chapter thirteen

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"loving every minute 'cause you make me feel so alive

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"loving every minute 'cause
you make me feel so alive."
- Alive, Empire of the Sun

"Good morning, Bucky. How was your Christmas?" I try to joke lightly, at the start of our Wednesday therapy session.

"Insufferable." he replies with a flat voice and a dead pan face.

"Is that so?" I ask, suppressing a smile.

"Yeah. I had to watch some movie about terrorists, and then I got dragged to a freezing cold ice rink, fearing all my fingers would be sliced off if I fell." he says.

"Gosh, that sounds horrible. Who would force such things upon you?" I ask, feigning concern.

"An evil doctor."

"What a tyrant."

He nods and shrugs. "It's true what they say; the devil comes disguised as a beautiful woman." he says, his voice the most velvety it's ever sounded.

I raise my eyebrows, a smile playing on my lips as I breathe out a short laugh.

Bucky's face wears the most alluring smirk I've ever witnessed.

I open my mouth to something, anything, but I'm at a loss.

He has me speechless, again.

My cheeks get warm, as well as the rest of me. I nearly have to fan myself with my notebook. I laugh under my breath, looking down as I turn to a new page.

I lift my eyes back to his and he's watching me, a mischievous glint in those big, blue eyes of his.

"What are we working on today, doc?" Bucky asks, throwing me a bone, breaking me out of my flustered silence.

"So glad you asked. We're gonna spend today on your amends list, if that's okay with you?"

He nods.

"Wonderful." I say and get comfortable in my seat.

"For the record.." he adds. "..I had a great Christmas."

I give a closed lip smile. "I'm glad."

We finally begin our session.

He's crossed off another name from his government list, leaving him with only a few to complete. And he's planning on crossing another by the end of the week.

His guilt is still present but it's improving well.

The session goes by quickly. Too quickly.

I flirt with the idea of keeping him back, seeing as my next client isn't for another forty-five minutes. But I can't keep him back just because our banter and my lack of professionalism ate into the start of the session.

Wolf Like Me • Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now