chapter three

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"help me to revive, i'm a liar, i'm alone

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"help me to revive, i'm a liar, i'm alone.
help me, help me, help me through the storm."
- Violence Broken, No Mono

It's Monday morning and once again, that stone cold scowl is fixed on my face.

Did his eyes get more blue since last Monday?

One thing's for sure; Mr. Barnes' attitude has not improved since last Monday.

"I get it, okay? I know you don't want to talk to me, that's normal." I tell him. "I assume 'normal' isn't a word you hear often to describe you." I add.

James continues to stare me down.

"As hard as it might be to believe, you do display stereotypical human behaviours. Because you are. You're human. Contrary to what you or anyone else has lead you to believe."

He doesn't utter a word.

If not for the rise and fall of his torso as he breathes, I'd believe he's a statue.

"You don't like to talk, that's fine. Does that make you a good listener, then?" I ask.

James exhales loudly and looks out the window on his left.

"A usual reaction for someone who's been involved in traumatic events is nightmares.."

At the mention of the word, his jaw tightens. It's subtle but I see it.

"Have you been experiencing any-"

"No." he cuts me off, bringing his eyes back to mine.

That's a yes if I've ever heard one.

"Tell the truth." I say, soft but stern.

He glares at me coldly.

I grip my pen and open my notepad.

"Oh come on, you're gonna do the notebook thing? Why? It's passive aggressive." he complains.

"One day, you're going to have to open up and understand that some people really do want to help you. And that they can be trusted." I tell him.

"I trust people." he comments unconvincingly.

"For me to help you, for you to finally be free; I need to be one of those people."

James scoffs and shakes his head as he directs his gaze back to the window.

Not trusting me isn't the only reason he won't open up. I think he feels alone, that no one can help him. I also think he believes he is beyond helping.

"Excuse the terminology but.. everybody has their shit. Obviously, no one's comes close to yours but.. it doesn't mean we're demon free, Mr. Barnes." I say and his eyes return to mine. "What makes it easier for people to move through each day, is having someone they can confide in."

Wolf Like Me • Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now