chapter eighteen

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"i got this thing,gonna tie your tonguestep in my ring, you'll be out round one

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"i got this thing,
gonna tie your tongue
step in my ring,
you'll be out round one."
- Got It, Marian Hill

Over the next ten hours, we get as much sleep as we can.

In between rests, the boys all bicker here and there, but for the most part, they're civil.

Bucky joins me on the long couch towards the back of the plane, and I end up falling asleep with my head in his lap, while his fingers tenderly stroke my hair.

But as the end of the flight draws closer, we give up on sleep. Sam and Bucky get more and more tense. And I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous.

I have no idea what I've gotten myself into. I feel quite out of my depth, but there's nothing I can do now. As nervous as I am, I'm the safest I've ever felt, being with Bucky. Sam, too.

"Daniel taught you some self defence, right?" Bucky asks me quietly.

"Yep. How-to basics, to keep from getting grabbed, and to break out of hold if I do get grabbed." I tell him.

"What about guns?" he asks.

I swallow, trying to ignore the nerves that stir at his question. "He took me to a range once to shoot. I only know the bare minimum."

"What about disarming?"

"No." I shake my head.

"Okay.. stand up." he tells me.

He offers me his hand and we stand up together.

He grabs the handgun Zemo has on board and removes the bullets from the clip as he comes and stands in front of me, slipping the bullets into his pocket.

"Empty gun, empty clip." he says, sliding the clip back in. "Keep your distance, okay?" he instructs, aiming the gun at me.

I nod and position myself.

"Step number one: you're gonna take the gun offline." Bucky takes my hand and shows me the motions of pushing the gun away by the barrel. "Offline, alright?"

I nod my head.

"Push hard." he says. "Show me."

I push the gun away hard, gripping the barrel with my left hand.

"Good. Alright, step two: go for the wrist, get control."

Keeping my grip on the barrel with my left hand, I grip onto his wrist with my right.

"Underneath, okay? Go for the joint. Joints are the weakest." He grabs my hand and moves it underneath his wrist, pressing the back of my hand against his arm. "Get underneath, use your legs and twist."

Wolf Like Me • Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now