chapter one

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"you've been staying out late,trying your best to escape

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"you've been staying out late,
trying your best to escape.
i hope you find what you're looking for."
- A Violent Noise, The xx

Monday, October 30th, 2023.

New week. New day.

New client.

I release a deep exhale before hopping out of my parked car.

I've never been this nervous about a meeting a new client before.

But this is not the typical client.

This client's therapy is court ordered. Mandatory. Government assigned.

And I am the assigned therapist. I am the 'chosen one.'

Well, kind of.

My mentor, Dr. Raynor, was originally assigned to this client. However, after their first session together, she could tell they were not the right match for each other.

She spoke to the government officials involved with the case and they asked for her recommendation.

Which just so happened to be me.

This works easy for everyone involved, due to the fact that her office is on the floor above mine.

One very short trip in the elevator and they were knocking on my door.

Speaking of that elevator, I decide to forgo it today, opting for the stairs in the hopes of walking out some of my nervous energy.

It's only a short trip, from the basement carpark to the ground floor, where my office is located. But it's better than standing still for a moment in the elevator.

The drive to the office didn't even help calm my nerves. Quite the opposite.

It was to be expected, really. I'm more agitated around the general public these days. Still not used to all the extra traffic back on the streets. Human and vehicular.

I walk through the door, exiting the stairwell into the lobby, adjusting the strap of my brown leather bag on my shoulder as I go.

"Looking lovely today Audrey, as usual." Madeline greets me from reception.

"Thanks Maddy." I reply with a shy laugh. "Same to you!"

She smiles back, her long brown hair pulled up into a perfect bun, her sleek glasses framing her face nicely.

I walk down the hall and enter my office, dropping my bag onto my desk. I remove my caramel suede jacket and hang it over the back of my chair.

I'm getting a bit hot and it's not because I took the stairs.

I try to go about my usual motions of my mornings in the office. While I get myself settled, I try to focus on my excitement more than my nerves.

Because despite the nervousness, I am excited.

Wolf Like Me • Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now