Was it obvious?

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Writer here:
Uhm... I'm somewhat shocked to see this much reads! Over 1K? Wowie:O 
So... Big shoutout to you dear readers! 
Thank you for giving this story a chance:D

!!!!!!!!!! ⚠!!!!!!!!!
This is the warning mentioned in the intro.
This chapter will contain sexualality/abuse/rape.
Read with viewers descretion.

The next day they wake Chan for his daily tasks. They serve him breakfast, pressure him to take the medication he despises and do several tests on him. Last but not least he is given his shot of fertility hormones. One of the top selling products from this damned company. He passes out for a good two to three hours and after that they wake him up and do some more testing.
It's like he never has left this place. What's new is the muzzle after he bit one of the guards who brought him in when they arrived here. They already declawed his cat form and now his only other weapon is taken from him.
'Christopher, get up.'
The new attending researcher pokes him in his side to get him out of his bed. Chan doesn't even know his name and to be honest, he doesn't care. These monsters don't deserve one. He tries to ignore and turns away from him. He gets rewarded with a mild shock from the collar and he curses out loud to the researcher in response.
The collars are also new. Or at least, the shocking device is. They are definitely not fucking around after his escape last year. There are no noticeable traces in the facility from the fire which gave him the opportunity to run away back then. Or at least not downstairs where he is.
'Behave, hybrid. We're expected for another test,' his researcher sighs.
Chan crosses his fingers in the hope he doesn't have to see doctor Kim and his cruelty he uses in his tests. Of course luck is far off from his side as the doctor himself greets him in the observation room before he gets pushed in the test room behind it. Chan glares at the mirror and hopes his glare reaches the evil man.
'Test two. Subject two. Proceed with procedure one.'
He hates that voice. Why take him all the way over here when they could've done this in his own room. Chan tugs off his shirt and pants, scrunching it up to a ball and throws it to the mirror, giving a cunning eyebrow up to his invisible audience. He makes a mocking bow to the mirror and awaits for his next task.
'Procedure two.'
Alright, alright. Chan flops on the ground and crosses his legs. He grabs his cock and swallows dryly when he thinks back to yesterday. No, don't, Chan. They want him to masturbate until they give permission to cum with procedure three. That's all this is. The normal routine. He shakes his head and starts wanking himself hard.
'Proceed to procedure four.'
Wait. Four?
Chan shrieks up when the door behind him opens and a female doctor brings in Mimu. Already stripped of her clothes she is pushed inside with trembling knees and a wobbling lower lip.
Chan retracts his hand from his cock and quickly presses his legs together to hide his erection. They aren't seriously planning on making him rape her again, right?
'Go ahead,' the female doctor encourages her, a voice high pitched as if she's cooing at her daughter leaving for school or something.
Mimu halts and shakes her head while she looks at the female doctor. The woman sighs and smiles at her, placing a hand on her shoulder and whispering something in Mimu's ear.
Her eyes fill with fear and she nods to whatever she's been told.
'Remember,' the doctor smiles at her before leaving the room. Probably to watch them from behind the mirror window.
Mimu shuffles towards him and with less than half a meter between them she sits down on the floor and wraps her arms around her legs. They stare at each other, not knowing what's next.
'Subject two, continu procedure two.'
Chan slowly shakes his head, not wanting to comply. He looks at Mimu who yelps when she receives a shock. She looks at him with fear filled eyes and two hands clasped at her collar. Chan glares at the mirror and holds up a hand to make them stop. Mimu huffs out when the shocking stops.
'J-just... D-do it,' she mumbles with red cheeks.
Chan curses himself for not being able to take off the muzzle to tell her he's sorry. He's sorry she has to see this pathetic side of himself when he moves one of his legs a little bit away to give himself enough space to touch himself without showing her too much.
Again, his body and mind are on total opposites as he strokes his dick. If he can make this quick... He closes his eyes out of shame and tries to concentrate on the increasing pressure in his lower abdomen.
A soft touch makes him flinch and when he opens his eyes she's only a nose length away from his face, reaching out for the lock of the muzzle on the back of his head.
'I-if I b-behave,' she stutters in his ear. 'We c-can...talk.'
His movements slow down and with receiving a shock he's aware they want him to continue without losing focus.
She can feel how his muscles tense from the electricity and she tries to smile at him with trembling lips whilst waiting for his punishment to be over. She takes off the muzzle carefully and holds it in her hands, observing it before placing it down next to them.
Chan stretches his lower jaw before he asks her what they want them to do.
'S-same... yes-yesterday,' she answers.
Chan wants to stop immediately with his movements, but she grabs him by his arm to continue. 'F-follow orders,' she says, 'D-don't want ...hurt.'
'I don't care if they hurt me,' he whispers back. 'They'll do that either way.'
But Mimu shakes her head and comes even closer to him. Chan feels his heart beat in his chest like crazy and his mind has trouble staying focussed on keeping himself aroused.
'I-if you don't...t-they get..o-others.' She shakes her head and her lower lip is quivering so hard she has to gasp for air and bite on it to calm down. 'Don't w-wanna.' The first tears triple down. 'I-I trust you.'
Chan's heart breaks hearing her stressed out words. If they don't follow orders for the test, they will pair her up with another person. They'll let her live through that hell again without caring who it is if he doesn't cooperate.
'Why?!' he whines. 'Why do they want us to do this?'
His hands are still and balled up in frustration. He doesn't understand why they have to have sex when they never wanted him to copulate in the past. What makes that monster of a doctor Kim think this is okay?
Mimu hiccups and holds her breath when Chan doesn't seem to move. With a quick glance over her shoulder she decides to be brave and takes over.
Chan hisses when she cups his cock with her hand and slowly moves it for him. He gets aware of his fists balled up and the fact she saved them from punishment. Her hand is inexperienced, the grip too soft and her strokes unsure. He takes over again and nods to her to thank her.
'I really don't want to hurt you,' Chan pleads with her.
'S'okay. W-won't hurt...probably,' she mutters with red cheeks. Not even sure of what she's saying.
'Subject two, proceed procedure four. Subject one, engage.'
Their talk time is over. The test is still on.

Her mind is numb. So is Chan. It's a cycle of rinse and repeat. How many days has it been? four? Could be ten as well. There's no telling down here. All she knows is that she's tired. Tired of it all and if it wasn't for Chan, she would've tried to end herself in one way or another. He's the one that keeps her sane, but at the same time the one who makes her mind like a puddle of jello.
Test twentyseven. At least it doesn't hurt anymore. It's amazing how quickly a body can become accustomed to something. Sometimes it even feels... good, she dares to admit to herself. It depends on the angle he's thrusting in her and on how much freedom he gets to use his hands to help her. The basics of procedure four stay the same, but sometimes there are tiny changes. On test ten they injected her with a fluid that made her lower abdomen and entrance tense up so bad, Chan bruised his manparts. They were stuck for a good hour before her muscles loosened up and Chan had teary eyes from holding in the pain.
Once... She got permission once more to remove the damned muzzle from his face. Only to give him some sort of medicine which gave him an erection for hours. They weren't allowed to conversate anymore. Just be there to do the tests and afterwards be brought back to their own rooms.
Doctor Kwang praised her every time she finished a test, but she is always having that worried look in her eyes. Mimu knows damn well that worry is not for her, but for her performance. Or the outcome of it. Mimu has two scenarios in her head why they - that horrible doctor of Chan and doctor Kwang- would want them to have sex.
One is to test fertility medicine. Ficxs is a company which promotes anti conception specified for hybrids. With her and Chan having to take in different kinds of medicine every day, it wouldn't surprise her. They want to see if their product is safe.
The second possibility - one which scares Mimu more than she likes to admit- is to get her pregnant.
Why? She doesn't know, but it's the only possible outcome if they keep breeding her with Chan when she's not on birth control SHE recognizes. Maybe they need more black cat hybrids for experiments? The thoughts give her shivers. She knows there are more than enough legit hybrid breeders out in the world whose only goal is to produce more hybrids of specific types. Why a research facility needs their own test subjects to breed instead of buying from breeders is a mystery to her.
Mimu sighs while Chan thrusts in her. She can hear how his breathing stutters and she knows he's almost done. He cums and bends his body over her back, wrapping his arms around her and placing his cheek against hers. It's in that short moment he can give her the slightest bit of affection. The muzzle pricks her and she can hear Chan growls low. Almost like saying; "I'm here for you." She leans into his touch and nods her head.
'Test twentyseven, succeeded.'
Chan lets go and as soon as she feels his lid slip out of her, one of his researchers barges in to take him away. Leaving her alone with a dripping cunt and an empty heart. She's disgusted by her body as her hips twitch when she tries to sit down. She breathes in and out whilst waiting for doctor Kwang to come pick her up. Sometimes there are researchers already with her. Mostly observing the test, sometimes to give them medicine and sometimes they're there to help her clean up afterwards. If Chan's researchers are with him, they are there to keep him in check. She's curious if it is because he misbehaved beforehand or if they randomly have to stay with them.
Honestly? She preferred the researchers in the room with them. In the beginning they were loose lipped. Whispering things among themselves which gave her the strength to stay alert. To listen to their words, trying to grasp information. But now they keep silent, only their scribbling can be heard on their clipboards with her own and Chan's rasp breathing. It's making her give up hope again.

What's taking doctor Kwang so long? She's shivering from the cold on her private parts and looks around to the mirror behind her, not knowing if there's someone on the other side. The door from the test room to the observation room is ajar as Chan's researcher didn't bother to close it behind them. She can hear voices argue. Mimu closes her eyes and focuses on them whilst staying in her position. It sounds like doctor Kwang and that male doctor who's always there when they have to fulfill another test.
'There should've been something already then,' she hears doctor Kwang say to her colleague. 'We can't risk another dose.'
The man scoffs; 'We can and will. We're close, Haewan.'
'But her human side is already so weak. She won't be able to keep it,' her doctor pleads to the other. Her voice is an octave higher than before and she can hear them rustle through the room. 'If we give her another dose, the bond between the black cat can break. We don't know what it will do to her genes.'
Mimu's confused. Are they talking about her hybrid side or are they arguing about Chan? Genes? Bond? Are they planning on taking her ability to shift?
The male doctor laughs and she can hear him clap his hands slowly in amusement.
'Oh Haewen, bravo, you grew attached to that thing. You're worried about it? That's entertainment first class!'
Doctor Kwang gasps at him and they bicker back and forth. Mimu tries her best to hear more, but doctor Kwang walks over to the door and closes it to continue their talk. Right before she closes it, Mimu can hear a last sentence that makes her heart pang.
'Don't forget the girl is still a human.'


Pfjieuw... Time for some action, right? The next chapters will --- 
You know what, you'll find out next week;)

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