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Gosh, this story has been a wonderfully fun little journey. I've enjoyed it so much.

Thank you ever so for reading my fanfic and following along.
Every read, every vote, every comment warms my heart and makes me do a little happy dance.
There's been many comments that have made me laugh, so thank you for that as well. Not to mention, quite a few times, your kind words have been the highlight of my day. Nothing perks me up during a horrible shift at work like a wattpad notification.

Thanks for joining in on my delusions.

I appreciate you all very much.


I love Bucky, and I really wanted to give him a wholesome happy ending. Because if any fictional character deserves better, it's James Buchanan Barnes.

I still find it crazy that I've uploaded this story, and people are reading it. I find it even crazier that people are enjoying it.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!


I'm unbelievably excited to get working on my Frank Castle fic.
I've mentally scheduled to start uploading in May. Which I'm now just realising is like three weeks away. Holy Guacamole. 

Also in the works, a Walking Dead Rick Grimes fic, and a Stranger Things Jim Hopper fic.

But first, Frank.

Big, big love to you all

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Big, big love to you all.
- K

Wolf Like Me • Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now