chapter thirty

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"now there's no more screaming,i'm silencing the demons

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"now there's no more screaming,
i'm silencing the demons.
your eyes let me know,
like footsteps home,
i will follow, follow you."
- I Will Follow, Dotan

"GRC this week have announced changes in their overall policies of repatriation and resettlement." the news presenter reads, her voice travelling from the tv throughout my small apartment.

I look up from my laptop at Bucky. He stands in front of the open dishwasher, plates in hand, eyes on the tv screen. Until he looks at me and we smile at each other.

More good news.

It's been nearly three weeks since Sam, Bucky and John Walker stopped Karli and the Flagsmashers. And a busy few weeks it's been.

The days following the event, Bucky and Sam had to go through a lot of formalities. Paperwork, debriefings, interviews. Sam has since then been officially appointed the title of Captain America. The Flagsmashers are in custody, Zemo is locked away once again, and just yesterday, Bucky and I went with Sam to the Smithsonian, to support him when he unveiled the newest exhibit; a statue of Isiah Bradley. So the whole world will know what he did for his country and his loved ones. It was a beautiful and emotional moment to witness, between Sam and Mr. Bradley and his family.

Everything is changing for the better.

"This calls for a celebratory ice-cream, don't you think?" Bucky suggests, unloading the last of the clean dishes.

"Absolutely, it does." I agree matter of factly.
I close my laptop, keen for any excuse to ditch my work.

I follow Bucky to the bedroom and he grabs our coats from the closet.

My favourite recent change; Bucky moved in.

The easiest moving day I've ever seen. Pretty much the only thing he had to lug was a suitcase of clothes. And even then, it was a small suitcase. That and his salt lamp and peace lily. Bucky was ecstatic when his plant bloomed its first flower the day after he moved in. We decided to take it as a good omen.

He and I stroll out into the night on our little spontaneous ice cream date. Once we get our cones, we decide to eat them on our way back home rather than stay out.

And during our walk home, Sam rings Bucky to invite us to Sarah's for the weekend. To wind down after a hectic few weeks, and to celebrate all of our successes. And he's even so kind as to extend the invitation to Dafne and my friends.

Bucky covers my mouth with his hand before I can say anything to Sam about his upcoming birthday. I'd lick him if he wasn't wearing gloves.

When I finally manage to free my mouth, Bucky hangs up.

"Hey.." I pout.

"That information is strictly on a need to know basis. It's bad enough that you know." Bucky groans.

Wolf Like Me • Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now