W-was k-kissing you... wrong?'
'Wha... No— Why would you— No of course not,' Chan answers, picking up her hands and softly squeezing them. 'I was... It's—,'
'Minho said...should feel good. B-but you both...ran,' she interrupts him. 'I-I thought... you h-hated it. Just l-like the the int...inta-incer,' she huffs in annoyance before blurting out; 'Sex! L-like the sex.'
Felix swallows uncomfortably, not sure if he should leave the conversation, but when he tries to stand up Mimu growls at him and pulls him back on the couch.
Felix is perplexed with the girl who strangles her hand around his arm whilst focussing her attention back to Chan who has his mouth open without words coming out of them. He shakes his head to snap out of it.
'Who told you that?' he asks.
'M not stupid,' Mimu mumbles. 'I asked..Hyu-Hyunjin a-and the others. I-it should f-feel... good with so-someone you like.'
Chan stares at her before talking. 'You know we were literally forced to do that, right?'
'Y-yeah! B-but you just...said you l-like me too. I-I'm confu-sed. G-good? Or n-not good?'
Chan looks up to Felix for help who bites his lower lip, knowing Chan needs him to tell her what he told him, but feeling insecure how to tell her without confusing her even more.
'Mimu,' he almost whispers, tapping her on her shoulder to make her face him. 'Chan has experienced a lot of... difficult things. He does love you and I think he enjoyed the kiss, but there's a lot of... bad things plaguing him. Especially around the topic of sex and arousal. Give him some space, alright?'
She glances back to Chan who nods at her.
'S-so... Kiss good, sex bad?' she asks with a tilted head and both of them exclaim back with a "no!".
'Mim, what I'm about to say is very hard for me and I need you to listen very closely,' Chan's voice is wavering and his hands are trembling around Mimu's hands.
She nods slowly and turns her whole body to him to give her full attention.
Chan breathes deep in and out, closing his eyes to gather himself before speaking.
'All I see when you get intimate with me are the moments when I hurted you. My body and mind aren't on the same page and I'm terrified of it. I don't want to hurt you ever again, but I can't trust myself. I panicked when you kissed me, because it felt good and I couldn't stop myself.'
Chan is out of breath when he's done talking and his head feels light admitting his thoughts in front of them. He looks through his lashes up to the girl in front of him and he feels his heart drop for a moment when he sees her roll her eyes.
'Idiot,' she mumbles, before leaning over and placing her hand over his heart. 'I-it never hurted,' she smiles at him. 'Not i-in here—,' pointing to his heart. 'Because it w-was you.'
'Sometimes I wonder if you're just immune to trauma or simply too stupid to understand mental fears,' Felix grumbles behind them, earning him a wonderful flip off from the girl.
'Who taught you that!' Felix scoffs.
'W-who else?' she chuckles, proud of herself for getting the reaction she hoped for. 'Minho!'

It had been a long night with them talking and explaining. Both boys had to explain to her multiple times they were fine with sharing in a relationship, although Felix told her she should be careful when going outside. They had to set boundaries with what everyone would feel comfortable with and that included going extremely slow with Chan. Cuddling was okay, but anything else was off limits until the black cat hybrid would initiate things himself. Kissing included. Mimu had been pouting at that point and Chan had joked she shouldn't be sulking. 'You're privileged with two boyfriends. What I can't give you, Felix can.'
To which the human vigorously shook his head and told them he wouldn't initiate anything as long as she was uneducated with the topic. Making her pout even more.

'What are you reading this time?' Han asks her, trying to pluck the book out of Mimu's hands and scoff in disbelief seeing the content.
'What is it?' Seungmin asks lazily whilst dangling his legs off the armrest of the couch.
'Glorified porn. Who gave you this?!' Han exclaims, throwing the book to Seungmin.
Mimu tries to grab back the book, but Seungmin is quicker and snickers.
'Let me guess, Minho?' the parakeet hybrid hums, flipping the pages out of the reach of Mimu's hands.
'Ash! No! Gimme back,' she huffs, followed up by yelling when she can't reach it. 'Hyunjin!'
The Slow Worm hybrid walks into the living room with a laundry basket in his hands and lifts one eyebrow seeing the two struggle.
'I gave her that,' he says, picking the book out of Seungmin's hands and handing it back to the girl who purrs happily with the item back in her possession.
'Last week we had to confiscate the laptop, yesterday she asked me to show her my butthole and now she's reading smut fiction. What's happening?!' Han muses, looking at the girl who simply shrugs her shoulders before continuing reading the raunchy book. 'Where's our innocent cat girl?'
'Something about Felix telling her off until she educates herself,' Hyunjin shrugs whilst throwing a shirt at Han to fold.
'I swear, walking in on one of you masturbating isn't that big of a deal, but if I walk in on her doing—,'
'What's ma-masturbating?' Mimu asks Han who groans and hides his face in the just folded shirt, earning laughs from Seungmin and Hyunjin seeing the hamster hybrid get flustered.
'Page ninety five in the second from the top,' Hyunjin points at the pile of books beside his enclosure.
He hands her the book when she makes grabby hands and with eagerness she browses through the pages. Only the crown of her head pokes out above the book.
'You're unbelievable,' Han grunts towards Hyunjin.
'It's called teaching,' he replies. 'Doctor Zeeps told me to help her with the topics Felix might have trouble with.'
'Yeah, but why can't her so-called boyfriend and husband help her with the awkward stuff?'
'I don't know,' Hyunjin answers in all honesty.
He had asked her that before, but Mimu had mumbled something about them being idiots. Her new favorite way of scolding them.
'Maybe she feels comfortable with us because we're not connected with her like that?'
They both look at the girl who seems oblivious with them talking about her in her presence. She has her feet in the air whilst laying on her stomach with a pillow between herself and the couch and her nose in the book, totally at ease with them around her.
Minho walks in with a towel around his neck and still damp hair from his shower. He walks over to Mimu and smiles when he sees what she's reading.
'Learning something new again?' he snickers as she lifts her head to see who is disturbing her reading time.
'Han!' she turns around to the hamster hybrid who is holding his breath awaiting what kind of ridiculous thing she will spout this time. And he's right when the girl turns the book around - almost pushing it in his face - and happily remarks; 'I saw Minho d-do this yesterday!'
Minho's smile falters immediately as he snatches the book out of her hands and Han lets out a frustrated yell.
'Aaaaah! This is exactly what I mean, Hyunjin! She has no filter! Nobody needed to know about hyung's private business!'
Seungmin is clasping his hands around his belly from laughing out loud and Hyunjin places the folded laundry back into the basket whilst shaking his head.
Minho closes the book and squints his eyes at Mimu who looks up to him with questioning eyes.
'Please go bother your dear husband for a few hours with this,' he grunts. 'He's in your apartment. Now shoo!'
She scrabbles herself up from the couch and bolts away from them before Minho can grab her. The Russian Blue cat huffs and takes her empty stop on the couch. 'I agree with Han, this is now our human's problem.'

'Oh, Mim, I was just about to go over to the others,' Chan says when he opens the front door, seeing her standing in front of it. 'Did you need something?' he follows up.
Mimu looks up to him, opening her mouth but closing it before giving a huffed sound. 'Got kicked out. M-must bother Lix,' she pouts.
Chan chuckles, curious how she got on the other's nerves this time before gently placing his hand on her cheek. 'Don't tire him too much. He had to get up early to bring me to therapy. He hasn't slept much yet.'
She nods and softly kisses the tip of his thumb. 'P-proud of you,' she mumbles.
Chan smiles gently at her and places a hand behind her back to bring her inside of the apartment. When he turns around he places a soft kiss on the crown of her head before walking out. It's progress. 

Hybrid Discovery [SKZ fanfiction]| Lee Felix and Bang ChanWhere stories live. Discover now