chapter twenty

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"and you can see my heart beating,you can see it through my chest,said i'm terrified, but i'm not leaving"- Russian Roulette, Rihanna

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"and you can see my heart beating,
you can see it through my chest,
said i'm terrified, but i'm not leaving"
- Russian Roulette, Rihanna

Bucky's voice calls my name, but it sounds distant and muffled, like I'm underwater.

My body numb from the recoil of the gun in my hands, I stare frozen and wide eyed, at the man on the ground. He writhes and groans in pain, his light shirt turning dark with blood.

Someone enters the alley and I tighten my grip on the gun, but when I look up, my eyes land on Bucky. A shaky breath of relief escapes me and my eyes brim with tears as he races to my side. He stands in front of me, checking me over.

My eyes go back to the man, and to the bullet wound I just gave him, and my breath becomes short and shallow.

"I killed him.." I mutter.

Bucky places a soothing hand on my shoulder and leans in close.

"No, you didn't. You just shot him." he tries to reassure me. "He'll be fine, but we have to go."

Bucky goes to leave, but my feet are glued to the ground, just as my eyes are glued to the man. Half a sob escapes me as I fight to keep it together.

Then I feel Bucky's hand on my cheek.

I finally pull my eyes from the man and bring them up to meet Bucky's. His face is inches from mine.

"Listen to me- His blood is not worth a single one of your tears." he states, stroking my face with his thumb.

I exhale shakily.

"Take a deep breath.." he instructs.

We maintain eye contact as I do what he says. The deep breath, his eyes and his touch on my cheek, all help the shock subside.

"Give me the gun." He grasps the barrel and I loosen my grip. "We have to go, okay?"

I nod again and take a step back, my feet loosening from their invisible glue.

"Where the hell were you?!" Sam yells, running past us.

My gaze follows him and I turn and see Zemo halfway down the alley.

"Staying alive." Zemo replies. "Shall we go?"

Bucky takes my hand and we run.

We find our way safely out of the streets. With no where else to go, we retreat back to Zemo's plane, taking extra steps to make sure we're not followed.

It is only when we have to climb the narrow staircase to board the plane, that Bucky finally lets go of my hand.

I move to the longer couch at the back and take a seat, Bucky close behind. The first thing I do is remove the boots and give my feet a rub.

Wolf Like Me • Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now