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"Do you want kids?" He asks, eyes staring to the front. They are waiting for his car to be serviced in Ken's car. At first, he decided to use the waiting room provided but there is quite many customers there.

"Justin, my mom explained that they doesn't care about grandchildren. Don't take it too deep," he replies. "Yes, I know. But what about you? Do you want kids?" he looks over to the guy who focused on his phone. "Let's not talk about it," he sighs. "Let's get divorce," he suggests.

There is loud silence and Ken's angry stare makes Justin's breath heavy. "What goes on in your mind?" His voice sterns. Justin looks down to his lap, playing with his fingers. Ken's deadly stare is too much for him to handle.

"We'll tell our parents that this marriage doesn't work so we decided to divorce. Then, you can marry Jade, have kids and be happy for the rest of your life. We'll be going back to square one, when we are strangers to each other."

"What if I don't want kids?"

Justin frowns with the answer. "Still, it is impossible for us to be in this marriage forever. There is Jade waiting to spend her life together with you. After all, this marriage is only on paper. The relationship between you and Jade are more genuine. I have no right to be in between you guys." He adds, before answering a phone call. "Tell me at least a month prior if you're filing for divorce. I'll leave the decision on you, but I'll take over if I feel like I should.

"My car is ready," he informs after ended the call. He is about to unlock the door when Ken says, "I'll think about the divorce." Justin flashes him a smile with a nod before stepping out the car. He settles up the payment and also doing some fan service to the customers who recognizes him before excusing himself. From the rear view, he notices Ken's car following him.

Curiosity killed the cat, and Justin admits it. He needs Pablo's help to find him a place to rent to prepare for anything worse. It is brave enough for him to propose the idea of divorce, so he needs to be brave enough to bear the consequences. After all, Ken doesn't object the idea.

Ever since he figured out about Jade, he has been feeling guilty to become the third wheel in their relationship. Divorce is the only way for them to get out this marriage and enjoy their own life separately. He hopes their plan will go smooth like butter. But for now, he will just enjoy the moment while it last.

• • • • •

Justin, Ken and Marie are at the living room after the lunch. Marie insists to show him Ken's childhood photo album, which he gladly agreed. He sits on the floor, flipping through the pictures while Marie gets another photo album somewhere. "You smile a lot back then," he comments while glancing at Ken.

Instead of watching the TV, Ken is staring blankly at electronic device. He seems too deep in thinking, that Justin assumed it was because the divorce matter. He taps on Ken's thigh to get his attention. "Are you okay?" he asks. The small nod doesn't really convincing, but Justin takes it. He decided to give Ken space and time. After all, it is a big issue for Ken to think about.

Marie returns with another photo album, which Justin enjoys the storytell behind all those pictures. Once he finishes going through the album, Marie excuses herself to make lumpia for tea time. Justin offers himself to help but Marie doesn't let him, asking him to rest instead. He flops on the couch, joining Ken to watch whatever he is watching.

They watch in silence that makes him feeling sleepy. He unconciously lands his head on Ken's shoulder, which later he feels the small taps on his head that feels like a lullaby.

So much on giving Ken space and time.

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