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"Try to neutralized your line more. The script is there for guidance, but you can improvise it to sound more natural. Get the main point and express it the way you are talking in real life," Pablo advises, eyes focus on the road.

They are on their way to the shooting set, which is about a half hour drive. Justin still revise his scripts, taking Pablo's advice so the shoot will turn out smoothly. A ring on Justin's phone notify him on an incoming call. Looking at the caller, he immediately answers when it is his mom calling.

"Hello, Mama?" he greets. "Hello, anak. How are you?" she asks. "I'm good, Ma. Pablo and I are on the way to the set," Justin informs. "Hello, Tita Gemma!" Pablo greets out of respect. "I'm putting this on speaker," Justin says, letting his mom greets back to Pablo. "I'm actually call to ask if you'll be free this weekend?" Justin looks at the manager, as he remembers his schedule better. "He'll be free starting this Friday until the next Tuesday, Tita," Pablo answers on Justin's behalf. "Oh, good then. Ken's parents suggest a family dinner this weekend. So, I think we can proceed with it, right?" Hesitantly, Justin replies a yes. "Ok. That's all I want to ask. Drive safely, Pablo and all the best for your shoot today! Bye!" Ending the call, Justin stares at the road silently.

"Is everything okay between you and Ken?" Pablo asks concernly. The marriage is under Pablo's knowledge, as it is hard for Justin to keep it a secret considering he moved into Ken's house and Pablo drives him to work. However, they both decided to keep it a secret from the agency to not risk anything on their work.

"We are civil to each other." Justin answers shortly. As much he wants to share to Pablo about how they rarely talks with each other, how Justin wishes Ken flash a smile instead of glare when they are bumped to each other, how Justin wants Ken to become more open to him instead of giving him cold shoulders, Justin wants to rant out everything to Pablo but he can't add more burdens on Pablo's shoulder. Justin believes he will make ways for some changes in their marriage, or relationship.

"Regarding your family dinner later, please be careful for paparazzi as it involves Ken's family too, right? We don't want you to get exposed," Pablo reminds. Justin nods, texting his mom to set the dinner at their house instead of in a restaurant. His career made him sacrifice his privacy a little, and he is thankful that his parents understand about it. He resumes his revision on the script in silence, hoping that the shoot go well.

• • • • •

Two more days before the family dinner, and Justin didn't have the chance to talk about it with Ken yet. He had been home past midnight due to long shoot, that he came home exhausted and sleepy. He also have schedules added tomorrow for a meeting with a local brand, as they wanted Justin to become one of their ambassador. As much as he loves his jobs and the money that come, it sometimes tiring that he feels like he wants to quit and pursue his passion. But he knows it is quite impossible now, so he just enjoy the moment.

Justin takes a quick shower, put his phone to charge and gasps as he saw that it was already two in the morning. A. text from Pablo informing him that he arrived home safely put him in ease. Thankfully, the meeting will be at 11 and their calltime will be at 4, enough time for Justin to sleep in tomorrow.  Justin walks to the kitchen to refill his water tumbler, surprised to see the presence of Ken there.

The man is sitting at the dining table, playing with his cup of coffee. "Can't sleep or staying up?" Justin asks, his voice a little husky due to exhaustion. Waiting for his tumbler to be filled, he watches Ken from the back. "Did you know about our family dinner this weekend?" Ken sips his coffee, ignoring his questions. There is no energy left in Justin, so he choose to not pestering him with more questions. He will handle it tomorrow, once he recharged. Giving a quick hug to Ken as usual, Justin bids him goodnight before entering his room.

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