chapter fourteen

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"tell me it gets easier, that i'll figure it out

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"tell me it gets easier,
that i'll figure it out."
- Easier, Mansionair

It's been a couple of days, but the feeling of his lips on my cheek is ever present.

I enjoy the feeling a little too much. And my want for more, is also a little too much.

After Bucky kissed my cheek, at midnight, I was left completely enamoured. I had to pull him into tight hug, to stop myself from kissing him hard on the lips.

It was too close.

We've unintentionally blurred the lines.

Whenever I'm around him outside of my office, I seem to forget he's a client. We're just two friends.

And I love it..

But enough is enough.

It pains me to do so, but I have to put space between us.

"I've come to the conclusion that some changes have to be made." I tell Bucky, at the start of our first session of the new year.

"What kind of changes?" he questions with a frown.

I take a deep breath before answering. "I can be your therapist or your friend. I can no longer be both."


I catch a hint of sadness in his tone and try to ignore the confusion in his eyes.

"I just can't. It's not ethical, or professional. I worry I'm only distracting you, not healing you." I try to explain. "I don't regret our time spent together, but I could have been going about it better."

"Okay.. But if you're my friend, you can just give me therapeutic advice, anyway." Bucky comments, with a cheeky smirk, looking for a loophole.

"And you'll be assigned a new therapist. Or maybe you'll go back to Dr. Raynor." I tell him.

He looks disgusted by the possibility. "..I don't understand why I have to pick."

"You just do, okay?" I say softly. I'm fighting hard to keep my tone calm and unbothered, and fighting even harder to keep tears out of my eyes.

"Fine." Bucky concedes.

We carry on with the session and at the end of our hour, Bucky makes his decision.


"That because you value me as a therapist, or you just don't want to talk to anyone new?" I try to joke.

"Both." Bucky answers.

"Even if someone new could be a better therapist?" I ask.

"Not possible." he states firmly.

Wolf Like Me • Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now