chapter eight

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"everyone's dreaming, but i'm sleepless again

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"everyone's dreaming,
but i'm sleepless again.
am i losing it?
do you think i am?"
- Losing It, Rhodes.

I eventually wake to the sound of my alarm.

I'm ready to just let it keep blaring, but quickly fling my arm out from under the sheets to stop it when I remember I'm not alone here.

I climb out of bed and venture out into the lounge room.

Oh. I am alone here..

James is nowhere to be seen.

I start to wonder if maybe it was all a dream, but the blankets I'd given him are folded up on the end of the couch.

I can feel the hyperventilating coming on and I quickly drop to the floor to put my head between my legs and take deep breaths.

My mind tries to focus on my breath intake, fighting flashbacks of everyone getting dusted.

I crawl my way back into my bedroom and grab my phone. After fumbling to unlock it, I open my recent calls and hit on James' number.

It starts to ring and I close my eyes, biting my lip.

And it rings.

And rings.

And goes to voicemail.

I press my palms to my forehead and fight a wave of nausea.

He's fine. Everyone's fine.

I go back to my contacts and find Dafne's name, through blurry vision. But before I can call my sister, my phone starts to ring and the name on the screen reads James.

I release a heavy sigh of relief and take a deep breath before answering.

"Hello." I answer, trying to keep my voice as stable as possible.

"Hey, you tried to call me?" Even through the phone, his voice is velvety heaven.

"Yeah. I.. I just wanted to make sure you got home okay?" I close my eyes and press my lips together.

"Yeah, just got in actually. That's why I missed your call. I didn't have my phone with me."

"Oh, I must've just missed you then. Okay, just wanted to make sure. I've gotta get to work, I'll see you on Monday." I say and quickly hang up, feeling embarrassed.

I really had to go and be dramatic.

I let out another sigh and hit the call button under Dafne's name, putting it on speaker. I place my phone on the floor while it rings and lean back against my bed.

"What's up Doc?" she answers, making me laugh.

"Hey Daffodil, how are you?"

"Great, just on the way to the shop. You?"

Wolf Like Me • Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now