chapter sixteen

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"i got your heart of glass,you've got my love

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"i got your heart of glass,
you've got my love.
i know we'll still be there,
to pick the pieces up."
- Fragile, Labrinth

A warrant had been put out for Bucky's arrest when he didn't show for therapy.

Madeline had put into the system that he was a no-show. And missing his court mandated therapy is like missing a check-in with a parole officer.

I wanted to yell at her, but I couldn't be mad at her for being honest and doing her job.

I rushed out of the office and hopped a plane to Maryland.

An hour later, I'm in Baltimore, in a taxi, heading to the station where Bucky's being held. I arrive and quickly pay the driver before jumping out and heading straight into the department.

Nerves hit me as I walk inside and I fiddle with my fingers.

I'm nervous to see Bucky again. I've missed him so much and I just hope he's okay.

I speak to someone at the desk and they inform me that he's free to leave and tell me to wait for the officers to bring him out.

I don't even have to do anything, no paperwork, nothing. He's already free to go. They were just waiting on someone to pick him up. 

I turn around, brows furrowed as I walk to the seats of the waiting area.

Before I sit down, I spot Sam Wilson sitting in one of the chairs.

"Mr. Wilson?"

He lifts his head, his eyes finding mine as he stands up out of his seat.

"I'm Dr. Edwards. I'm James' therapist." I say as I shake his hand. "I've heard a lot about you."

"So nice to meet you." he answers politely. "Thank you for getting him out."

"That was not me, I'm afraid." I inform him and he frowns.

As if on cue, John Walker waltz's into the room. The new 'Captain America' makes his way to us.

"Hey, Sam." he says, then turns to me. "You're the therapist, right?"

"Dr. Edwards." I say with a nod.

"John Walker." he announces proudly, waiting for me to shake his extended hand.

"You got Bucky out?" Sam asks, while I begrudgingly but politely, shake John's hand.

"Yep. Got some unfinished business, him and I. You too, Wilson." John replies. He excuses himself to greet a fan and take a selfie.

I exchange a glance with Sam.

Walker turns back to us, looking at me. "Bucky's not going to be following a strict schedule any longer." he says, matter-of-factly.

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