It's an ending

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Big talk, great job Mimu, she thinks to herself. Source of strength, sure thing. Why is her body feeling like every fiber of strength has left her then?
When they came back home they had lunch together and retold everyone of their encounter with her former owner. Some were angry while others were proud of how Felix had acted.
'Do it again, Min!' Jeongin chirped at Minho and Han who playfully reenacted the whole scene.
' — and then he went like; "You're lucky I didn't tattle on you to the police. You would've been in prison otherwise. Now shoo!",' Han laughed whilst Minho dramatically turned around as if he was walking away.
'I'll remember that, Lee Yongbok Felix!' Minho theatrically said with a fist in the air.
Mimu had laughed while Felix told them they were exaggerating with flushed cheeks and a small smirk on his face.
'You portray me as if I'm some sort of hero.'
'Which you are,' Chan dared to add. 'Not only at that moment, you're a real hero to all of us. Don't forget you pretty much saved all of us and gave us a comfortable place to stay.'
Felix had tried to deny he had done anything heroic at all and kept saying he never had intended to "rescue" them in that kind of manner.
'Let me remind you, I started out wanting to buy a normal, non–hybrid dog,' he huffed at them. 'A dog to keep me company and then I got scammed with— with—,' he pointed over to Changbinwho was giving them a sheepish grin and shrugging his shoulders.
'Sorry not sorry,' he smiles. 'It was either playing a real dog and getting adopted or being sold off as some weird plaything again. As soon as I saw you I knew you were a soft hearted person who wouldn't be able to send me away, even if I was a hybrid.'
Seungmin snickered and called Felix out for his "softy" side, only to apologize when Hyunjin reprimanded him that that "softy" was the sole reason Seungmin wasn't sleeping out in the wild.
'You would've been a cat snack if not for Felix giving you a home,' Hyunjin nagged at the Parakeet who shrunk smaller with every tiny poke he received from his friend. 'We all would've been far worse if not for our Lix. So calling him a hero isn't that weird at all.'
Almost all of them had nodded profusely while Felix only slid down on his chair, not doing all too well with all of the praising of his beloved family.
Mimu had watched the heartwarming moment with much fondness until she felt a wave of tiredness take over. Maybe the whole day had been a tad bit much on her sore body which was demanding of her to take a rest. She had heaved herself up from her chair and told the others she was due for a nap while they kept asking her if she felt alright and needed anyone to help her. She had refused and told them she wanted some sleep before dinner and with that Chan had brought her over to their apartment to lay her down on the bed and tuck her in before sitting down next to her to caress her head.
'You know you're my hero as well, huh?' she had mumbled against the gentle hand stroking her cheek. 'Lix might've shown it today whilst stepping up for us, but you also rescued me a couple of times before. Remember?'
Chan had tilted his head and told her he never felt like he "rescued" her in any way.
'You were the first to talk to me,' she reminded him. 'You coaxed me out from under that couch and told me I'll be safe. You rescued me when I was locked up -together with Jeongin and Changbin- but still, you were part of that and you rescued me at the fa-facility. If not for you—,'
Chan had shaken his head and bitten his lower lip whilst muttering something about still feeling sorry for what he had done.
'Even if we were pressured -no, tortured- into doing things, I'm still guilty. I know that if not me, they would've brought over other subjects, but I should've fought harder, made it so you didn't have to have these kinds of horrific experiences.'
She had grabbed his wrist to make him look at her and gently placed his hand on top of her belly.
'Hor— scary things or not, it brought us here and gave us this. You're still as much of a hero to me as Felix is. As the others are to me. Please don't forget that, Chan. You're going to be a dad, a hero to that tiny being in here and I want you to know I love you regardless of our exp-experiences. So please be gentle with yourself.'
Chan nodded silently whilst bending over her to initiate a soft and loving kiss. Something he didn't do often and he told her that he did his utmost best to forgive himself and accept their lovely new future.
'I'll be next door if you need me,' he had said when getting up to silently wipe away a stray tear from his cheek with a small smile.
She had smiled back and tucked herself in some more before she nodded off with her hand resting on her heart.
She is so damn lucky to have them in her life.

Now she's awake and her whole body is shivering. A total one-eighty from how she felt a mere hour ago. Did she eat something wrong? Or maybe her morning sickness has come back? She's not nauseated, but her chest and belly hurt. When she tries to get up, it's like there's a stabbing sensation down below her chest. Something like cramps and a bloating feeling. She huffs whilst trying to sit up, swallowing dryly and taking deep breaths to stop the shivers. She has to get Hyunjin. He'll know what's up.
It's when she lifts herself from her bed she feels the weirdest sensation in her life. Like a pop or crack as something breaks and drips down her legs.
No, no, no, no! There's something wrong! Is it the baby? Or with the pregnancy?
The fluid is translucent, almost watery. She knows it's the am- amn— the damn water keeping her baby safe. It shouldn't break this early! Right?
Or maybe it should, she huffs. She has only read up on normal human pregnancies and Hyunjin also thinks her pregnancy looks more human like than hybrid like.
But maybe they're wrong and only the symptoms are the same? Maybe the carrying time is different! Cats are only pregnant for a good two to three months. She's at her seventh!
With all those rambling thoughts she's a bit clueless what to do next, even though the others have been over this again and again as preparation for the real deal. Okay, alright. No panic yet. Yes, her water broke, but if she stays here, nothing will be done.
Her brain tells her to hurry and walk over to the other apartment where the others are at after her pondering for a good minute. She scrambles through the hallway and holds herself up on the walls as she struggles to open the other front door to surprise them with her disheveled being.

The others are lounging around, bellies filled with food and content with a relaxing afternoon. It's when they hear the front door they look at each other.
'Quick nap,' Minho remarks as Mimu hasn't been gone for even an hour.
'Maybe she forgot something?' Han suggests when he gets up from his seat to check out if she needs any help waddling in.
Felix is on his laptop on the kitchen table. He's searching for an affordable crib on the secondhand market while Chan is folding laundry next to him. He hears him giggle when he holds up the tiny socks Hyunjin has knitted in his freetime and Felix knows they'll be amazing dads.
Chan had been a bit emotional when he came back from bringing Mimu to bed and although he hadn't said much, the tight hug he had received from the black cat hybrid had told him everything he needed to know. Happy times were approaching and although figuring out all and everything that comes with getting a child is stressful, Felix would do it without batting an eye if it means their already large family would expand.
But all crumbles down when he hears Han yell and Mimu steps into the living room, clutching her hands around her belly. The search for a suitable crib is put on hold as he eyes his wife being pale as a sheet whilst she points down at the wet stain on her legs.
'It's too early,' she huffs. 'I-it shouldn't be for another—,' she grunts again before lowering herself to the ground, trying to keep herself up on the kitchen table.
Chan hurries over to catch her and Felix is already putting on his jacket to take them to the hospital.
Their minds are working on autopilot, shutting down all things they were doing before and concentrating on her. Thank god Hyunjin pressured them into practicing a few "what-if's scenarios" in case there would be a situation like this and he makes a mental note to praise the Slow Worm hybrid for the amount of knowledge he's been stocking up.
'Keys!' Felix yells at Minho who throws them to him in a swift move.
Everything goes in a whirlwind of actions.
'Chan, hurry,' he says with a shaking voice while Seungmin opens the door for them and Hyunjin hurries over with the packed up hospital bag they have prepared since last week. See? The hybrid is a godsent.
Mimu grunts again, bringing him back to the present and with the help of Chan they get her out of the house to his car.

At the hospital they get stopped while personnel hurry Mimu inside, setting her down in a wheelchair and rolling her off to the ward.
'Can't we go in with her?' Chan panicky asks, but one of the nurses shakes her head.
'Only the father can go in,' she remarks and with that Felix and Chan share a look.
'I need to—,' Chan whines before Felix interrupts him.
'I know, Chan. But we can't.'
He swallows with glistening eyes and looks at his hybrid friend. The collar on his neck is evidence they will never accept the statement he wants to make. Chan's the hybrid, Felix the father. Those are the roles they need to play if they want to keep Mimu's wish.
'B-but— She's— Are you fucking kidding me, Lix?' Chan's eyes get watery as well and Felix places a hand on his shoulder with a firm grip. Grounding him and the whirling emotions flowing over Chan's face.
'I know. I know, Chan. I promise I'll be there with her.'
He looks up to the nurse who gives them a puzzled face, not really knowing how to handle the weird interaction between the hybrid and his owner.
'Your hybrid can wait outside the room?' she suggests as she sees the distressed state of the hybrid.
Felix and Chan nod eagerly and with that the nurse points at a bench in the hallway. Felix gives Chan a quick hug before leaving the hybrid to go over to his "wife", leaving Chan alone.

After what seems to be hours, a lot of personnel run in and out of the room and the sun settles in for dusk when a doctor walks out of the room to Chan, clearly a bit confused with the hybrid jumping up to hurry over to him.
'I-is she alright? The girl— my-my owner, I mean?' he almost whispers.
'She is,' the doctor replies, still a bit apprehensive with the hybrid being in his aura and clearly distressed.
'And the baby?'
Chan can't help but tremble with impatience as the doctor eyes from the door behind him to him. 'Please?' he begs the doctor who scratches his wrist without making eye contact.
It wrecks Chan's nerves and he's suddenly aware where he is.
The smells. The invading sterile scent like the one in Ficx's facility. It hitches his breath and makes him fumble nervously with the collar around his neck while the doctor stands there, visibly debating how much information he's supposed to share with the apparent hybrid slowly losing his mind.
There's silence for a good ten seconds in which Chan can see how the doctor's expression goes from doubting to a sorrowful one. When the man finally looks up to him, Chan feels how the world slowly slips from under him.

"Hey little one. The world is a cruel place, you know? Some are born in loving families, others without anyone who cares for them. You were a lucky one. Even though you won't see much of the world outside anymore. We'll love you forever."

The end.


Writer here:

Dropped that bomb hmm?

Yes, this is the final ending of Hybrid discovery and damn what a support you guys gave!
Not only did I see this story rise in views, there were plenty of votes and such lovely comments all throughout! 
So thank you, dear reader, for givin this story a chance:)

Tiny writing moments:
- Within the first chapter you could've known how the ending would played out. Mean, right?
- Why the Slow Worm? Well, I got to hold one when I was a student. It was such a weird experience that it stayed with me until this day! Same for the Jackdaw! Why not go for a regular Crow? Well, I had a Jackdaw of my own for a few days. So yeah:D
- Most enjoyment while writing: The superninjatacticmoves chapter with Han! 
- Most hated moment while writing: The chapter where Mimu and Chan got freed... Ugh, such a headache to make it not too cliché, not too boring but also not too unrealistic...
- All of them have their own background stories how they wounded up with Felix. But instead of long chapters describing all of them, I used the rule of: shorter is better and show don't tell. 
So who knows? Maybe I'll write them out in the future, maybe not. 

What's next?
--> See the next chapter or check my profile for other stories of mine. 
The hybrid trope was a fun one to write, especially because I didn't want Felix to be the hybrid for once. (And who's with me on that? I love hybrid Felix but damn, all the time? And always a cutesy animal?)

Now it's time to dabble in other tropes.
So far I've written:
- mysterious power trope
- alpha/omega/beta wolf trope
- soulmate trope
- vampire trope
- fwb to lovers trope
- hybrid trope

Coming up/curious to write:
- a/o/b smut trope
- robot trope
- teacher trope
- horrorxlover genre
- curse trope
- polyamory trope
- medieval/fantasy genre
- sci-fi genre
(Which kind of genre/trope do you like to read? Suggestions on what to write next?)

Hybrid Discovery [SKZ fanfiction]| Lee Felix and Bang ChanWhere stories live. Discover now