chapter six

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"tell me how you're feeling, now we're all alone

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"tell me how you're feeling,
now we're all alone."
- Are You All Good?, breathe.

I make my way to James' place, thankful it isn't too far from the office.

His apartment is between my office and my home, in a roundabout kind of way.

The closer I get, the more nervous I become. I don't know how he'll react to my showing up uninvited. I don't want to invade his privacy.

But in my defence, I wouldn't be doing this if he'd just answer his phone.

And all too soon, yet not soon enough, I'm standing outside his front door.

I take a deep breath and knock on the door.

No answer.

I knock again, louder this time.


I'm about to call for him through the door, when it's suddenly pulled open.

My voice catches in my throat as James stands in front of me, wearing sweatpants and an open sweatshirt, with his torso bare in all it's muscled glory.. There's a subtle sheen of sweat down the middle of his chest, where his dog tags hang.

I quickly pull my eyes away in search of something safer to look at and lock onto his baby blues. He looks confused at my presence and right now, so am I.

"Hi.." he says. His forehead holds the same sheen of sweat as his chest. He not only looks confused, he looks distant, and it reminds me that I haven't been able to reach him.

"Hi.. Sorry to disturb- Are you okay?"

"What are you doing here?" he asks, ignoring my question.

I'm relieved he doesn't sound annoyed. Just confused.

"I tried to call you.." I pull my eyes from him and look down at my bag, welcoming my hair as it falls around my face and hides the blush in my cheeks. "You left this.." I pull the journal out of my bag and offer it to him.

His face goes blank briefly, before he snatches the journal from my hand.

"Why didn't you return it sooner? Have yourself a good read first?" he accuses.

Okay, now he sounds annoyed.

"No, I had myself a job. And I assumed you'd come back for it." I tell him. "Don't worry, I didn't even open it."

I pull out my folded list from my bag. "I wrote some music and movies to add to your list. If you're interested.." I add a little hesitantly.

His eyes flick between my face and the note in my hand. His features soften slightly and he takes the note, looking down his nose at me while he unfolds my paper.

Wolf Like Me • Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now