Boring books are never innocent

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'Lix?' she whispers, thinking the human might be asleep on the couch in her apartment.
To her surprise Felix is in the kitchen, busy placing groceries in the fridge. He's just finished and turns around seeing her standing behind him.
'Hey cutie,' he greets her. 'Did you need something?'
Mimu wobbles from one foot on her other, hands behind her back and her eyes glued to the ceiling. She chews on her lower lip, not sure what to ask, or how to ask.
'Hngh. Well— Nah...'
Felix leans back against the counter and waits as she tries to find the right words for her question. Her speech has improved, but she still needs time to formulate sentences. He knows her head works faster than her mouth which frustrates her immensely to his knowledge.
'Show?' she eventually frustratedly huffs, pointing to her bedroom.
Felix nods, waiting for her to retrieve her notepad to show him whatever she wants to say.
Mimu grunts and combs back her long, black hair behind her ear before walking over to him and dragging him with her to his surprise. She points towards her bed for him to sit down and he lowers himself while she rummages through the piles of books and other study materials on the tiny desk in the room. Her eyes light up when she finds what she needs and she skips over to him and hands him the book.
Felix's brain needs a few seconds to comprehend what she's giving him as he's still tired and sleep deprived after his working shift ended around six - an hour later than his normal time- and he had to drive Chan to his appointment around ten. Giving him a mere two and a half hours of sleep to function on.
After blinking a few times he starts to giggle awkwardly, looking up to the girl.
'And what am I supposed to do with a book about calculus?' he asks and Mimu rolls her eyes.
She opens it for him and now Felix's brain is wide awake when a specific magazine falls out of the book, grabbing his immediate attention.
'Explaining!' she asks, bending over to pick up a freaking porn magazine and handing it to Felix.
Why is that hiding in— Felix doesn't even have to finish that train of thoughts. One of his hybrids must've given it to her or she must've found it somewhere in his apartment, although he suspects a certain parakeet or cat hybrid for being the culprits.
'You want me to explain... Why this is here?' he asks awkwardly and his cheeks flare up even more when she shakes her head and makes it pretty clear what she means.
'Uhm... How about asking Hyunjin?' he suggests, but Mimu deadpan stares at him, not letting him off this time.
This girl, he grunts to himself before patting next to him to make her sit down.
She places the porn magazine beside her on the bed and he places the calculus book on top of it before crossing his legs and facing her. At least the distracting pile of filthy pictures isn't in near sight like this.
'Why do you want to know about... that?' he nods at the books. 'I thought Hyunjin already gave you that school book to explain everything?'
Mimu nods at his words. 'But Minho t-told me t-that's only the theory. N-not how it's su-supposed to be.'
He'll strangle the Russian Blue later.
'True, but these things aren't really how it's supposed to be going as well. They are to entertain. To get you in the mood. Uh... They're a little over the top, you know what I mean?'
She sheepishly nods before perking up. 'Oh! They're for...for ma-su...masturbation!' she gleams and Felix isn't sure if he should laugh and coo at her adorable proud face or groan and scold his hybrid friends for teaching his girl these things.
'Ye-yeah,' he awkwardly scoffs, rubbing the back of his neck. 'It can help with that sometimes.'
'D-do you use it?' she asks and Felix wants nothing more than to hide himself under a rock right now.
'Y-yeah,' he mumbles so softly he hopes she won't hear him.
But with her sharp senses she does and bugs him to explain more to the point he pulls out his phone and shows her where to find information about the topic.
'Minho showed me that one,' she points at a video and again Felix makes a mental note to strangle a certain hybrid when he goes home.
'She s-screamed a...lot,' Mimu follows. 'A-and made funny noises w-when they kissed.'
Felix is aware how she scooted over to place her head on his shoulder to watch the screen with him and how their faces are way too close. His breathing accelerates and his heartbeat bonks all the way up in his throat.
'Uh...Y-yeah,' he gulps. 'A little exaggerated, but I think she still likes it.'
Where's Chan when he needs him? He used the other part of their relationship as an excuse every time the girl got too close to him and he felt urges bubbling up. It's not like he still feels guilty over his feelings for Mimu, but he is also aware that going too far with her could scare her.
But the girl is persistent or thick headed. Apparently not afraid of the topic which makes Chan run over to the other apartment in horror every time she brings it up.
'I wanna try.'
Felix chokes on nothing but air and his phone plops down on the ground. 'You what?' he asks her with wide eyes, but Mimu is already pinning his hands on his sides on the bed.
Her curiosity is winning over the voice in her head telling her she should wait and educate herself more.
She's done waiting and learning from books alone. Ever since she has been back home from the facility her body has these cravings. Twitching and aching urges which made her senses go into overdrive, making sitting or laying down unbearable as friction pooled her lower regions with the same weird sensations she only received when she was with Chan in the facility. She had herself snap out of daydreaming and staring at the lips of her boyfriends multiple times and she had been frustrated multiple times when she found a gooey, sticky fluid staining her underwear whenever the tingeles popped up out of nowhere in her experience.
She knows it is all linked to having sex, but with Chan explicitly saying he can't do that with her and Felix brushing her off whenever she tried to talk about it with him she was left with these unsatable feelings.
And now her patience has run out. Felix hadn't turned her down when he kissed her before, so if he really didn't want to, he would stop her, right?
She leans in and softly places her lips against his whilst still holding his hands down on the mattress with her whole weight. Felix first leans back, not knowing what to do before his body reacts and he kisses her back.
It's innocent kisses she gives, pecking his lips and enjoying the soft feeling of the plush parts of their bodies colliding. After a moment she pulls back and Felix blinks to come back to earth, seeing her thinking and pouting.
'Not the same,' she mumbles before looking up to him. 'You don't make those noises,' she states and Felix is baffled for a moment before understanding what she was trying to do.
'You want to make me moan?' he asks her and she tilts her head slightly before nodding unsurely.
'It f-feels nice, but not the same a-as the video,' she ponders, licking her lip unknowingly.
Felix is focussed on the tiny sliver of her tongue and he doesn't know if it's because he got a taste or if it's the lack of sleep, but the responsible part of his brain is shut off.
'Let me try,' he hears himself mumble before catching her lips again and this time poking his tongue out to pry her lips apart. He can feel how she hesitates before sighing out and giving him control. He licks her lower lip to open a little further and then enters her mouth to give tiny licks against her tongue. He teases her a little to try to mimic his movements and she follows him after. He pulls his tongue back to kiss some more before going back, this time with a little more force. She opens her mouth willingly and lets him play with the insides of her mouth while she figures out how to tilt her head and tries to breath through her nose amidst the passionate movements between their mouths. Her mind is tolling and the familiar tingles in her stomach pop up. It's when Felix sucks on her tongue to pull her in his mouth that a soft sound vibrates through her throat. Felix breaks off the kiss and smirks seeing the flustered state he put her in.
'That's what I call a nice moan,' he smirks at her.
She has released his hands and sits back in a daze. Her lips are swollen and slightly parted as she stares at him. Her pupils widen and she mumbles something that sounds like "again" before launching herself at him.
'Whoa!' he shrieks, but it is cut off when she grabs him by his collar and eagerly pecks at his lips, leaving no space for him to react. They slowly topple over until Felix his back lands on the mattress and Mimu hovers over him, her knees pinned on either side of his thighs. She kisses him almost feverishly and now it's Felix who whimpers when the student becomes the teacher. His hands search around to grab something and when she slips her tongue inside his mouth his hands shoot up and grab her around her waist to pull her closer. Their panthing gets louder between the short breaks of their lips to gasp for air before continuing and their lips become glossy and swollen from the activity.
Mimu breaks their kissing only to continue to attack his cheek and trailing off to his jaw and the sensitive spot right beneath that. A rumbling moan escapes Felix's mouth and he hears her humm happily against his skin when she places a soft kiss under his ear.
'Fu-sh.. Tha-that's—, Mimu,' his incoherent sentences falter when she bites his neck and jolts shivers of pleasure down his spine. There's no blood in his brain left to think as all of it must've drifted to the rising boner in his pants.
'St-stop, Mim,' he eventually mumbles when the girl lifts herself up from him to look at him with her tilted head.
'W-we can't go any further,' Felix gulps while catching his breath. 'The uhm... Kissing is alright, but you're pregnant.'
She lifts an eyebrow at him. 'You wanted more?' she asks and Felix feels his cheeks warm up. Ash, why did he have to insinuate that? She's content with kissing alone and here he's thinking with his dick only.
'Ah, nah... I'm fine with just kissing. It's just that... euh... It became a little too passionate.'
She scoffs and her eyes are like magnets to him. 'Hyunjin said... i-it's normal. Wa-wanting more when you kiss.'
He can't think straight at the moment with her still being on his lap close enough to feel the raging erection he's sporting.
'Ah, s-sure. But I don't have protection,' he tries to talk her out of it.
He sighs relieved when she gets off his lap and scurries over to the head of the bed and starts rummaging through the drawer of her nightstand.
'These?' she asks, pulling out a strip of condoms.
'Wha...Why do you have these?' Felix pushes himself up and snatches the colored squares out of her hands.
'Seungmin g-gave them,' she answers as if it's the simplest thing to be said.
Are his hybrids out to sabotage him?
'We are not using those,' he exclaims, folding up the strip and looking around for a place to hide them.
'Hm, sure, can't g-get more pregnant,' he hears her mumble before snapping his head towards her.
'That's not what I meant with that,' Felix panics. 'You know what— No, we're not crossing that line.' He combs back his hair to calm himself down.
She will be the death of him if he can't collect himself. He hasn't been sexually active since he came to Korea with someone else, so abstaining right now shouldn't be that hard, right? Well, the hard on in his pants tries to convince him otherwise.
'Okay, okay, breathe, Felix,' he mumbles to himself.
Mimu is still sitting on the edge of the bed and he can see how she's worriedly looking at him. The other detail that doesn't escape his attention is that she's pressing her thighs together and wiggles herself uncomfortably.
'Okay... Mimu, where's your phone?'
She bites her lower lip and looks up to the ceiling before answering. 'L-left it a-at your place,' she answers eventually.
'Good. Okay. Right. I have to call and ask the others something first. Be a dear and sit still, will you?'
She nods and places her hands under her thighs on the bed. Felix sighs before grabbing his phone off the ground and calling her phone. After seven rings someone picks up.
'Is Hyunjin there?'
He hears Jeongin call for the Slow Worm hybrid and someone yelling back.
"Hyunjin is in the bathroom. Want me to relay a message?"
Felix sighs out loud. 'Do you perhaps know who Mim was talking with before she left?'
Again, he hears the Jackdaw hybrid yell through the house before answering.
"Seungmin, Han and Minho. Why?"
'Can you tell me what they were talking about with her?'
He hears laughing from Seungmin and scrambling before someone else takes over the phone.
"Hey Lix, are you sure you want to know?"
'Stop playing innocent, you menace,' Felix scowls at the new voice. 'I'll shave you in your sleep for defiling her with impure thoughts.'
"Oooh! Scary human," he hears the Russian Blue cat purr. "Can you elaborate?"
Felix glances over to Mimu who's still waiting patiently for him to finish his call.
'Seungmin gave her condoms and I'm pretty sure you slipped Han's private collection to her deliberately. What are you guys planning?'
He hears Minho cackle and ask if it's true what he said to Seungmin who's still giggling behind him. "Well, I think it's pretty clear, right?" Minho hums.
'You're trying to get me laid,' Felix huffs. 'With the girl who's had traumatic experiences and is... I don't know... pregnant?'
"Well, if you put it that way—," Minho scoffs. "Oh, Hyunjin is done. Hey! Snakeboy!"
Felix hears Hyunjin nag and whine at him before the phone is taken over for the third time.
"Tsk, should I call you rat or raccoon for fun? It's not funny." he sighs out loud and asks Felix what's the matter.
"Ah, so she did in fact do what Minho told her to."
Felix rolls his eyes, pinches his nose bridge and gathers his mind before answering.
'Jin, I don't know what to do! My consciousness is killing me.'
"Did you ask what she wants?"
Felix glances over to Mimu who's looking out of the window. She looks calm and content.
'She wants me to explain things and experience it hands on,' Felix mumbles.
"Well, if she takes the first step, why don't you let her lead?"
'But what if I do something wrong?! Or trigger bad memories? Why am I even contemplating with you if I should do this or not? Gosh— I'm an idiot.'
He hears Mimu snicker behind him and softly whisper the word "idiot" after him with a small smile on her lips. She's not looking at him, her gaze on the window and her hands wriggle under her tightly squeezed legs.
Hyunjin on the other side can't help but smile softly, hearing his human getting embarrassed and confused. He knows Felix will always place them before himself and this is the first time he asks for help for something concerning himself.
'What do you think, Chan?' he asks the stiff black cat hybrid beside him who's been following the phone call since Hyunjin took over.
Chan swallows, fidgets with his thumbs before smiling softly.
'If Mimu wants it, Lix should try,' he mumbles, his ears flaring up.
Hyunjin coos at him before going back to the phone. "Could you hear that, Felix? Don't stress about it too much. Now go and have fun with your bride."
With that he hangs up and leaves Felix staring at the screen.

Hybrid Discovery [SKZ fanfiction]| Lee Felix and Bang ChanWhere stories live. Discover now