chapter twenty-five

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"there's nothing else to do here but kiss under the stars,i like you just the way you are

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"there's nothing else to do here
but kiss under the stars,
i like you
just the way you are."
- Nothing Else, Angus & Julia Stone

"You wanna take a walk outside?" Bucky asks me, after our beautiful dinner with the Wilson family.

"I'd love to." I reply with a smile.

The both of us had offered to help clean up, but Sam insisted he and the boys had it covered.

Bucky and I head outside, off the porch and wander out into Sarah's yard. We stroll down to the river by her house and step onto a small pier, walking right to the end.

It's quiet and serene, the only sound coming sparingly from insects and other nocturnal fauna. I look up at the star filled sky and it takes my breath away.


The dark sky is heavily sprinkled with twinkling stars, far more than the city ever lets me witness.

Bucky chuckles softly beside me. "I gotta get you to Wakanda." he comments. "The skies over there are otherworldly."

"Even better than this?"

"Much better."

"Tell me when and I'm there." I reply and he chuckles again.

I sit down on the pier, letting my feet dangle over the edge, just above the water.

"Well, it won't be any time soon, unfortunately." he sighs, sitting down beside me. "Ayo instructed me to stay away for a while. At least until things with Zemo blow over."

"You found him?" Looking at Bucky, I can just make out his features in the dark.

"I did. Handed him over to Ayo before we came back." he replies.

"Surely that put you back in her good books?" I say, my hands gripping the edge of the pier.

"It certainly helps my case with them."

"I've been wanting to ask you.. how you've been feeling? You know, since Ayo removed your arm.." I ask gently.

Bucky looks thoughtfully across the water.

"When it happened.. I felt.. betrayed. And alone." he tells me. "They don't trust me.. They never trusted me."

"I thought that at first, but.. perhaps that isn't the case." I say, and Bucky turns his head to me, hopeful for a different perspective. "..It's not that they don't trust you, now. It's that they didn't trust the Winter Soldier, then."

I watch him nod as he thinks over my words. Then he looks at me and I can just see the faintest smirk.

"You ever tire of being right?" he asks.

Wolf Like Me • Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now