chapter twenty-six

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"i could be happy now,with you

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"i could be happy now,
with you."
- Happy Now, Mansionair

When we return on Sunday night, I have to convince Bucky, and myself, to spend the night in our own places. Being back in Brooklyn, I need to maintain the little professionalism that remains and keep us apart until his evaluation tomorrow.

And I believe it to be the best decision, seeing as we've spent the whole weekend together.

But I start to regret the decision when sleep proves difficult to come by. I miss Bucky and just want him beside me. I manage to muster the strength to stop myself from caving, from calling him and begging him to come over.

It's not the only reason that sleep evades me. I'm also nervous about his psych eval tomorrow. We went through practice questions on our flight home and I'm positive he'll pass, but it doesn't stop the nerves. I want this for him, so much.

I meet Bucky at the office Monday morning, and we keep our distance, posing as nothing more than therapist and client. We sit in the waiting room, Bucky's knee bouncing up and down.

I place my hand on his leg, as subtly as possible and he turns to me. "You're gonna do great." I whisper, smiling warmly at him. "You're ready. Be confidant, take you time. You got this, Buck."

His worried eyes soften.

Dr. Raynor comes and greets us, and soon another doctor and two government officials request Bucky's presence in the next room.

I nod at him encouragingly as he gives me one last glance before he disappears into the room and the door is closed.

"He looks good, Edwards." Dr. Raynor comments. "I knew he would be best left in your hands. How'd you find treating him?"

"It's been a pleasure and an honour." I tell her.

"I'm glad. You should have results shortly after he's done." she tells me. "You think he'll pass?"

"I do." I answer confidently.

"I hope so. They're ready to put this behind them. Thank you for taking this on."

"Thank you for recommending me. It's definitely the highlight of my career." I tell my former mentor.

I want to kiss her feet and scream thanks at her for handing me this beautiful man on a vibranium platter.

"Take care, Edwards." she says and returns to her office to get on with her work day.

I take my seat and remain in the waiting room for the hour of Bucky's psych eval. 

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