chapter twenty-four

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"if you love me, with all of your heartif you love me, i'll make you a star in my universe

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"if you love me,
with all of your heart
if you love me,
i'll make you a star
in my universe."
- For You, Angus & Julia Stone

I make myself presentable and go see Dafne at work.

She leaves the shop to her employee, and pulls me into her little office for a more private catch up.

I update her on the basics of where I've been for the past week; helping Bucky and Sam follow leads on the leader of the Flag Smashers. And mention crossing paths with John Walker just before I returned home. I decide to leave out everything 'Zemo', and that I shot someone.

"So you're an Avenger now?" she smiles and I laugh.

"Totally." I answer sarcastically.

"So, what's happening with your ancient boyfriend? And why isn't he your boyfriend?" she asks warily.

"I fucked up. Again."

I tell her all about what Bucky said before I left Latvia, and what happened this morning when he showed up at my door. When I'm done, I let out a sigh and bury my face in my hands.

"Shit.." is all Dafne says.

"Shit." I reiterate.

"He really said "You're everything"?"

I nod my head sulkily.

"Damn.. That's quite the declaration." she says. "Who talks like that?"

"Someone not of this generation." I reply.

"Of course! How could I forget?"

"You do forget. And then he'll do or say something like that and it just makes you melt." I explain, a small smile playing on my lips. But then the smile fades. "I don't deserve him.."

"Stop it."

"Maybe that's why I keep sabotaging us.." I theorise.

"Stop it, Addie. You were sabotaging because of your job. But that isn't an issue now." Dafne reminds me. "What you both deserve, is a chance to talk it out."

"I do need to talk to him.."

"So.. what are you waiting for?" she asks.

"I don't think I should today. I'll let him have his space for now, let him rest, after the week he's had. I'll try to reach him tomorrow." I decide.

"You better." Dafne states. "I just want to see you happy, Addie. And I know he makes you happy."

I give her a sad smile.

"I also think a roll in the hay would do you both some good." she adds and I burst out laughing.

"A roll in the hay? Jesus, Dafne."

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