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The kiss on top of his head makes him look over from the tablet, his boyfriend is smiling sheepishly. "Sorry, love. I met my cousin after my schedule, that's why I was home late," Stell explains once he saw Pablo's pout.

"Have you eat?" Stell puts away his bag, joining Pablo on the couch. The older guy shakes his head, "I was waiting for you," he mumbles. "I'm sorry again, love. Let's order some food, okay?" Stell takes out his phone. They decided on pizza, cuddling while waiting for the delivery.

Pablo scrolls through his tablet in the warmth of Stell's hug. "Are you going to move out?" Stell frowns as he sees what Pablo is searching on the internet. "No. It's for Justin. They are getting divorce so Justin needs to look for somewhere to rent."

"But, Ken didn't mention about it to me?" Stell mumbles, making Pablo adverts his focus to the singer. "What do you mean by Ken? Do you perhaps, know Ken Suson? Justin's forced husband? Are we talking about the same Ken?"

Stell nods his head, "Didn't I tell you that Ken is my cousin? I think I did." Pablo escapes from the cuddle, glaring at furiously. "I won't be this surprised if I knew about it!" Stell reaches for Pablo's hands, as his partner is quite angry. "I'm sorry that I forgot to tell you. I guess, the cat is already out of bag," he tries to smile.

"Even if you knew about it earlier, what will you do?" Stell asks. The glare softens, which Stell takes the opportunity to bring back Pablo into his arms. "Are you okay? Does my relationship with Ken hurts you? But there is nothing I can do about it. He's my family," Stell rubs Pablo's back to calm him down.

"How much does you know about them? Did he told you about Jade?" Pablo asks curiously. "I knew about Jade, but that's all. Ken didn't tell me about the divorce, or Justin's plan to rent out."

"Tell me more," Pablo looks at Stell, which Stell cups his face. "No. I don't think it's my place to tell you about anything. Pau, I know you are protective over Justin. He is unlike the other talent you managed before. But still, there are nothing much you can do. You can help him, yes, but it is still his decision. Both Ken and Justin are adults. I believe they can handle their own problems. After all, I only know who Ken is but not Justin. It's the vice versa for you. We didn't live with them, we don't know what actually happened and what their feelings are. Let's hope the best for them, okay?" There are few seconds of silence, before Stell blurts out.

"Let's focus on us, instead. Why don't you move in with me and let Justin rent your place?"

• • • • •

Justin streches his limb after finishing the chores. He did the laundry, vacum and mopped the house once he arrived home this morning. He lost track of times yesterday after dropping off Josh at his apartment, that he decided to sleep there instead of driving home on midnight. After breakfast, he bids goodbye to Josh and turns the wheel.

He takes a shower to wash of sweat, dressing himself in simple outfit for lunch later when the rings bell. He rushes over thinking that Ken might forget the access card and need to get something that he dropped off. He is in shock when he unlocks the door and there is a women standing.

"Yes, po?" He asks politely, probably the women rang the wrong house. "Hi, I'm Jade! Ken's girlfriend," the women smiles.

Justin freezes for a second, before gaining himself back. "Oh, nice to meet you. But, Ken isn't home. He's at work," Justin informs. "No, I'm here for you. Can I come in?" Jade asks. Not wanting to become a bad host, he invites her inside. After all, she is Ken's lover.

There is nothing wrong, right?

"Do you want anything to drink?" He offers once Jade sits herself on the couch. "Coffee, please," she smiles.

She likes coffee too, just like Ken.

Once the coffee is done, he brings to the living room. "Thank you," she smiles. Justin mirrors the expression, sipping his tea while Jade drinks the black drink.

"I'm sorry if it is too sudden, but I think I need to make the first move," Jade says. "What do you mean?" Justin frowns curiously. "Once Ken told me that you are aware about our relationship, I decided to properly introduce myself to you. I just tried my luck today, but I guess God is at my side."

"We have been dating about a month before your wedding. Ken was reluctant to accept the marriage at first, but I guess no one wants to disappoint their parents. Ken told me that the marriage will be on paper only, and I don't have to worry regarding our relationship." Smile doesn't leave her face, which Justin feels like she is totally innocent in this whole thing.

"How long have you guys knew each other?" Justin asks. "About two years ago. I was working as a waiter and spilled coffee on him. It sounds cliché but that happened," she chuckles. "Since then, we started to develop feelings on each other."

"Does your parents knew about Ken and our marriage?" She shakes her head with a small smile, "They passed away when I was in college. I dropped the college and worked at the coffee shop to support myself financially." Justin mumbles a sorry for her loss.

Jade takes another sip of her coffee before continue the talk. "Ken is a good guy. Once, I admitted to the hospital due to car crash  and he rushed there although he was two hours away. He told me he was at your parents' house at that time."

Oh, that day.

"Yes, he was," Justin nods. "I'm sorry for that day." Justin flashes a smile, assuring her that it is fine. Jade looks at her watch, before excusing herself. "I'm sorry if I'm taking your time. It's nice to get to know you. I hope we can still be friends after this."

"I guess you knew already about our divorce plan," Justin mumbles. Jade looks at him with a smile before nodding. "It's okay. I've been waiting for him this long, it won't hurt to wait for a little more."

"I promise you, it won't be that long," Justin says.

"Thank you for understanding."

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