chapter twenty-two

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"i know you, you'll never give up on me, even when I let you

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"i know you,
you'll never give up on me,
even when I let you."
- Give Up, Birdy

Bucky, Sam and Zemo leave for the camp where Donya's funeral is being held. And I am left alone again to wait.

Napping proves difficult since every time I shut my eyes, I see Bucky.

I can't help but worry. I know he's certainly more than capable, but they're going to see Karli. Sam just wants to talk to her but if things go wrong, they'll be facing off with a mob of super soldiers..

Zemo adds to my worry, with the whatever potential ploy he's seemingly brewing. The way he withheld information earlier makes me uneasy. And while he's been pleasant and helpful enough, I just don't trust him.

I decide to pull out my phone and write up session summaries for Bucky's therapy.
I do one for the session we missed, explaining how we made up for it with a session as soon as possible. And I do one for this coming Monday, mentioning how for this session, I witnessed Bucky in the field. I schedule the summary email to be submitted Monday at 10:15am. I don't know what country we'll be in or if we'll be in the air by then.

After that, I pace for a while, and then settle on the edge of the couch, bouncing my knee nervously.

A couple hours pass and the boys finally return. I jump up and quickly greet Bucky with a tight hug.

"Are you guys okay?" I ask, letting go of Bucky to give Sam a hug as well.

Zemo marches past us and heads straight into the kitchen to pour himself a drink of the alcoholic kind.

"We're fine." Bucky replies, but they all look very displeased.

Zemo traipses over to couch, drink in hand, and lays down, wincing in pain.

"What happened to him?" I ask.

"He had a little run in with the shield." Sam answers.

"Captain America's shield?" I ask in surprise.


"Walker's here?"

"Yeah. They tracked us." Bucky tells me. "He's after Karli as well. Thinks he can arrest her. But thanks to him, the whole thing went awry."

We move to the kitchen and I grab a cloth and wet it under the cold tap. I go to Zemo and offer him the cold compress.

"..Thank you." he says, looking at me a little warily.

"You're welcome." I say quietly and head back to the kitchen. "Did you see Karli?" I ask Sam and Bucky.

"I had her, Audrey. We were talking and she was listening." Sam tells me. "We were gettin' somewhere, and then Walker-" he shakes his head. "..Now she's never gonna trust me."

Wolf Like Me • Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now