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"I'm coming," Justin announces before unlocking the room's door. He finds Ken is sitting on the chair with eyes closed and phone in his lap. Justin walks silently to Ken, after putting their bags on the floor. Justin taps Ken's shoulder lightly. "Ken, your bag is here. You can take a shower first, then take a nap."

Ken response with a small hum, before opening his eyes. Justin walks to the bathroom, checking for towel and toiletries so Ken can take his shower in ease. It seems like his mom restocked it already. "There are towel and toiletries already in the bathroom. You can use it freely," Justin informs while stepping out the bathroom. He rummages through his wardrobe to find suitable clothes for the dinner, while Ken heads to shower. Justin decided to wear simple black shirt and brown slack, appropriate for the event. He will change into his pajamas later before he hits the bed.

To his surprise, Ken walks out the bathroom after few minutes with only towel wrapped around his torso. The fresh smell of the soap used fills the room, that Justin realizes that the situation is kind of intimate for both of them. "You can take the bed for nap. I will go downstairs after shower," Justin says, hurriedly walks into the bathroom.

Justin changes his cloth in the bathroom, as it is uncomfortable to do so with Ken's presence. He turns off the bathroom's light, noticing that Ken is already asleep at the left side of the bed. Justin closes the window and curtain, walking to the night stand beside Ken. He puts Ken's phone in charge, freezes when he accidentally reads the notification.

Pushing the thoughts aside, Justin leaves Ken to his sleep, silently closes the door

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Pushing the thoughts aside, Justin leaves Ken to his sleep, silently closes the door. He walks downstairs, the smell of food fills the house. "Smells delicious. Is there anything I can help?" he asks. "Oh, I thought you're going to take a rest?" His mom frowns, turning off the stove. "I already sleep on the way here. So, I let Ken rest instead," he answers. "Can you help me pour out this adobo into a bowl?" His mom requests, which Justin gladly do so. "What time did you hit the road?" Marie asks, taking out a watermelon from the fridge. "Around 3.30, after Ken finished his work." Watching Marie picks up a knife and chopping board, Justin offers himself to cut out those watermelon.

"He has been a workaholic, just like his dad. But I'm not sure if he changed after the marriage?" Marie looks at him for answer. "Uh, I'm not sure how workaholic he was. But I understand his workload so I don't take it too much to heart." Justin focus on the watermelon, silently hoping there is no more questions regarding their marriage. At least for now, without Ken's presence.

Thank God, he is saved with their dads walk into the kitchen with two plates of grilled meats. They put it on the dining table, snatching watermelon that Justin cut before going upstairs to take a shower as asked by their wives. Justin thinks that those interactions are cute and pure, wishing for that is how his marriage will be. "Jah, can you help us set up the table?" His mom asks, shattering his thoughts away. He helps without words while listening to his mom and Marie gossiping about someone he doesn't know.

"Maybe you should wake Ken up. It's time for dinner," Marie says, as they finished setting up the table. Justin is about to knock the door when it is opened, revealing Ken in brown shirt and black slack. "Dinner is ready," he says when he meet Ken's stare. Turning his back, he halts when Ken warns him. "Don't try too hard to act like we're happily married." "I'll just follow your lead, then," Justin shrugs, walking down the stairs.

• • • • •

"Pass me the adobo," Ken whispers. Justin takes the bowl, places it in front of Ken before continue his eating. The dinner is very simple yet fulfilling. Chicken adobo, green salad, mashed potatoes, grilled meats and watermelon to satisfy their stomachs.

"We didn't get to catch up a lot with Justin, right? I mean, the marriage was quite rushed that we didn't get enough time to really know our son-in-law," Ken's dad starts the conversation. Justin smiles politely, feeling awkward to tell about himself. "Tell them about yourself, honey. It's our bonding time," his mom suggests. "Hello, po. I'm Justin, 25 years old. I am a model and actor for the past 3 years. Keep supporting me, po," he jokingly introduces himself to ease his heart. They chuckle, which Justin gladly thankful for. Well, except for Ken.

"Oh, you're two years younger than Ken, right?" Marie points out. Justin nods, before getting himself some meat. "What drama are you acting on?" Justin finish chewing his meat before answering. "I'm acting on Hanggang Sa Huli, as second lead." The conversation continues, with Justin explaining the process of shoot, and his work as a model too. He has always been proud with his career but he can't help to feel insecure sometimes. When they changed the focus to Ken, Justin gulps down his water to calm his heart.

Justin listens along to Ken talking about his project and work, some involving architectural design and what more. To be honest, Justin can't process those as it is a bit over his brain's capacity. He just enjoys the moment as it is the longest ever he heard Ken's talking, although it wasn't directly to him.

Their dinner is done, it is time for them to have some wine and Netflix like his mom requested. "I'll do the dishes first then enjoy you all later," he offers, thinking to escape any risky questions. "Can you make Ken his coffee? Since he is allergic to alcohol," Marie asks. Justin looks at Ken in disbelief, before getting the coffee machine prepared. "This might be different brand than you used, but I think it's fine considering your coffee is mostly sugar instead of coffee," he shrugs.

"No offence, but you being allergic to alcohol seems a bit messed up for me," Justin whispers, not wanting to let their parents hear. "It feels like a Devil is allergic to Hell, sorry for the comparison but it is because your red hair kind of suit everything and all," he grins apologetically. The black coffee fills the jug, which Justin transfers it into a cup. He pass the jar of sugar and a teaspoon to Ken. "So, you think you're an Angel?" Ken smirks while putting in 5 teaspoons of sugar into the coffee. Stirring, Ken stares at him with serious look. "I was joking, duh!" Justin rolls his eyes.

"Hey lovebirds, are you guys joining us or what?" Justin's mom shouts from the living room, startling both of them. Justin moves to the sink to do the dishes, leaving Ken to face the consequences.

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