chapter twenty-seven

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"honey, i'm hollow,fill me take me to the wild, i've been lonely

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"honey, i'm hollow,
fill me
take me to the wild,
i've been lonely."
- Sugar, Wanderhouse

There's a knock on my apartment door, five o'clock on the dot.

I skip to the front door, smiling to myself, feeling positively giddy. And when I open it, Bucky stands before me holding a bouquet of red roses, wearing a smile to die for while his baby blues twinkle.

"You're adorable." I say lovingly. His old fashioned ways melt my heart.

"You're beautiful." he replies, raking his eyes up and down my body.

"Thanks." I smile shyly, looking down at my forest green silk wrap dress and my black suede chunky heeled pumps. "Come in."

He steps inside, giving me a kiss on the cheek and offers me the roses. I thank him and take them straight to the kitchen for a vase and some water, feeling Bucky's eyes on me the whole time I move about my kitchen.

Then I grab my purse and we head out.

He drives us to a local bar and as we leave the car and head inside, he starts to look nervous.

"Is this place okay?" he asks before I can say anything.

"Yeah, it's great!"

It's a nice retro-feeling space, and not too crowded tonight. There's music playing from an old jukebox and everyone looks like they're having a good night.

"We can go somewhere fancier- I've been in here a couple times and I liked it- I should've taken you somewhere nicer-" 

"Bucky." I say, putting my hand on his shoulder. "It's perfect." I assure him with a smile.

His eyes soften. "You're perfect."

I can't help but blush at the sentiment. Coming from anyone else, it'd sound corny, but coming from him, it's so sweet.

We get seated and order drinks and dinner. And soon we're sipping our drinks and chatting away. We've always spoken freely to each other but it's much more relaxing not having that little voice in the back of my mind trying to remind me he's a client.

Now he really is just Bucky.

And all he wanted to do after officially becoming a free man was take little old me out on a date. And he bought me flowers.

Wolf Like Me • Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now