chapter twenty-one

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"you're up to no good,keep enemies close" - No Good, UNSECRET ft

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"you're up to no good,
keep enemies close"
- No Good, UNSECRET ft. Ruelle

Sam sits down in the chair with a sigh.

"You okay?" Bucky asks him, looking up from wiping his metal hand clean.

"Yeah.. Just thinking about Nagel referring to the 'American test subject' like Isaiah wasn't even a real person." he answer in distaste. "Just makes me wonder how many people have to get steamrolled to make way for this hunk of metal." he adds, referring to Captain America's shield.

"Well, it depends on who you ask. That hunk of metal saved a lot of lives." Bucky says.

"Yeah, I get that.." Sam replies. "Maybe I made a mistake. Maybe I shouldn't have put it in a museum. Maybe, I should have destroyed it."

Bucky narrows his eyes at Sam. "Look, that shield represents a lot of things to a lot of people, including me." he states. "The world is upside down. We need a new Cap, and it ain't gonna be Walker. So before you go and destroy it, I'm gonna take it from you myself."

Sam's cell starts to vibrate and he stares at Bucky a moment longer before answering.

Zemo offers us a tray of snacks and sits down.

"Okay. Thanks. Good work, Torres." Sam says before hanging up the phone. "They found Madani. Dead." he informs us. "She died in Riga, a city near the Baltic Sea."

Bucky told me how Karli had called Dr. Nagel, asking for him to help a woman named Donya Madani, who was suffering with Tuberculosis.

Even though she's passed, Riga is the next best lead the guys have to Karli.

"I have a place we can go." Zemo says.

Of course he does.

"I, for one, am looking forward to coming face to face with Karli." he adds.

Bucky and Sam exchange a look at Zemo's words.

Then Zemo stands and goes to inform the pilot of our change of course.

I have been more places this week alone than I have ever been in my whole life. But I'm only getting further out of my depth.

Walking down the streets of Riga, Zemo monologues about what's become of his beloved Sokovia, while I look around at the beautiful buildings and the cobbled streets.

This place is much nicer than Madripoor.

I flick a glance to Bucky beside me and see him frowning at the ground, his eyes distant as he slows his steps.

I slow too, matching his pace. "Are you okay?" I whisper. His eyes meet mine and he nods.

"We are here." Zemo announces, looking up at the building in front of us.

Wolf Like Me • Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now