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Justin offers himself to help with gising-gising, while his mom and Ken's mom is working on sinigang na baboy for lunch later. Ken is upstairs after receiving a call, probably work related. He just smiles when Marie apologizing for Ken's workaholic behaviour, although he feels a little bit guilty to his mom. Maybe, he will have some talk with Ken later.

He focuses on chopping winged beans, while listening to their moms recalling their memories on highschool. Marie and his mom were friends back then, separated after graduated because Marie moved to Malaysia due to family issue. They reunited after a reunion held last year, deciding to strengthen their long-lost friendship by being in-laws.

It was a pretty quick planning and decision, as two months after the reunion, Ken and him get married. He accepted the marriage because he doesn't want to disappoint them, as he is the only hope for the reconnection of their parents. His brothers married with happy family, and he himself isn't in any relationship. As long as they all agreed that their marriage will be a privacy due to his career, he is fine with that.

Still, Justin doesn't know why Ken agreed on the marriage. They had their first meet few weeks before the wedding, and the next encounter was on their wedding day. They didn't involved in the wedding planning and all that much, as it was a private wedding so they barely communicated with each other, along with their own busy schedules.

They way Ken acts around him, is already a sign that the guy despised the marriage, or maybe doesn't like him too. That's why Justin tries his best to not annoy him that much, but still doing whatever he can to provide Ken as a husband or housemate. He does respect him, and ignoring the cold shoulders and silence has been his extra tallent nowadays.

"Sorry, I'll be out for a while. I'll try to be home in half an hour. There is an urgent call," Ken says, startling him. He looks over and saw Ken changed his shorts into black slacks. There is some anxious emotions on Ken's face that Justin believes he is trying to hide, but it is still visible for him. "Everything's okay? Should I tag along?" Justin asks out of concern.

"It's fine. I can manage. I'll be back." Justin watches as Ken rushes out the house. He prays that everything will be at ease for whatever is happening. He calms their worried moms, assuring them that Ken will informs him later, although he himself isn't sure about that.

• • • • •

Justin sits as the dining table, blankly scrolling down his phone. Ken skipped the lunch and dinner, leaving him a message 3 hours ago informing that he will be home by midnight instead of half an hour as promised this morning. His call rejected for few tries, before Justin decided to give him space while reminding Ken to text him so he have answers for their parents.

He is about to call Ken once the clock turns to 1.30 in the morning when he hears the sound of the car in the driveway. He looks over and saw Ken arrived, looking a bit messy than usual. He unlock the main door, welcoming Ken calmly although he wants to blurt out his worry knowing that the guy must been exhausted.

"Do you want to eat? I'll heat up the dish while you take a shower," he asks concernly. Ken freezes from his walk, staring at him with mixed emotions flashing in his eyes before murmuring. "No. Just warm milk, please." Justin surprised with the response, before deciding to prepare the request while Ken walks upstairs.

He cautiously bring the glass to his room, placing it on the night stand. He sensed Ken is behind him from the smell of the soap, so he turns over and he doesn't expect what comes next.

Ken reaches for his nape and pull him into a kiss, a deep kiss that he himself can't resist. There are some kind of sexual tension there, which Justin admits that he runs his fingers through Ken's wet hair while Ken hands grips his small back. The kiss had been long for minutes, before Ken abruptly breaks their lips.

Justin hates to know that there is some realization hit Ken, when the guy pushes him away while rubbing his forehead. "That wasn't supposed to happen. It was an accident and won't happen again."

"A 'sorry' won't hurt," Justin blurts of anger. Ken is back to himself, when he stares at him. "You enjoyed it, wasn't you?"

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