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It is their last meal together before Ken's parents heading to airport for their flight this evening. Justin and Ken agreed to send them off before heading back to their own home. They are receiving some advices for their marriage life from Ken's parents.

"Don't overwork yourself so much. Find time to enjoy quality time together. How about a late honeymoon?" Marie's suggestion shocks them. "Mom, don't worry much about us. You should focus more on your trip to Malaysia," Ken replies. Justin supports Ken by flashing a smile to their parents in-law.

"I'll discuss about it with Gemma later. I'm sure we'll be in the same page." Justin's eyes widen hearing that. "No need for that. We'll plan our own honeymoon later, once we checked with each other's schedule." Justin blurts out. He mouths a sorry when Ken looks at him in disbelief.

For the record, their marriage happened because of Marie and his mom's plan. God knows how will the honeymoon be if they plan something again. 

They spend few more minutes eating before they decided to clean up. Justin is doing the dishes when Ken approaches him with his ringing phone. He looks over to see Josh name, which he quickly wipes his hand dry and answer the call. "Josh?" he asks, leaning to the sink. He mutters a small thank you when he sees Ate Amy takes over the dishes.

He moves to the dining table, taking a seat. "Jah! It's been long time, huh?" Josh sounds cheerful as usual. "Oo. How have you been? You didn't contact me at all," he pouts. "Good news, I'm back in Philipines. In fact, I'll be landing this evening." Justin smiles in shock with the news. "Talaga? I'm heading to the airport this evening. I can pick you up, then?" He offers, feeling excited with how the universe works.

"It's a good idea. I'll be here for two weeks before another trip. We'll hang out later too, if you're not busy," Josh informs. "Don't worry. I'll free my time for you." He has been thinking ways to spend time with his closest cousin. "Ok then. I got to go. I'll text you once I landed. Bye, Jah!" He bids him goodbye, feeling excited to finally meet Josh after  years of not meeting each other.

"Sino si Josh?" Justin looks over to Ken who has been standing beside him for the whole time. "My cousin. You heard my plan, right? You can go home first after sending your parents off," he explains. "I'll tag along. I'm sure he is aware about us." He shakes his head off to reject the idea. "No need. It'll be uncomfortable for him. After all, there is a lot for us to catch up with each other about our life. You'll be bored." He looks at the time, realizing that they should hit the road now. The both walks to the room to pack their things.

"What's with the honeymoon idea, huh?" Ken asks while packing his laptop. "I'm sorry about that but I can't let our moms plan for it. I think it is better for us to take over, so we can go with our plan."

"What do you mean?" He puts his phone charger in the bag, zipping it up. "Maybe we can say that we're too busy to find the time, or we'll go for the honeymoon but doing our own things separately. I think it is safer for the latter so they won't bug us with the topic anymore."

"You do have some tricky minds there," Ken points out. He shrugs his shoulder, taking it as compliment instead.

• • • • •

Once Ken's parents went through the boarding gate, Justin waves Ken a small goodbye. They have been keeping distance from each other at the airport, to avoid any problems. Being in a public place with Ken is actually a risk, so he needs to be extra careful.

Josh texted him, informing his arrival which Justin replies that he will wait for him at the parking area. In the meantime, he texts Pablo.

 In the meantime, he texts Pablo

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"What's going on?" Pablo doesn't waste any time to ask. "It's nothing," he sighs. "And I'm a sausage." He can imagine Pablo rolling his eyes with his answer. "We talked about divorce and he agreed to think about it. So, yeah," he explains.

"Who brought up the divorce?" Justin sighs before answering. "I did." There is a short silence probably due to shock. "Why is that? I thought you and Ken in good terms. Tell me the truth and I will be silence about it for the rest of my life."

"He has a lover already. Do you remember about Jade, the one you heard him talking to during my IG Live? I confronted him about her, and that's how I knew about their relationship." Justin can't keep secret from Pablo. He is more like a brother for him. After all, it is hard to hide anyting when they're working together.

"Justin..." there is a hint of pity in Pablo's voice. "Don't worry. I'm fine. It's not that I'm starting to have feelings on him," he chuckles. "Does he knows about your plan to move out?" He scratches his forehead. "Not yet. I'll tell him later, don't worry. You'll help me out, right?"

"I'll try my best." Pablo's assurance makes him sigh in relief.

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