Chapter 4

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[ Third Person ]

"Crap, can't we take a break first?" ryujin wondered aloud, they were walking exhaustedly alongside the group.

After all, they had been walking for hours. is this really what we have to do every week just to find a new 'headquarters'? winter thought.

They all were feeling somewhat irritated at the whole ordeal, especially with how long they had been walking.

"Y'all know what? I'm done with this!" Giselle spoke irritably. She turned towards Winter, Ryujin, and Yujin, speaking once again,

"You three, let's go back home. Let's just find cars to drive." It seemed like she had had enough of walking for hours in an effort to find a new headquarters that wasn't the best idea in her eyes. It seemed like she just wanted to get back home to relax, regardless of what the others wanted.

"if you can." Ning butts in, with quite a bit of attitude. Now, she had her arms crossed as if she weren't having any of it.

"do you even know why we haven't been leaving this place?" Jay snapped back at her, his tone mad at how dismissive she sounded, "Why the hell?!" Giselle retorted, getting angry in response to Jay's words. But before things got too far out of hand, Winter quickly stepped in.

"Stop it! Fighting each other is not going to solve the problem." Winter crossed her arms frustratedly.

"We're not fighting"

"Whatever." Their bickering was only wasting time, and they didn't have much of it to spare given the situation at hand.

"I'd rather eat a poo than stay here" Giselle rolled her eyes.

"then eat" Sunoo shot back.

"do you think we want you here?" Jay clicks his tongue.

"just tell us and support us on our way out here" Winter faced Jay, then turns to others.

"You all can't go back now. You three will be surviving here, with us, or none." As the group bickered back and forth, Karina suddenly spoke. Her tone was cold and blunt, as expected.

Yujin immediately objected.

"Hell no, I'm not staying here." She was stubborn like that, not wanting to bend her words to the group's will.

"Can't the three of you just shut up?!" Yeji snap, rolling her eyes.

Without warning, Jay suddenly grabbed Winter in a headlock and pointed the dagger at her throat, the tip of the dagger touching his soft delicate skin. Winter froze as the others watched on in shock.

"Shut the fuck up! Or she'll die. what?!" Winter continued to remain still, scared for her life while everyone else could only watch in horror as the situation escalated quickly.

"Oh shit, man, put that down!" Niki reached his hand to Jay, but not planning to get close.

"Jay, stop that! What were you thinking??" Jennie pointed at the dagger.

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