chapter twelve

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"and every day,i am learning about youthe things that no one else sees

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"and every day,
i am learning about you
the things that
no one else sees."
- Angels, The xx

There's a tiny little voice in the back of my head, asking what the heck am I doing here?

But it fades out completely when Bucky opens his door.

"Merry Christmas!" I say with a smile.

"Merry Christmas." he chuckles.

"Thought I'd bring you some Christmas lunch."

"Thank you." he says, sounding genuinely touched. "Come in."

I step inside and the first thing I see is the Peace Lily I gifted him, on the floor next to his couch, where his blankets use to reside.

I smile at him and hand him the containers of food.

"There's turkey, ham, potato salad, roast veggies, and some pavlova and Christmas cookies. I wasn't sure what you'd like, so I just got a bit of everything."

"Thank you."

I follow him to his little kitchen, beside the lounge room.

"Would you like some?" he asks as he grabs a plate from the cupboard.

"No, thank you, I've eaten enough for a week. It's all yours." I say, tapping my hands on my full belly.

"I thought you were spending Christmas with your family?"

"I am, but they all fell asleep."

He pauses and looks at me. "You snuck out on your family, to come and see me?"

"I hated the thought of you being alone today."

He smiles at me and we hold eye contact for a moment.

"Have you watched any Christmas movies yet?" I ask him.

"I watched The Grinch last night."

"Yeah? What'd you think?"

"It was enjoyable." he says, plating up his lunch. "I tried to watch another this morning, but the few that I tried were so corny."

I laugh. "Yes, Netflix is good at corny Christmas films."

Bucky puts his plate in the microwave.

"We should watch one, while you have your lunch." I add.


"Yeah. Just not a corny one."

"Deal. You pick."

Bucky puts the rest of the food in his fridge and then grabs his plate from the microwave.

Wolf Like Me • Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now