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He glances at the clock, it is already the first hour of new day. He decided to call it a day and turns of the laptop, wondering if Justin still watching the movie. He heads out to the living room just to see the TV screen is playing some preview. He approaches the couch and there is Justin, lying on the couch falling asleep.

The continous dings lights up Justin's phone on the table makes him look over.

Eyes back on Justin, he crouches down silently to not wake him up

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Eyes back on Justin, he crouches down silently to not wake him up. He pushes away strands of hair from Justin's closed eyes. This is the calmest Justin that Ken encountered since this morning. He had put on frowns, glares and side eyes as his expression that he thinks that Justin grew hate on him.

Maybe he is.

"Jah," he whispers, playing with his brown hair. There is no response so he call his name again. "Jah." The model turns his body to the right, making their faces only inches away. He runs his eyes on Justin's perfect face. Clean flawless skin, thick eyebrows, pointy nose, and lips that always flashes his gummy smile. A perfect model face that Ken have to share to the world.

A small groan from Justin brings him back to his purpose of waking him up so he'll sleep comfortably on bed instead of the couch.

"Justin," he moves back a little to not surprise the younger guy later. He doesn't want to create more tension between them.

He watches in silence when Justin rubs his eyes off, before their eyes meet. "What is it?" Standing up, he answers. "You fell asleep here. I'm waking you up so you'll go to the bed."

Justin sits up from the lying position. "It's fine. I'm going to watch another movie. Don't mind me." He reaches for the remote with half closed eyes. A small yawn escaped his mouth which Ken gets the remote off his hand.

"I know you're avoiding me but I won't let you sleep on the couch. It's either you sleep on my bed or I'm joining you here." He adds, "Nothing in between," before Justin can reply.

He ignores the unsatisfied glare, crossing his arms while waiting for Justin to walk to the room. He turns off the TV after the brunette reaches for his phone and make his way to his room. He lets out a sigh when Justin covers his whole body with the blanket, stacking pillows between them.

• • • • •

It warms his heart to see that Justin is enjoying the day to the fullest. He is sure that the smile, laugh and joy are genuine although he did it for their moms, just like how he promised. He is new to know that Justin also can sings, judging by their two hours karaoke session.

They had brunch and some shopping before their moms requested to sing their heart out. Then, they made a stop at beach and had dinner.

Cherish the moments.

He reminds himself throughout the day, because everything will be different days forward.

"How is your new place?" he asks, watching Justin packs his luggage after the shower. The guy puts aside a set of clothes before answering his question. "It's comfortable and have good security. Nothing to worry about."

They both gets into the bed, ready to sleep after a tiring day. Ken closes his eyes but his mind can't. The thoughts about their future still lingering around, making him feels like he needs to clear everything out to Justin right now. He turns to his right, Justin's back is facing him.

There are only a pillow between them, unlike yesterday. He tries again to sleep, when he senses that Justin is uneasy. "Can't sleep?" he asks. There is no response but he knows he heard him. "Jah, turn over," he says, putting away the pillow between them. It takes few minute before the guy obeys, eyes still wide awake with furrowed eyebrows.

"Let me. Just for tonight," he says before reaching for the guy and pull him into in his arms. Justin doesn't react but Ken takes it as a good sign. "We are good, we are good," he whispers while patting down Justin's head, hoping it will ease both of them.

He feels Justin snakes his arm around his torso, face buries in his chest. "Will this change anything?" He mumbles. Justin's small no makes him smile, a hurtful one.

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