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"Oh, you arrived! Ken is in his room," Marie greets him as he enters her house. "Take your time, we're still waiting for your parents before we have dinner," his father in-law adds as he fixes the position of the Christmas tree. Nodding, he walks upstairs with his luggage and backpack.

He opens the door but there is no sight of Ken. Getting inside in the room, he shuts the door for privacy reason. He puts aside his luggage and takes off his cap, ruffling through his hair. He puts his camera batteries on charge for Vlog purposes before taking out his pajamas to change into later.

Ken is in the bathroom from the sound of shower running, so he decided to go through his to-do list for this two days. They'll spend tomorrow morning for some shopping, decorating and cooking before they proceed to fashion show. The last day saved for games, karaoke session and gift exchanges.

He looks over when the bathroom's door open and he half regrets it. Ken is standing there, bare chest with the towel wrapped around his waist, hair wet. His tattoo makes him look even sexy. Talking about the tattoo, he approaches Ken to take a good look of it. "You're good?" He senses some nervous in his voice. "Justin?" This time, it is more to panic.

"I just want to look at your tattoo," he frowns when Ken moves away from him. "Sure, but let me at least put on shorts first," Ken says while bringing him to sit on the bed. It takes not that long before the guy returns to his side, leaving his upper body naked. "I am sorry I didn't ask for your permission first to do the tattoo," Ken scratches his head shyly. "No, you don't need my permission. It's your body, not mine."

"Can you stand in front of me? I couldn't see it clearer with you sitting," he pouts. There is a small smile on Ken's face before he obeys, giving him full view of the right side of his body. Justin can't help from lightly tracing the black line, feeling mesmerized with the details and all. He might be too deep in adoring it that Ken stops his hand.

"Does it hurt when you get the tattoo?" he asks. Ken crouches down so they'll be on the same eye level. "It was but it's sort of my coping mechanism for the past months. But I assure you, I'm okay."

"You should go and take a shower. We'll talk more later, okay?" Ken lightly tap his lap. "I know we've been avoiding to talk about it, but how is Jade?" He asks. Ken keeps their eyes for a moment before he stares on the bed. "She is still struggling to accept it. I did my best to avoid her but we still need more time on it before she totally gives up. Holding on uncertainty can be exhausting."

Standing up, Ken kisses his forehead before asking him to take a shower.

• • • • •

He knows it is still early for Christmas' movie but instead of some rom-com movies, their parents opted on a horror one. His mom knows that he doesn't like that genre but it seems like she favors the in-laws more than him.

The living room is crowded with them three couples on each couch which unfortunately, they get the middle one. Ken seems unbothered with the choice of the movie that Justin needs to accept that he is the only one that against the idea. Sighing, he glues himself on Ken's body, leaving half of the couch empty.

He leans his head on Ken's chest, eyes wandering everywhere except the TV screen although it is impossible. They are only 15 minutes into the movie but he feels like they watched it for an hour long. There is a small ding on his phone that he decided to look over. A text from Pablo.

 A text from Pablo

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He puts away his phone and jumps in surprise when the ghost made his appearance on the TV screen, his upper head hit something

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He puts away his phone and jumps in surprise when the ghost made his appearance on the TV screen, his upper head hit something.

"Ouch!" He looks over to see Ken holding his chin in pain. "Ken, I am sorry. Is it hurt that bad?" he curiously asks although the answer is pretty obvious. He holds Ken's chin, hoping it will ease the pain. "Do you need ice?" he is in panic as the guy is closing his eyes tightly. "No, it's fine. I'm okay," he mumbles. Due to guilty, he taps Ken's chin to soothe the pain as their parents resumed the movie after making sure it is not something serious.

Ken reaches for a cushion pillow and places it on his lap. "I don't want to take another risk so it's better if you lay here instead," Ken says. "I'm sorry," he pouts which Ken replies with a forehead kiss. "Here," he pats the pillow with an assuring smile. He obeys, not before reaching for another cushion pillow to cover his face from the screen.

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