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Marrying is the most underwhelming thing Felix has ever done in his life. Two stamps, a form with their names on it and done. No fancy ceremony, no big party, just a walk to the government building in their area on a monday to register their marriage for free.
The man behind the counter had been giving them weird looks, especially when the only attestents there were their legal hybrids. No parents or family, just Chan, Changbin and Hyunjin who were there to witness. Luckily the man didn't ask anything and simply congratulated them on their marriage. Felix awkwardly grabbed Mimu's hand when they walked out of the building and that was it.
'Can we at least celebrate a little?' Hyunjin whines when they walk through the streets back home. 'I know it's only out of convenience, but come on. It should be a happy happening!'
Felix had released his hand as soon as they were out of sight of the government building and now eyes how Chan places his arm around Mimu's waist when she wobbles at a particular step.
'Earth to Lix?' The Slow Worm waves in front of his face and Felix hears Changbin snicker behind him.
Both of them look from their human to the two black cats who are in their own world. Chan holding Mimu and Mimu who scowls at him for being a worrywart over a simple misstep, nagging at him she's not made of ... plates? She must mean porcelain.
Changbin is the first to walk up to Felix and whispers in his ear; 'Dude, you can be a little bit more selfish, you know. You married her.'
Felix retracts his head and looks confused to his friend. 'What are you talking about?' he snaps at him, but Changbin only snickers again before walking off.
'Come on guys! Hyunjin is right. Lets buy cake and share it with the others at home.'
Mimu perks up hearing the word "cake" and gives big puppy eyes at Chan and then Felix who can't help but give in.
'Alright. But I swear, if I see you puke it up before eating half of it and then find you sneak off at midnight to eat from it again I will put you on a strict diet the rest of your time,' he reprimands the girl - now called his wife - with a half smile.
She only puffs up her cheeks as if in denial and when Chan stares at her she huffs out and throws her hands in the air.
'Th-that hap-happened... happened— Only once!' she squeals and Hyunjin starts laughing at her defeat.

'Kiss the bride!' Han chants when Felix loses the game.
They're all lounging in the living room of Felix's apartment after a good dinner and the store bought cake for dessert.
The four hybrids that had to stay home had given them a warm welcome when they came back with a handmade banner, balloons and heart shaped confetti thrown at them as soon as they stepped in the house. Even though Felix had told them multiple times he didn't want a celebration, his hybrids had other plans and decided to build their own party if he liked it or not. And Felix couldn't deny it seeing them happy and content with the new changes in their life. Although... he was secretly grumbling a little with the idea of finding stray confetti hearts in between the seat cushions of the couch for the next year or so with how many they had thrown around.
Mimu was already four months in and even though there wouldn't be a visible bump yet, there were plenty of tiny changes noticeable. She got nauseated from time to time, but still craved sweets the most.
She's quicker to be tired and she nagged a lot about her back hurting.
Apart from the pregnancy, her speech had improved a lot. Her trips to the speech therapist once every week did wonders and her stutter is almost gone now. She still needs time to form long sentences and certain words make her frustrated - to the enjoyment of Minho who likes to relentlessly tease her for it until she smacks the living hell out of him - but she's now able to fully engage in conversations.
The biggest thing that changed for her was that she couldn't change back into her cat form. Hyunjin hypothesized it has something to do with the inability of the baby to change with her in the process, thus her body withholding it from transforming.
Mimu had told them she sometimes misses it, but doesn't mind as long as the baby is okay. Changbin had said she was crazy for that as he couldn't imagine sleeping in his human form for even one night where on the other hand Han fantasized how it would be to never feel the need to change whenever he feels stressed. Chan had told her it might have to do with the weird shots they got at the facility and with that the mood had shifted. Felix had been trembling with anger when he heard about the shots they got which prevented them from changing when they wanted apparently. They didn't explain why there was need for those kinds of shots, but Chan had zoned out after that and Mimu apologized with a painful smile for putting a damper on the conversation.
It was Chan they were worried about even more than Mimu. Where Mimu seemed to get stronger by the day, Chan got in over his head and couldn't speak to anyone for hours until Mimu comforted him. He was still possessive over the girl, but more in a way where he needed her and not the other way around. And he gave Felix the most guilt looking gazes from time to time, as if feeling guilty he changed up humans and he no longer needed Felix like how he did in the past.
Yes, Felix felt a little pained that there was no helping the black cat hybrid like he did before they met Mimu, but he can't blame his friend.
She was with Chan when they lived through whatever horror they went through. There's that connection Felix can't lay his finger on.
He misses his friend. He misses how Chan isn't on the end of his bed anymore when he wakes up. He misses their endless talks in the early hours of the days when Felix came back from a long shift at work and Chan was still awake. The laughs they shared over stupid stuff and the seldom moment Chan accepted one of his hugs. All of those moments seem reserved for her now and Felix doesn't know who he's more envious of. His friend, or his wife.
'C'mon, hyung! Kiss her!' Han giggles, throwing a piece of wood from the tower game to him. 'The loser has to do a task.'
The others laugh at the eagerness of the hamster hybrid and join him in his bantering.
'I can't,' Felix smiles, waving his hand in the air, trying to play it off.
'Yes you can,' Jeongin states. 'She's your wife now.'
'Only in name,' he reminds them and Han boos him out loud.
'Just kiss already!' Minho lazily yells at him from his laid down positioning on the couch.
Felix rolls his eyes and stands up to walk over to his "wife". He places a chaste kiss on her cheek and quickly sits down.
'Dawww,' Hyunjin coos them. 'That barely counted.'
'Yeah,' Seungmin pipes in. 'I give those to the others all the time!'
'No you don't, liar! You hate those the most,' Jeongin exposes the parakeet.
'Give her a real kiss,' Changbin puts oil on the fire and darkly smiles at the human. He's been making those comments lately and Felix thinks back to his remark after they walked back home after registering the marriage.
'Real kiss?' Mimu asks, tilting her head and looking at Changbin. 'This not real?' She points at her cheek.
'Gosh, Mimu, don't play coy now,' Jeongin laughs at her. 'You've done it with Chan multiple times and I know it. How else would you've gotten like this?' He points at her belly and chuckles softly. His laugh stiffens when he sees her look in confusion to Chan. 'You've kissed before, right?' the jackdaw hybrid asks and with that they all look at Chan who becomes white as a sheet again.
'I-is that something you do w-when...' She doesn't have to finish her sentence as she sees the horrified faces of the people around her except for Jeongin who still has no clue about the situation.
'O-oh...' is all she can say after that.
'Chan! Seriously?' Jeongin breaks the following silence and turns to the still white looking hybrid. 'How can you call yourself a real boyfriend if you haven't even kissed her?'
Chan swallows slowly, looking from Mimu to Jeongin. 'I-I'm not her boyfriend,' he dumbly replies before looking at Felix. 'He- He's her husband. They should kiss.'
Both of them stare at each other. Chan clearly in discomfort and Felix feeling highly confused with his friend's words.
'Pff, what are you saying,' Seungmin laughs at Chan, trying to break the uncomfortable silence lingering between them. 'You're her partner. Just like Felix. Why are you denying that?'
Mimu also looks at Chan as if he said something outrageous.
'See? Tell him, Mim!' Minho encourages her and Felix swallows dryly when her piercing gaze goes from Chan to him.
'Special,' she mumbles almost unnoticeable while holding his gaze for another moment.
'Both boyfriend,' she then proclaims proudly.
Hyunjin snickers at her stance. 'Mimu, most humans don't date multiple people.'
But Mimu points at him to shut him up. 'Ah ah. Most!' she shush him. 'Both. Boyfriend and hus-husband.' She struggles a little with the new title for Felix and he feels a soft pang in his heart. She gives him no time to put out the little fluttering feeling as her next demand leaves him speechless.
'I want the kiss.'
Her arms are crossed and she gives him the most daring look she ever gave him. 'S-show me,' she pouts at Chan.
'N-no!' Chan gasps at her and they all fall silent, listening to their bickering.
'Yes!' she demands. 'Jeongin says it's normal. You're special. Show me.'
Chan shakes his head and Felix can see how his hands are trembling. Mimu sighs out loud and stands up to walk over to Felix. She plops down on the ground in front of him and looks up to him. 'Show me,' she pouts at him.
Felix doesn't know what his mind is thinking right now. He's still fuzzy from her calling him special and her husband even though he told himself to push down those feelings. Maybe it's because of what Changbin told him earlier. About being allowed to be a bit more selfish. He looks a moment at Chan, locking eyes for a brief moment before he leans over.
There's a soft gasp from Han or Hyunjin in the background and Changbin who whistles at them when he places his lips on hers and presses a little in. Her head slightly moves back and she slowly closes her eyes as he blinks at her before putting a little pressure back with her lips. They give a few little pecks before letting go and he immediately regrets not going in further.
She flutters her eyes open, still a bit dazed and with a red flush on her cheeks before smiling widely at him. She jumps up and stumbles back to her seat, having Chan catch her hurriedly before she falls. She giggles and grabs Chan forcefully by the back of his neck. Pulling him towards her and repeating the same thing she just learned. A second, higher gasp can be heard from his friends and now Changbin and Minho are hollering behind them. The happy feeling makes place for pure confusion in Felix's chest as he sees how she smiles against Chan's lips before breaking off their kiss.
'Where's my kiss?!' Changbin teases her but she simply sticks out her tongue and points at Felix and Chan.
'Only if special. Not for liking.'

Hybrid Discovery [SKZ fanfiction]| Lee Felix and Bang ChanWhere stories live. Discover now